For a long time now, there have been quite a number of issues related to the age and value of old Singer sewing machines. The year and place of production can be determined quite accurately based on the singer's serial number. The serial number on Singer sewing machines can be in three forms: without a letter prefix (number only), one letter and number, two letter marks and a number.
Therefore, based on the serial number, it is possible to determine the year and place of production, class (model), number of produced copies as well as the purpose of the sewing machine. The serial number without the letter mark was used in the first 50 years of production, from 1850 to 1900, after 1900 Singer expanded its production capacities in several countries of the world, in which country the machine was manufactured. machine number.
It is impossible to provide all the data, but through the questions we will add relevant data related to the given serial number. I note that we do not evaluate the value of sewing machines, but I can say that the value of old Singer sewing machines in our area (Southeast Europe) is very small, in the world there are small series of old singers that are extra well preserved, such machines are real rarity.
Singer serial numbers without letter mark:
Dakle, na osnovu serijskog broja moguće je utvrditi godinu i mjesto proizvodnje, klasu (model), broj proizvedenih primjeraka kao i namjenu šivaće mašine. Serijski broj bez slovne oznake se koristio u prvih 50-tak godina proizvodnje, od 1850 do 1900-te godine, poslije 1900-te godine Singer širi svoje proizvodne kapacitete u nekoliko država svijeta, u kojoj državi je mašina proizvedena saznajemo na osnovu slovnih oznaka serijskog broja mašine.
Sve podatke je nemoguće navesti ali kroz pitanja će mo dodavati relevantne podatke vezane za dati serijski broj. Napominjem da procjenu vrijednosti šivaćih mašina ne radimo ali mogu reći da je vrijednost starih Singer šivaćih mašina na našim prostorima veoma mala, u svjetskim okvirima na cijeni su male serije starih singerica koje su extra dobro očuvene, takve mašine su kod nas prava rijetkost. Singer serijski brojevi bez slovne oznake: