
Singer 237 | Singer 257 | Singer 252 | Singer 247 | Singer 367 | Vintage Singer Lubrication Service

singer šivaća mašina

I was trying to find a date on the internet from when the Singer 257 dates, I couldn’t find it. I was interested primarily because of the shape of the thread hooks in this old sewing machine. It seems to me that he was an innovation at that time that would later be used on many home sewing machines. In my estimation, the singer 257 was made between 1955-60. At that time, it was highly rated when it comes to quality and design, sharp lines of the case with light tones give a nice look to this, today already antique from a sewing machine. What about this model of sewing machine? 

Pokušavao sam na internetu pronaći datum od kada datira Singer 257, nisam uspio pronaći. Zanimalo me je prvenstveno zbog oblika grajfera kod ove stare šivaće mašine. Čini mi se da je on za to doba bio inovacija koja će se kasnije koristiti na mnogim kućnim šivaćim mašinama. Po mojoj procjeni, singer 257 je izrađivan između 1955-60 godine. U to doba ona je visoko kotirala kada su u pitanju kvalitet i dizajn (prva slika), oštre linije kućišta sa svijetlim tonovima daju lijep izgled ovom, danas već antikvitetu od šivaće mašine. Šta reći o ovom modelu:?

Pfaff 1011 | Pfaff 1014 | Pfaff 1015 | Pfaff 1019 | Pfaff 1029 | Pfaff 1035 | Pfaff 1037 | Pfaff Lubrication And Service

Pfaff-Nähmaschine 1011,1014,1015,1019,1035,1037 Wartung und Schmierung; pfaff tipmatic 6112,

Lubrication of sewing machines is basically a job during their maintenance, here we are talking about classic mechanical home sewing machines, mechanical in the sense that only the drive of the machine is electric, everything else is pure mechanics. The topic of lubrication has been "dragged" on the site many times, basic maintenance has been "processed" for a long time, and you can read about it HERE. but, a lot of visitors are wondering what to do with machines that do not have access points for lubrication, are closed on all sides and even maybe, 
I don't know ...
Podmazivanje šivaćih mašina je osnovno posao prilikom njihovog održavanja, ovdje je riječ o klasičnim mehaničkim kućnim šivaćim mašinama, mehaničkim u smislu da je samo pogon mašine električni, ostalo je sve čista mehanika. Već mnogo puta na sajtu je se "provlačila" tema podmazivanje,osnovno održavanje je kao tema davno "obrađena" a o tome pročitajte OVDJE. ALI, dosta posjetilaca se pita šta da rade sa mašinama koje nemaju pristupna mjesta za podmazivanje,zatvorene su sa svih strana a čak i možda, ne znam...

Bernina Activa 140 | Bernina Activa 130 | Vintage Bernina


It is a well-known Swiss brand of premium sewing machines. The Swiss, we know, make the best watches in the world, when I tested this model, it turns out that they do not lag behind in the production of sewing machines, on the contrary! The exact name of the machine is "bernina activa 140", it is a machine with a combination of electronics and mechanics, and that is a special feature, since so far I have written mainly about classic mechanical sewing machines, with the exception of "bagat selectronic".
Radi se o poznatom Švicarkom brendu premium šivaćih mašina. Švajcarci, znamo, prave najbolje satove na svijetu, kada sam ovaj model testirao, ispostavit će se da ni u proizvodnji šivaćih mašina nimalo ne zaostaju, naprotiv.! Tačan naziv masine je "bernina activa 140", radi se o mašini sa kombinacijom elektronike i mehanike i to je posebnost pošto sam do sada pisao uglavnom o klasičnim mehaničkim šivaćim masinama, ako se izuzme "bagat selectronik".