
Embroidery Design / Embroidery Format / Programa Za Vez Mašine / Mašinski Vez

Embroidery Digitization;
In order for an image to be transferred to the embroidery machine, it must be in a specific format.? What is the embroidery program format? As we know, or at least you should know, "ordinary" photos in digital format carry the most common formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF ... etc, all these formats are completely useless for embroidery machines. The difference is that the embroidery formats contain the order of the embroidery machine operation, the way, the number and the type of stitches.
Da bi se neka slika prenijela na mašinu za vez ona mora biti u određenom formatu.? Šta je format programa za vez? Kao što znamo,ili bi bar trebali znati"obične"fotografije u digitalnom zapisu nose najčešće formate :JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF..itd ,svi ti formati su potpuno beskorisni za mašine za vez. Razlika je u tome što formati za vez u sebi sadrže redoslijed operacije vez mašine, način, broj i vrsta boda.

Rotor Kolektorskog Elektromotora / Viklovanje Rotora / Namotavanje Rotora Statora

eng.rotor electric motor commutator;electric motor armature winding / repair; armature winding machine ;

Većina kućnih šivaćih mašina pa i neke industrijske koriste elektromotore sa četkicama, zovu ih još i kolektorski elektromotori. Kolektroski elektromotori se koriste i kod svih ručnih elektro alata (bušilice,brusilice, glodalice-freze, ručni cirkulari, ubodne pile...itd). Kod kolektorskih elektromotora najčešći problemi i kvarovi se dešavaju na rotoru, rjeđe na statoru. Najosjetljviji dio,da tako kažem, je....

Fabric Cutter Machine / Electric Rotary Fabric Cutter / Fabric Cutting Machine / Električni Nož Krojenje Makaze

The basic tools for tailoring are scissors, they can be of various sizes, qualities and shapes. Scissors are mainly used for a small amount of tailoring, for home tailoring and in smaller workshops. In this post we will see how electrical tailoring devices can help us.
For a quality cut, a flat surface is necessary first, cutting tables can be of various shapes and sizes, as well as folding ones that are used in cramped spaces and small apartments.
Osnovni alat za krojenje su makaze, mogu biti raznih veličina, kvalitete i oblika. Makaze se uglavnom koriste pri manjem obimu krojenja, za kućni šnajderaj i u manjim radionicama. U ovom postu će mo vidjeti na koji način nam mogu pomoći električni uređaji za krojenje. Za kvalitetno krojenje prvo je neophodna ravna površina, stolovi za krojenje mogu biti raznih oblika i veličina, kao i sklopivi koji se koriste u skučenim prostorima i malim stanovima.

Šivaća Mašina Bagat Ruža | Ruza Bagat

Šivaći stroj Bagat ruža B,step,nova,selectronik...

Bagat kao brend šivaćih mašina ex Yu prostora će biti neizbježna tema još dugo godina, na sajtu je već dosta toga ispisano i kroz komentare opisano o gotovo svim modelima Bagat-a, ali moramo pokušati napraviti neki red, javljaju se pitanja i komentari vezani striktno za pojedine modele, stoga će mo u narednom periodu objaviti nekoliko kratkih postova koji će biti osnova za u buduće. Bagat ruža je jedan od najsavremenijih modela iz

Cylinder Bed Sewing Machine / Cylinder Arm Sewing Machine / Šivaća Mašina Cilindrica

Let's get this straight, why the "cylinder"? With a sewing machine cylinder, its working surface is in the shape of a cylinder (tube, tubular shape), that is as far as the name is concerned, but often it is not so. That cylinder part can also be of semicircular cross section or at least approximately semicircular.
A look at the pictures shows in fact what a machine cylinder is. In some home sewing machines, this part is called "sleeve", less often a cylinder, because the sewing machines themselves are in fact of the sleeve type and that part is much shorter. From the very beginning of the production of sewing machines, it was concluded that many sewing cannot be done only on a flat surface, cylinder machines go back to production soon after the invention of the sewing machine, they were mostly used in the past in the production and repair of footwear. Significantly changed and today's cylinder machines are used for sewing various items, from shirt parts to golf bags.
Odmah da razjaznimo, zašto "cilindrica".? Kod šivaće mašine cilindrice njena radna površina je u obliku cilindra (cijev,cjevasti oblik), to je što se tiče naziva,ali često to nije tako.Taj konzolni dio može biti i polukružnog poprečnog presjeka ili bar približno polukrugu. Pogledom na slike se vidi u stvari šta su to mašine cilindrice. Kod nekih kućnih šivaćih mašina taj dio se zove "rukavac,rukavnik", rjeđe cilindar, jer same te šivaće mašine su u stvari rukavnog tipa a taj dio je dosta kraći. Već od samih početaka proizvodnje šivaćih mašina se zaključilo, da se mnoga šivenja ne mogu vršiti samo na ravnoj površini, cilindrice sežu po proizvodnji ubrzo nakon izuma šivaće mašine,najviše su se u prošlosti koristile u proizvodnji i popravci obuće, sa godinama se to stanje znatno promijenilo i današnje cilindrične mašine služe za šivenje raznih predmeta, od dijelova košulje do torbi za golf.

