
Privileg Sewing Machine / Privileg Nähmaschinen / Šivaća Mašina Privileg

The exact name of this model of sewing machine is: Privileg "super
nutzstich "(translated from German" super longitudinal stitch "). There are them on the market, they are not particularly special and expensive and are quite suitable for beginners in sewing. First I like the big wheel of changing the program, it is very easy to handle, on the upper edge of the machine is a table and you select the program by the given number.The machine has the ability to make holes for buttons and this is marked on the programmer's wheel with the letters "B-AC-D).

Tačan naziv ovog modela šivaće mašine je: Privileg "super
nutzstich" (prevod sa njemačkog "super uzdužni bod"). Na tržištu ih ima,nisu nešto naročito niti skupe i za početnike u šivenju su sasvim pogodne. Prvo mi se sviđa veliki točkić izmjene programa (programm selector), veoma je jednostavno rukovanje, na gornjem rubu stroja je tablica i po datom broju birate program. Mašina ima mogućnost izrade rupica za dugmad (rupice za gumb) a to je na kolu programatora označeno slovima "B-AC-D).

Post Bed Sewing Machine / Stubna Šivaća Mašina Stubovka

Post Bed Sewing machines belong to the group of industrial sewing machines, this form of machine does not exist in home portable portable machines
The name "pillar" came from the shape of its work surface, which is in the shape of a pillar, post bed machine. The post bed sewing machine is mainly used in the production of upper parts of footwear and various leather accessories. There are various variants, the differences can be, for example, in the height of the column part, the number of needles and hooks, the range of needles, the form of transport of materials ... etc.
Šivaće mašine stubovke (stubni šivaći stroj) spadaju u grupu industrijskih šivaćih mašina,taj oblik mašine ne postoji kod kućnih-portabl prenosivim smašina Naziv"stubna, stubovka"je proistekao iz oblika njene radne površine koji je u obliku stubića (stupa). Stupna šivaća mašina se uglavnom koristi u proizvodnji gornjih dijelova obuće i različite kožne galanterije. Ima ih raznih varijanti,razlike mogu biti recimo u visini stubnog dijela, broju igala i grajfera, raspon igala,oblik transporta materijala...itd.