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Her "majesty" irons, a not so favorite subject for many ladies :), there is also prejudice and truth.? This may date back to older times when irons were heavy, awkward, and inconvenient to handle. We will go back a little bit in history when it comes to ironing. The assumption is that the ancient Chinese, who knows when, first started using some kind of iron, they noticed that the heat corrects and irons the woven material. The museum specimen of the Chinese Iron is made of bronze and it was filled with embers. Much later, that iron will come to Europe, we all know that old iron that has a cover on the upper side and in which charcoal embers are placed. The big disadvantage of these irons was the smoke, the possibility of "spilling" fire and weight, today they are just a decorative and decorative object in all sorts of places. It is assumed that the first European irons were used in Italy, because in the Middle Ages part of today's Italy had a well-developed textile production.
Njeno "veličanstvo" pegla (glačalo), mnogim damama ne tako omiljen predmet :) ,ima tu i predrasuda i istine.? To možda potječe iz starijih vremena kada su pegle bile teške, nezgrapne i nezgodne za rukovanje. Malo će mo se vratiti u historiju kada je u pitanju pegla i peglanje. Predpostavka je da su stari Kinezi, još ko zna kada, prvi počeli koristiti neku vrstu pegle, oni su uočili da toplota ispravlja i glača tkani materijal. Muzejski primjerak kineske pegle je od bronze i ona je se punila žarom. Mnogo kasnije će ta pegla doći u Evropu, svi poznajemo onu starinsku gusanu pegu koja sa gornje strane ima pokopac i u koju se stavlja žar drvenog uglja. Veliki nedotatak tih pegli je bio dim, mogućnost "prosipanja" vatre i težina, danas su one samo ukarsni i dekorativni predmet na svakojakim mjestima. Pretpostavka je da su prve evropske pegle korištene u Italiji, jer je u srednjem vijeku dio današnje Italije imao dobro razvijenu proizvodnju tekstila.