
Coverstitch Sewing Machine / Iberdek Šivaće Mašine / Endlerica Iberdeck / Coverlock Machine

Coverstitch  sewing machines are changed by many with overlock, there are great similarities, but the main difference is that coverstitch  does not cut excess material. Unlike overlock, Coverstitch sewing machines carry up to three needles. Needles are removed and added as needed, Coverstitch  can work with one, two or three needles. To try to explain what an coverstitch  machine is: coverstitch sewing machines are mostly used for processing the edge of a garment, it is mainly used in...
Iberdek (iberdeck) šivaće mašine mnogi mijenjaju sa overlovkom, ima tu velike sličnosti ali osnovna razlika je što iberdek ne siječe višak materijala. Iberdek šivaće mašine za razliku od overlovke nose i do tri igle. Igle se po potrebi uklanjaju i dodaju, iberdek može raditi sa jednom, dvije ili tri igle.
Da pokušam objasniti šta je to iberdek mašina: iberdek šivaće mašine služe najviše za obradu ruba odjevnog predmeta, uglavnom se koristi pri...

Adler Klasse 20-2 / Durkopp Adler Heavy Duty Sewing Machine / Saddler Sewing Machine

It is a machine from the well-known manufacturer Adler, class 20-2, one of the strongest industrial sewing machines in general. It is intended for moderately difficult, difficult and the most difficult working conditions. Extremely large sewing machine in size and weight. First of all, its purpose is sewing thick leather as well as sewing strong leather bags, motorcycle equipment of all kinds, saddlebags, martial arts equipment (bags, protectors, focusers, mats) stitching leather with a strong sponge, for masters who repair equipment for horse-drawn, for stitching "tensioner" which tighten large loads on the truck,
Radi se o mašini poznatog  proizvodača Adler class 20-2, jedna od najjačih industrijskih šivaćih mašina uopšte. Namijenjena je za umjereno teške, teške i najteže uvjete rada. Gabaritom i masom izrazito velika mašina. Prije svega njena namjena je šivenje debele kože kao i šivanje jakih kožnih torbi, moto opreme svih vrsta, bisage, oprema za borilačke sportove (vreće, štitnici, fokuseri, strunjače) prošivanje-štepanje kože za jakom spužvom, za remenare, za majstore koji popravljaju opremu za konjsku vuču, za prošivanje "španera" kojima se stežu veliki tereti na kamionu..

Sewing Machine Husqvarna 6690 Viking Review / Husqvarna Viking 990 / Husqvarna Viking 980

The Husqvarna 6690 dates back to the 1980s and is one of the first models of Husqvarna sewing machines where much of the function is controlled by a microprocessor, a novelty at the time being the ability to connect letters. It is a multifunctional sewing machine with a lot of options when it comes to various types of stitches, from classic, decorative to stretch stitches. At first glance, it could be said that it is a complicated device, but it is not so, the handling is extremely simple.

Husqvarna 6690 Service Manual (service routine) pdf, 44 pages, English.

Husqvarna 6690 datira iz 1980-tih i jedna je od prvih modela Husqvarna šivaćih mašina gdje dobrim dijelom funkcija upravlja mikroprocesor, novost za to vrijeme je mogućnost veza slova. Radi se o multifunkcionalnoj šivaćoj mašini sa dosta opcija kada su u pitanju razne vrste štepova, od klasičnih,dekorativnih pa do streč štepova. Na prvi pogled bi se moglo reći da se radi o komplikovanom uređaju ali nije tako, rukovanje je krajnje jednostavno.