Hydraulic Keather Cutting Machine | Štanca | Štancanje Kože Kartona

Tailoring of leather is done in several ways, one of them is with the help of hydraulic presses. The hydraulic press for leather is very present in the sewing industry, the usual name among the masters is "press" or "press for leather". Hydraulic press is characterized by simplicity in work, precision, relatively low energy consumption, high efficiency in work, quality use of materials ... the press is mostly used in the production of smaller leather parts, most often: footwear, various leather accessories, motorcycle equipment, leather bags, parts leather clothing, protective leather equipment, gloves, leather cases of all kinds, hunting and fishing equipment...etc.
Krojenje kože se vrši na nekoliko načina, jedan od njih je i pomuću hidraulične prese, štance. Hidraulična štanc presa za kožu je jako prisutna u šivaćoj industriji, ustaljeni naziv među majstorima je "štanca" ili "štanc preša za kožu". Štancu odlikuje jednostavnost u radu, preciznost, relativno mala potrošnja energije, velika efektivnost u radu, kvalitetno iskorištenje materijala...Štanca se ponajviše koristi pri izradi manjih kožnih dijelova, najčešće:obuće, raznovrsne kožne galanterije, moto opreme, kožnih torbi, dijelova kožne odjeće, zaštitne kožne opreme, rukavica, kožnih futrola svih vrsta, opreme za lov i ribolov....itd.

Šivenje Rajfešlusa / Prišivanje Patent Zatvarača / Kako Popraviti Rajfešlus Smiček

Uz"patent zatvarač "kod nas se koriste i riječi: "rajsferšlus ili rajfešlus", to potiče od njemačke riječi "Reißverschluss", često se koristi i termin "šlic", ja ću u ovom postu koristiti više tih naziva, pa uzmite ono što vam odgovara. :) Patent zatvarač (rajfešlus) je veoma rasprostranjen u "svijetu" šivenja i šivaćih mašina, ima ga na svim mogućim i nemogućim mjestima, toliko je rasprostranjeno da nema smisla ni početi nabrajati gdje se sve koristi.!

Bag Sewing Machine / Bag Closer Machine / Mašina Za Šivenje Vreća

Sewing machines, closing bags, sacks, belong to the group of industrial sewing machines. There are two types of bag machines, these are portable and static. Portable bag sewing machines are therefore of the portable type, the worker holds it in his hand and sews the opening of the bag with some contents. Most often they are agricultural products, flour, chemicals of all kinds, seeds, fodder ... less often cement and construction products .... etc, the same goes for stable ones. Static bag closing machines are fixed to the carrier, usually above the moving conveyor belt, where the worker only guides the edge of the bag to the machine and the rest is automated with automatic thread cutting.
Mašine za šivenje, zatvaranje vreća, džakova, spadaju u grupu industrijskih šivaćih mašina. Postoje dvije vrse šivalica za vreće, to su portabl i statične. Portabl mašine za šivanje vreća su znači prenosivog tipa, radnik je drži u ruci i vrši zašivanje otvora vreće sa nekim sadržajem. Najčešće su to poljoprivredni proizvodi, brašno, hemikalije svih vrsta, sjemenke, stočna hrana...rjeđe cement i proizvodi za građevinarstvo....itd, isto važi i za stabilne. Statične mašine za zatvaranje vreća su fiksirane na nosač, najčešće iznad pokretne transportne trake, gdje radnik samo navodi rub vreće na mašinu a ostatak je automatizovan sa automatskim odsijecanjem konca.

