
Bernina User Manual pdf / Bernina Instruction Book pdf / Bernina Manual

Bernina instruction manual; Bernina sewing machine instruction manual; 
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Singer Shuttle Hook Service and Lubrication / Horizontalno Rotirajući Grajfer Singer

(eng.rotating Shuttle Hook sewing machine singer)

It is a rotating, horizontally placed upper thread hook in a larger group of Singer's sewing machine models. These are mostly machines from 1965-80. The shuttle hook is the same no matter what the shape of the work platform (flat or with a sleeve). We have already said many times that good maintenance of a sewing machine requires good maintenance. This example is just the opposite, it is a well "neglected" machine and the owner did not understand how his machine does not work well, it is difficult to start, the engine heats up a bit more..etc.
U pitanju je rotirajući, horizontalno postavljeni hvatač gornjeg konca (grajfer)u jedne veće skupine Singer-ovih modela šivaćih mašina. Uglavnom su to mašine od 1965-80 tih godina. Grajfer je isti nebitno koji je oblik radne platforme (ravna ili sa rukavnikom). Mnogo puta smo već rekli da je za kvalitetan rad šivaće mašine potrebno i dobro održavanje. Ovaj primjer je upravo suprotan, radi se o dobro "zapuštanoj" mašini a vlasniku nije bilo jasno kako to njegova mašina ne radi dobro, teško se pokreće, motor se nešto više grije..itd.

Hand Sewing Leather / Leather Sewing Tools / Ručno Šivenje Kože

Although hand-sewing leather dates back to the very distant past, it is still used today. Skin stitching could also be the first stitch in general in human history. Man has been using real natural leather since ancient times, first it was blankets and protection from the cold, and later, over the centuries, there is nothing that has not been made and sewn from leather.
Hand sewing of leather is still used today, but how and where.? In some nations it is a tradition and most of it has been suppressed by strong sewing machines. There are a lot of animal protection associations that are strictly against killing animals and thus making any leather items. Despite everything, leather is still in trend today.
Iako ručno šivenje kože seže u veoma daleku prošlost ono se i danas koristi. Šivenje kože bi moglo biti i prvo šivenje općenito u ljudskoj historiji. Čovjek je od davnina koristio pravu prirodnu kožu, prvo su to bili prekrivači i zaštita od hladnoće a kasnije, kroz vijekove nema šta se nije pravilo i šivalo od kože.
Ručno šivenje kože se i danas koristi,ali kako gdje.? U nekim narodima to je tradicija a većinu toga su potisnule jake šivaće mašine. Ima dosta udruženja za zaštitu životinja koji se strogo protive ubijanju životinjaa samim tim i izradu bilo kakvih predmeta od kože. Uprkos svemu koža je i danas u trendu.