
Sewing Machine Dedicated Speed Reducer / Broj Okretaja Šivaće Mašine

eng.speed sewing machines;

Speed reduction (number of revolutions), ie the speed of the sewing machine can be regulated in several ways, in case of modifications and alterations, changing the engine from one machine to another, sometimes the machine speed is too high, which is difficult to control and for beginners creates large problems, of course, I’m “talking” about industrial sewing machines. 
Redukcija obrtaja (broj okretaja), odnosno, brzina šivaće mašine se može regulisati na nekoliko načina,
u slučaju modifikacija i prepravki, mijenjanja motora sa jedne mašine na drugu, ponekad dolazi do suviše velike brzine mašine, koja se teško kontroliše a kod početnika stvara velike probleme, naravno, "govorim" o industrijskim šivaćim mašinama.

Sewing Icon Files Free

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It's time for the fun part, the corner for machine moment ☺
over fifty icons to mark your files and archives related to sewing machines, tailoring and sewing, download rar file with icons files: note: rar file is 100% secure.!

Vrijeme je i za zabavni dio, kutak za Mašinski trenutak ☺
preko pedeset iconica za označavanje vaših failova i arhiva vezanih za šivaće mašine,krojenje i šivenje, rar datoteku sa icons failovima preuzeti:

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Juki DNU 241 Review / Juki Sewing Machine Review

It is a well-known Japanese brand "Juki", one of the world's largest manufacturers of sewing machines, there is no need to waste words on the quality of Japanese products, it is certain that Juki sewing machines also stand out here. The model is marked "DNU-241H", it is a machine with triple transport, I think it is no longer produced, which in my opinion is a pity, but the Japanese made it a successor (Juki DNU 1541), whether the "successor" is better or worse I do not know,
Radi se o poznatom japanskom brendu "Juki", jednom od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača šivaćih mašina, o kvaliteti japanskih proizvoda nema potrebe trošiti riječi, sigurno je, da se i tu ističu i Juki šivaći strojevi. Model je oznake"DNU-241H", radi se o mašini sa trostrukim transportom, mislim da se više ne proizvodi, što je po meni šteta ali Japanci su joj napravili nasljednika (Juki DNU 1541), da li je "nasljednik" bolji ili lošiji ne znam,