Bernina Foot Pedal | Bernina Foot Control | Vintage Bernina Speed Regulator

The control pedal for Bernina sewing machines is a slightly older model of the pedal, but in terms of quality it lags behind the newer models, on the contrary, I think that these older ones are longer and more durable, so let's start in some order. On the desktop, in addition to the pedal, there is also a Bernina electric motor, the data on the plates are as follows: Bernina motor type 807/85 W, pedal: Bernina sewing machine speed regulator type 200, rated resistance 700 ohms. In our country, the usual name is "slipper", I am .....

Coverstitch Sewing Machine / Iberdek Šivaće Mašine / Endlerica Iberdeck / Coverlock Machine

Coverstitch  sewing machines are changed by many with overlock, there are great similarities, but the main difference is that coverstitch  does not cut excess material. Unlike overlock, Coverstitch sewing machines carry up to three needles. Needles are removed and added as needed, Coverstitch  can work with one, two or three needles. To try to explain what an coverstitch  machine is: coverstitch sewing machines are mostly used for processing the edge of a garment, it is mainly used in...
Iberdek (iberdeck) šivaće mašine mnogi mijenjaju sa overlovkom, ima tu velike sličnosti ali osnovna razlika je što iberdek ne siječe višak materijala. Iberdek šivaće mašine za razliku od overlovke nose i do tri igle. Igle se po potrebi uklanjaju i dodaju, iberdek može raditi sa jednom, dvije ili tri igle.
Da pokušam objasniti šta je to iberdek mašina: iberdek šivaće mašine služe najviše za obradu ruba odjevnog predmeta, uglavnom se koristi pri...

Adler Klasse 20-2 / Durkopp Adler Heavy Duty Sewing Machine / Saddler Sewing Machine

It is a machine from the well-known manufacturer Adler, class 20-2, one of the strongest industrial sewing machines in general. It is intended for moderately difficult, difficult and the most difficult working conditions. Extremely large sewing machine in size and weight. First of all, its purpose is sewing thick leather as well as sewing strong leather bags, motorcycle equipment of all kinds, saddlebags, martial arts equipment (bags, protectors, focusers, mats) stitching leather with a strong sponge, for masters who repair equipment for horse-drawn, for stitching "tensioner" which tighten large loads on the truck,
Radi se o mašini poznatog  proizvodača Adler class 20-2, jedna od najjačih industrijskih šivaćih mašina uopšte. Namijenjena je za umjereno teške, teške i najteže uvjete rada. Gabaritom i masom izrazito velika mašina. Prije svega njena namjena je šivenje debele kože kao i šivanje jakih kožnih torbi, moto opreme svih vrsta, bisage, oprema za borilačke sportove (vreće, štitnici, fokuseri, strunjače) prošivanje-štepanje kože za jakom spužvom, za remenare, za majstore koji popravljaju opremu za konjsku vuču, za prošivanje "španera" kojima se stežu veliki tereti na kamionu..

Sewing Machine Husqvarna 6690 Viking Review / Husqvarna Viking 990 / Husqvarna Viking 980

The Husqvarna 6690 dates back to the 1980s and is one of the first models of Husqvarna sewing machines where much of the function is controlled by a microprocessor, a novelty at the time being the ability to connect letters. It is a multifunctional sewing machine with a lot of options when it comes to various types of stitches, from classic, decorative to stretch stitches. At first glance, it could be said that it is a complicated device, but it is not so, the handling is extremely simple.

Husqvarna 6690 Service Manual (service routine) pdf, 44 pages, English.

Husqvarna 6690 datira iz 1980-tih i jedna je od prvih modela Husqvarna šivaćih mašina gdje dobrim dijelom funkcija upravlja mikroprocesor, novost za to vrijeme je mogućnost veza slova. Radi se o multifunkcionalnoj šivaćoj mašini sa dosta opcija kada su u pitanju razne vrste štepova, od klasičnih,dekorativnih pa do streč štepova. Na prvi pogled bi se moglo reći da se radi o komplikovanom uređaju ali nije tako, rukovanje je krajnje jednostavno.

