eng. adler heavy duty sewing machine ;
Last time I wrote something about sewing natural leather (how to sew leather), the emphasis was on thick natural leather. It can be immediately concluded that a robust and strong machine is needed for sewing thick skin. This time I will write a "few words" about the Adler class 105 sewing machine.
So it is a model with a working surface in the form of a cylinder-tube (cylinder machine).
The advantage of such a shape of the work surface is that it is possible to sew quite inaccessible places, such as on parts of footwear, and the workpiece covers a smaller area and thus a smaller friction surface and lower slip resistance. The machine is multi-purpose and is mainly intended for sewing heavy leather items such as various types of bags, shoe parts, motorcycle equipment, holsters of all kinds, leather furniture, leather protective equipment, belts, ... etc.
Prednost tog oblika radne površine je u tome što se može šiti i prilično nepristupačna mjesta, kao recimo na dijelovima obuće a i komad koji se obrađuje zahvata manju površinu a samim tim manja je površina trenja i manji otpor klizanja. Mašina je višenamjenska i uglavnom je namijenjena za šivanje predmeta od teške kože kao što su razne vrste torbi, dijelovi obuće, oprema za motoriste, futrole svih vrsta, kožni namještaj, kožna zaštitna oprema, remenje, opasači...itd.Specifically with this model, I sewed a quadruple layer of strong leather, with a total thickness of 8 mm and maybe more :) The Adler classe 105 also has several types of material transport, mostly double transport, only the lower or so-called "roller foot" example from the picture. The rolling foot behaves excellently when sewing leather, its biggest advantage is excellent maneuvering with the sewing object. With longer straight stitches, it is not bad to place a "stop" next to which a sewn piece is passed to maintain the direction.
The machine is robust and strong, the gripper (thread catcher) is massive and the spool for winding the thread is also large due to longer winding, usually thicker thread, the drive pulley on the machine is also a flywheel that gives extra strength to the needle, the penetrating power of the needle is amazing . On this model of machine, all bearings are of the sliding type, on the inside of the sliding bearings are "channels" in the shape of an octagon by means of which the oil is finely distributed between the bearings and the sleeves, creating a good oil "film".
Mašina je robusna i snažna, grajfer (hvatač konca) je masivan a spulna za namotavanje konca je isto tako velika zbog dužeg namotavanja, obično debljeg konca, pogonska remenica na mašini je ujedno i zamajac koji daje dodatnu snagu ubodu igle, probojna moć igle je nevjerovatna. Na ovom modelu mašine su svi ležajevi kliznog tipa, sa unutrašnje strane kliznih lešaja su "kanali" u obliku osmice pomocu kojih se ulje fino raspoređuje izmedu ležaja i rukavaca, stvarajuci dobar uljni "film".Lubrication is simple and is performed at several access points marked in red. The needle is of the "328 S" type, some 130-180 thick, the bobbin case is part of the thread catcher and is only partially released by one lever to access the large spool. The grapple itself is of the oscillating type due to the lower speed of the machine. The work table has several variants and the most practical is the one where the first half of the table can be easily removed (lowered) or added (raised) if necessary. With this modification, the maximum step is up to 6 mm, which is quite enough. The speed of the machine is somewhat lower and this is achieved by a slower drive electric motor with a small pulley or a reduction with two V-belts. About two-belt reduction in one of the following topics. More details on how to sew real leather, read HERE
Podmazivanje je jednostavno i vrši se na nekoliko pristupnih tačaka označenih crvenom bojom. Igla je tipa "328 S" debljine od nekih 130-180, čunak je u sastavu hvatača konca-grajfera i samo se pomocu jedne polugice djelimično oslobađa za pristup velikoj špulni. Sam grajfer je oscilirajućeg tipa zbog manje brzine stroja.Radni stol ima više varijnti a najpraktičniji je onaj gdje se prva polovica stola može po potrebi jednostavno ukloniti (spustiti) ili dodati (podići). Kod ove modifikacije maximalan korak je do 6 mm, što je sasvim dovoljno Brzina rada mašine je nešto manja a to se postiže sporijim pogonskim elektro-motorom sa malom remenicom ili redukcijom sa dva klinasta remena. O redukciji pomoću dva remena u nekoj od sledećih tema. Još detalja o tom, kako se šije prava koža,pročitaj OVDE