
Bag Sewing Machine / Bag Closer Machine / Mašina Za Šivenje Vreća

Sewing machines, closing bags, sacks, belong to the group of industrial sewing machines. There are two types of bag machines, these are portable and static. Portable bag sewing machines are therefore of the portable type, the worker holds it in his hand and sews the opening of the bag with some contents. Most often they are agricultural products, flour, chemicals of all kinds, seeds, fodder ... less often cement and construction products .... etc, the same goes for stable ones. Static bag closing machines are fixed to the carrier, usually above the moving conveyor belt, where the worker only guides the edge of the bag to the machine and the rest is automated with automatic thread cutting.
Mašine za šivenje, zatvaranje vreća, džakova, spadaju u grupu industrijskih šivaćih mašina. Postoje dvije vrse šivalica za vreće, to su portabl i statične. Portabl mašine za šivanje vreća su znači prenosivog tipa, radnik je drži u ruci i vrši zašivanje otvora vreće sa nekim sadržajem. Najčešće su to poljoprivredni proizvodi, brašno, hemikalije svih vrsta, sjemenke, stočna hrana...rjeđe cement i proizvodi za građevinarstvo....itd, isto važi i za stabilne. Statične mašine za zatvaranje vreća su fiksirane na nosač, najčešće iznad pokretne transportne trake, gdje radnik samo navodi rub vreće na mašinu a ostatak je automatizovan sa automatskim odsijecanjem konca.

Bernina Foot Pedal | Bernina Foot Control | Vintage Bernina Speed Regulator

The control pedal for Bernina sewing machines is a slightly older model of the pedal, but in terms of quality it lags behind the newer models, on the contrary, I think that these older ones are longer and more durable, so let's start in some order. On the desktop, in addition to the pedal, there is also a Bernina electric motor, the data on the plates are as follows: Bernina motor type 807/85 W, pedal: Bernina sewing machine speed regulator type 200, rated resistance 700 ohms. In our country, the usual name is "slipper", I am .....