Bernina User Manual pdf / Bernina Instruction Book pdf / Bernina Manual

Bernina instruction manual; Bernina sewing machine instruction manual; 
All instructions are in English (unless otherwise stated), PDF / download 100% safe: BERNINA vintage user manual download: 
Unfortunately, downloading Bernina's user manuals is no longer free, due to the financial burden of maintaining the site, we had to determine the minimum selling price, for more details click on download. Thank you for understanding. 
Note: To get a better view of this page, use your phone in a horizontal position or a browser with a larger screen, tablet, laptop or desktop.

Singer Shuttle Hook Service and Lubrication / Horizontalno Rotirajući Grajfer Singer

(eng.rotating Shuttle Hook sewing machine singer)

It is a rotating, horizontally placed upper thread hook in a larger group of Singer's sewing machine models. These are mostly machines from 1965-80. The shuttle hook is the same no matter what the shape of the work platform (flat or with a sleeve). We have already said many times that good maintenance of a sewing machine requires good maintenance. This example is just the opposite, it is a well "neglected" machine and the owner did not understand how his machine does not work well, it is difficult to start, the engine heats up a bit more..etc.
U pitanju je rotirajući, horizontalno postavljeni hvatač gornjeg konca (grajfer)u jedne veće skupine Singer-ovih modela šivaćih mašina. Uglavnom su to mašine od 1965-80 tih godina. Grajfer je isti nebitno koji je oblik radne platforme (ravna ili sa rukavnikom). Mnogo puta smo već rekli da je za kvalitetan rad šivaće mašine potrebno i dobro održavanje. Ovaj primjer je upravo suprotan, radi se o dobro "zapuštanoj" mašini a vlasniku nije bilo jasno kako to njegova mašina ne radi dobro, teško se pokreće, motor se nešto više grije..itd.

Hand Sewing Leather / Leather Sewing Tools / Ručno Šivenje Kože

Although hand-sewing leather dates back to the very distant past, it is still used today. Skin stitching could also be the first stitch in general in human history. Man has been using real natural leather since ancient times, first it was blankets and protection from the cold, and later, over the centuries, there is nothing that has not been made and sewn from leather.
Hand sewing of leather is still used today, but how and where.? In some nations it is a tradition and most of it has been suppressed by strong sewing machines. There are a lot of animal protection associations that are strictly against killing animals and thus making any leather items. Despite everything, leather is still in trend today.
Iako ručno šivenje kože seže u veoma daleku prošlost ono se i danas koristi. Šivenje kože bi moglo biti i prvo šivenje općenito u ljudskoj historiji. Čovjek je od davnina koristio pravu prirodnu kožu, prvo su to bili prekrivači i zaštita od hladnoće a kasnije, kroz vijekove nema šta se nije pravilo i šivalo od kože.
Ručno šivenje kože se i danas koristi,ali kako gdje.? U nekim narodima to je tradicija a većinu toga su potisnule jake šivaće mašine. Ima dosta udruženja za zaštitu životinja koji se strogo protive ubijanju životinjaa samim tim i izradu bilo kakvih predmeta od kože. Uprkos svemu koža je i danas u trendu.

Patchwork And Quilting / Patchwork Tiles / Patchwork / Pačvork

I heard about "patchwork" a few years ago, "Masinski Kutak" will certainly occasionally go to topics directly related to sewing and tailoring, for now we have no intention of writing about making clothing, but patchwork has imposed itself as an inevitable topic. So what exactly is patchwork and how is it done at all ?? To explain this I have to go back a little to the past, a long time ago, in the past there was not much choice of materials for tailoring and sewing, the advent of sewing machines and the mass production of clothing is more and more...
Za "pačvork" sam čuo još prije nekoliko godina, Masinski Kutak će svakako povremeno ići i na teme koje su direktno vezane za šivenje i krojenje, za sada nemamo namjeru pisati o izradi odjevnih predmeta ali pačvork je se nametnuo kao neizbježna tema. Pa šta je to u stvari pačvork i kako se uopšte radi ?? Da bi to objasnio moram se malo vratiti u prošlost, nekada davno, u prošlosti nije bilo puno izbora materijala za krojenje i šivenje, pojavom šivaćih mašina i masovnijom izradom odjevnih predmeta sve je više

Sewing Machine Husqvarna 6020 / Husqvarna 2000 / Husqvarna 6440 / Symaskin Husqvarna

Husqvarna 6020 belongs to the group of sewing machines serie 6000 with the prefix "husqvarna colormatic". Colormatic means that all programs are set based on the colors on the programmer and on additional templates. Template disks are marked with capital letters A, B, C, D, etc. No template is required for the basic straight stitch and zigzag, but it is still recommended to keep any template in the machine for safety, it is possible to move the programmer and in the worst case needle plate. Apart from shooting the needle, there should be no special consequences for the machine.
Husqvarna 6020 pripada grupi šivaćih mašina serie 6000 sa prefiksom"husqvarna colormatic". Colormatic znači da se svi programi postavljaju na osnovu boja na programatoru i na dodatnim šablonima. Šabloni su označeni velikim slovima A, B, C, D itd. Za osnovni ravni bod i cik/cak nije potreban nikakav šablon ali se ipak preporučuje držati bilo koji šablon u mašini radi sigurnosti,moguće je pomicanje programatora i u najgorem slučaju udarac igle u ubodnu pločicu. Osim pucanja igle nekih posebnih posljedica po mašinu ne bi trebalo biti.

Stara Bagat Elektro Papučica / Bagat Jadranka Papučica / Bagat Jadranka

Ovo je stara bagat-ova papučica, to je još iz vremena prvih električnih modela tipa "jadranka", koja bi to godina bila nemam pojma ali predpostavljam oko 1970-te. Zanimljivo je da ih i danas ima u upotrebi, što znači da su izdržljive i kvalitetne. Onako na izgled kvadratnog oblika, po meni nedostatak je veličina tastera na koji se djeluje nogom, suviše je male površine.
Konkretan primjerak (1) je bio u kvaru, potpuni prekid prolaska napona kroz nju.

Types and Selection of Sewing Machines / Vrste i Izbor Kućnih Šivaćih Mašina

When buying a new sewing machine, the question is often asked which model to choose, what kind of operations it should have, when choosing sewing machines, the amount of budget that we can allocate has a great influence. So let's see which and what types of sewing machines there are, with attached pictures and a brief description of certain types of sewing machines: classic mechanical sewing machine, these are machines that have no electricity connection at all, some mechanical machines have an electrical connection only for lighting.
Pri kupovini nove šivaće mašine često se postavlja pitanje koji model izabrati, kakve bi sve operacije trebao imati, pri izboru šivaćeh mašina (strojeva) veliki uticaj ima i količina budžeta koji možemo izdvojiti. Pa da vidimo kojih to i kakvih sve vrsta šivaćih mašina ima, uz priložene slike i kratak opis o pojedinim vrstama šivaćih mašina: klasična mehanička šivaća mašina, to su mašine koje uopšte nemaju priključak na struju, neke mehaničke mašine imaju elektro priključak samo za osvjetljenje.

Sewing Machine Bernina 930 Record | Bernina 931 | Bernina 932 | Bernina 933

The full name of the machine is: Bernina record 930 electronic. The prefix "electronic" itself says that this model of bernine also has a certain electronic component. It is a servo amplifier for an electric motor, something like a rich rose, only much more modern. The electronic circuit is connected to the automatic positioning of the needle, there is also a slow and fast mode of operation and several LEDs as indicators of the position of the programmer. The machine is of the sleeve type as usual, with an additional flat platform. 
Puni naziv mašine je: Bernina record 930 electronic. Sam prefix "electronic" kazuje da ovaj model bernine posjeduje i određenu elektroničku komplonentu. Radi se o servo pojačivaču za elektro motor, nešto kao kod bagatove ruže samo dosta savremenije. Uz elektronički sklop je vezano i automatsko pozicioniranje igle,još je tu spori i brzi mod rada i nekoliko led dioda kao indikatori pozicije programatora. Mašina je rukavnog tipa kao i obično, uz dodatnu ravnu platformu.

Sewing Machine Servo Motor / Servo Motor Šivaće Mašine

Servo motor sewing machine:
The servo motor has several advantages over the classic clutch motor, first of all, the servo motor works when needed, while we are not acting on the pedal, the motor is completely switched off. Electricity savings are significant. Dosing speed is much better and simpler, regulation is done using a potentiometer located on the motor or a special electronic box. I will try to simply explain what a servo motor on industrial sewing machines really is.?
Servo motor u odnosu na klasični motor sa kvačilom ima nekoliko prednosti, prije svega,servo motor radi onda kada je potrebno, dok ne djelujemo na papučicu motor je potpuno isključen. Ušteda električne energije je znatna. Doziranje brzine je puno bolje i jednostavnije, regulacija se vrši pomoću potenciometra koji se nalazi na motoru ili posebnoj elektroničkoj kutiji. Pokušat ću jednostavno objasniti šta je u stvari servo motor na industrijskim šivaćim mašinama.?

Sewing Machine Victoria | Victoria Sivaće Mašine | Nähmaschinen Victoria

Sewing machines are an inexhaustible topic, I didn't even know myself until I started editing this page, it's even more interesting that so far I haven't written anything about Victoria sewing machines, except in a few places in response to questions. The "victoria" brand itself is quite represented on the home sewing machine market, there are a lot of them, names, series, classes and more. These newer ones, more or less have similar characteristics, but, victoria is quite unknown when it comes to its origin.?
Šivaće mašine su neiscrpna tema, nisam ni sam znao dok nisam počeo uređivati ovu stranicu, još zanimljivije je kako do sada nisam, osim na par mjesta u odgovoru na pitanja, ništa pisao o šivaćim mašinama Victoria. Sam brend "victoria"je dosta zastupljen na tržištu kućnih šivaćih mašina, puno ih ima, naziva, serija, klasa i još koječega.Ove novije, manje više su sličnih karakteristika, ali,victoria je dosta i nepoznata kada je u pitanju njeno porijeklo.?

Foot Speed Control Sewing Machine Singer CR303 | Commande Au Pied Singer CR303

Singer as a company had and still has its plants in several countries around the world. Some parts were made separately in different places and the final product was assembled, for example in Italy (singer made in italy). Today's theme is the singer starter slipper made in France (Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) and the machine model is Singer 252. This type of pedal control can certainly be found on many Singer models. The case of the foot control is made of bakelite...
Singer kao kompanija je imala a i danas ima svoje pogone u nekoliko država svijeta. Pojedini dijelovi su se posebno radili na različitim mjestima a završni proizvod je sklapan, recimo u Italiji (singer made in italy). Današnja tema je singer startna papuča proizvedena u Francuskoj (eng.Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) a model mašine je Singer 252. Ovaj tip papučice se sigurno može sresti na mnogim Singer modelima. Kućište papuče je izrađeno od bakelita...

Ideal Topstar 796 / Ideal Topstar Super Automatik / Ideal Topstar Nähmaschine / Brother Pacesetter

This is a presentation of a very interesting model of a sewing machine. It is a German model of the Ideal topstar Superautomatik 796 machine. There are some models with a slightly smaller number of programs that are also called "Privilege". At first glance, it was glittery and shiny. The machine is made of metal, the outer casing is made of aluminum alloy so that possible oxidation on the damaged varnish is impossible. It is an electro-mechanical machine without any electronic accessories.
Ovo je predstavljanje jednog dosta zanimljivog modela šivaće mašine. Radi se njemačkom modelu mašine Ideal topstar Superautomatik 796. Ima pojedinih modela sa nešto manjim brojem programa koje nose još i naziv "Privileg". Prvi pogled je blještavilo i sjajan lak. Mašina je kompletna od metala, vanjsko kućište je od aluminijumske legure tako da je eventualna oxidacija na oštećenom laku nemoguća. Radi se o elektro mehaničkoj mašini bez ikakvih elektroničkih dodataka.

Bernina Sewing Machine | Bernina History

sivace masine bernina ;bernina sewing machine;
Bernina Holding AG is the parent company of Fritz Gegauf AG, one of the world's five largest manufacturers of sewing machines based in Steckborn-Switzerland. The company has gained a reputation as a top-of-the-line (line top, line top) sewing machines under the Bernina brand. Bernina has "daughter" companies with distribution in the United States, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
In addition, a global network of close to 70 independent distributors brings Bernina machines to locations across South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. In total, the company sells about 100,000 sewing and embroidery machines, additional sewing accessories as well as software. Bernina prides itself on machines that are known for durability and precision, and market share is particularly strong in the high-end sector (top models), with versatile, technologically advanced machines that typically cost more than double the average sewing machine. 

Bernina Holding AG je matična firma Fritz Gegauf AG, jedan je od pet najvećih svjetskih proizvođača šivaćih masina sa sjedištem u Steckborn-Švajcarska. Firma je dobila reputaciju top-of-the-line (linijski vrh,vrh linija) šivaćih mašina pod Bernina markom. Bernina ima firme "kćerke" sa distribucijom u Sjedinjenim Americkim Državama, zapadnoj Europi, Skandinaviji, Aziji, Australiji i Novom Zeland-u.
Osim toga, globalna mreža blizu 70 nezavisnih distributera donosi Bernina mašine na lokacijama diljem Južne Amerike, istočne Evrope,jugoistocne Azije i Bliskog istoka. Sve u svemu, firma prodaje oko 100.000 mašina za šivanje i vez, dodatni pribor za šivenje kao i softver. Bernina se ponosi sa mašinama koji su poznati po izdržljivosti i preciznosti, a tržišni udio je posebno jak u high-end sektoru (vrhunski modeli), sa svestranim, tehnološki naprednih strojeva koji se obično koštaju više nego dvostruko od prosječne šivaće mašine.

Sewing Machine Pfaff 145 | Pfaff 146 | Pfaff 544 | Pfaff 545 | Nähmaschine Pfaff

The Pfaff Class 145 is an industrial multi-purpose sewing machine with triple transport. I "touched" this model in another older text which describes the detailed disassembly of the shuttle hook on the Pfaff 145, read about it HERE. It is multi-purpose because with the change of presser feet, you can do, for example, precise sewing of piping welt (piping foot) in all types of upholstery, when upholstering car seats, etc., you can add a binder atachments  and perform all possible binding..etc.
Pfaff klase 145 je industrijska višenamjenska šivaća mašina sa trostrukim transportom. Ovog modela sam se "dotakao" još u jednom starijem tekstu u kojemu je opisano detalno rastavljenje grajfera na 145-ci, o tome pročitajte OVDJE. Višenamjenska je zato što se uz promjenu stopica može raditi, recimo, precizno prišivanje "kedera" kod svih vrsta tapetarskih poslova, pri tapaciranju auto sjedišta i sl, može se dodati kompletan paspul aparat i vršiti sva moguća paspuliranja..itd.

Bernina 830 Record Sewing Machine | Bernina 831 Vintage Bernina

Right at the beginning, for those who don't know, Bernina sewing machines are a well-known Swiss brand of sewing machines (Bernina swiss made); when I say "*******" it would mean the vernacular "******" in the world of sewing machines. Why is it like that,? Here's today's example is the Bernina 830 record, what "adorns" this model to be different from the others. Each Bernina machine is "adorned" with material quality, durability, ease of handling, ergonomics and design in general.
Odmah na početku da kažem, za one koji ne znaju, Bernina šivaće mašine su poznati švicarski brend šivaćih mašina (Bernina swiss made); kad kažem "*******" to bi značilo narodnim jezikom "******" u svijetu šivaćih mašina. Zašto je to tako,? evo današnji primjer je Bernina 830 record, šta "krasi" ovaj model da bi bio drugačiji od ostalih.? Svaku Bernina masinu "krasi" kvalitet materijala, dugotrajnost, jednostavnost rukovanja, ergonomija i općenito dizajn.

Foot Powered Sewing Machine / Šivaće Mašine Na Nožni Pogon

Many people think that foot-operated sewing machines are already obsolete, I would not agree with that, there are a lot of quality, classic, mechanical sewing machines around the world that are still used today, and they are powered by human legs. There are many reasons for this, certainly most of the models are Singer-type foot drives. Singer has long used foot drive as a base, in the old days electricity was not everywhere, it is not there even today in the 21st century.
Mnogi misle da su šivaće mašine na nožni pogon već prevaziđene, ja se ne bih složio sa tim, puno je diljem svijeta kvalitetnih, klasičnih, mehaničkih šivaćih masina koji se i danas koriste a pogon im je snagom ljudskih nogu. Razloga za to je puno, sigurno da je najviše modela na nožni pogon tipa Singer. Singer je dugo vremena koristio nožni pogon kao osnovni, u davnim godinama struje nije bilo svugdje, nema je niti danas u 21 vijeku.

Cam Stitch Discs / Stitch Disc Pattern / Šabloni Diskovi Za Dekorativni Štep

Nähmaschine Stich Scheibe,

On many older machines, there is a small lid on the top, people open it, look inside what is there :), they don't see anything special and just close it, they mostly don't know what it is for and what is placed under that lid. About that cover and what is placed under the cover will be the topic of this post...
Na mnogim starijim mašinama sa gornje strane se nalazi mali poklopac,ljudi ga otvore,pogledaju unutra šta ima :), ne vide ništa posebno i samo zatvore, uglavnom ne znaju čemu služi i šta se ispod tog poklopcica postavlja. O tom poklopcu i onome što se postavlja ispod poklopca će biti tema ovog post-a

Singer 237 | Singer 257 | Singer 252 | Singer 247 | Singer 367 | Vintage Singer Lubrication Service

singer šivaća mašina

I was trying to find a date on the internet from when the Singer 257 dates, I couldn’t find it. I was interested primarily because of the shape of the thread hooks in this old sewing machine. It seems to me that he was an innovation at that time that would later be used on many home sewing machines. In my estimation, the singer 257 was made between 1955-60. At that time, it was highly rated when it comes to quality and design, sharp lines of the case with light tones give a nice look to this, today already antique from a sewing machine. What about this model of sewing machine? 

Pokušavao sam na internetu pronaći datum od kada datira Singer 257, nisam uspio pronaći. Zanimalo me je prvenstveno zbog oblika grajfera kod ove stare šivaće mašine. Čini mi se da je on za to doba bio inovacija koja će se kasnije koristiti na mnogim kućnim šivaćim mašinama. Po mojoj procjeni, singer 257 je izrađivan između 1955-60 godine. U to doba ona je visoko kotirala kada su u pitanju kvalitet i dizajn (prva slika), oštre linije kućišta sa svijetlim tonovima daju lijep izgled ovom, danas već antikvitetu od šivaće mašine. Šta reći o ovom modelu:?

Pfaff 1011 | Pfaff 1014 | Pfaff 1015 | Pfaff 1019 | Pfaff 1029 | Pfaff 1035 | Pfaff 1037 | Pfaff Lubrication And Service

Pfaff-Nähmaschine 1011,1014,1015,1019,1035,1037 Wartung und Schmierung; pfaff tipmatic 6112,

Lubrication of sewing machines is basically a job during their maintenance, here we are talking about classic mechanical home sewing machines, mechanical in the sense that only the drive of the machine is electric, everything else is pure mechanics. The topic of lubrication has been "dragged" on the site many times, basic maintenance has been "processed" for a long time, and you can read about it HERE. but, a lot of visitors are wondering what to do with machines that do not have access points for lubrication, are closed on all sides and even maybe, 
I don't know ...
Podmazivanje šivaćih mašina je osnovno posao prilikom njihovog održavanja, ovdje je riječ o klasičnim mehaničkim kućnim šivaćim mašinama, mehaničkim u smislu da je samo pogon mašine električni, ostalo je sve čista mehanika. Već mnogo puta na sajtu je se "provlačila" tema podmazivanje,osnovno održavanje je kao tema davno "obrađena" a o tome pročitajte OVDJE. ALI, dosta posjetilaca se pita šta da rade sa mašinama koje nemaju pristupna mjesta za podmazivanje,zatvorene su sa svih strana a čak i možda, ne znam...

Bernina Activa 140 | Bernina Activa 130 | Vintage Bernina


It is a well-known Swiss brand of premium sewing machines. The Swiss, we know, make the best watches in the world, when I tested this model, it turns out that they do not lag behind in the production of sewing machines, on the contrary! The exact name of the machine is "bernina activa 140", it is a machine with a combination of electronics and mechanics, and that is a special feature, since so far I have written mainly about classic mechanical sewing machines, with the exception of "bagat selectronic".
Radi se o poznatom Švicarkom brendu premium šivaćih mašina. Švajcarci, znamo, prave najbolje satove na svijetu, kada sam ovaj model testirao, ispostavit će se da ni u proizvodnji šivaćih mašina nimalo ne zaostaju, naprotiv.! Tačan naziv masine je "bernina activa 140", radi se o mašini sa kombinacijom elektronike i mehanike i to je posebnost pošto sam do sada pisao uglavnom o klasičnim mehaničkim šivaćim masinama, ako se izuzme "bagat selectronik".