U jednoj od starijih tema je bilo riječi o općenitom udijevanju, neki "grubi" princip koji se može primijeniti na mnoge modele šivacih strojeva,o tome pročitaj OVDJE...Kako se postavlja-udijeva konac u bagat ?
Bagat Mašina Pravilno Postavljenje Udijevanje Konca
U jednoj od starijih tema je bilo riječi o općenitom udijevanju, neki "grubi" princip koji se može primijeniti na mnoge modele šivacih strojeva,o tome pročitaj OVDJE...Kako se postavlja-udijeva konac u bagat ?
Elna Sewing Machine | Elna Šivaće Mašine | Elna Swiss
I recently wrote something about the famous brand for Singer type sewing machines, today we will talk about the Swiss manufacturer of sewing machines, Elna is a trademark of the Swiss company for the production of sewing machines, "Elna" (hereinafter Elna without quotes) has always symbolized quality, innovation and comfort (elna sewing machine)
Today, Elna continues to build the company, with these three elements as the foundation of its business. Elna is a growing company that brings quality to customers and which increases its distribution network every day. Elna is active in more than 60 countries, all over the world. Elna has a strong faith in making her products, which makes sewing fun, and for sewing to be fun, the machines must be: easy to use, versatile and modern. Elna has gained a significant place in the sewing industry, as a result of numerous revolutionary innovations. its metal boxes form a sewing table.
Sewing Machine Adler Class 105 / Vintage Durkopp Adler
eng. adler heavy duty sewing machine ;
Last time I wrote something about sewing natural leather (how to sew leather), the emphasis was on thick natural leather. It can be immediately concluded that a robust and strong machine is needed for sewing thick skin. This time I will write a "few words" about the Adler class 105 sewing machine.
So it is a model with a working surface in the form of a cylinder-tube (cylinder machine).
Upper Thread Tensioner Proper Function / Zateznik Gornjeg Konca Pravilna Funkcija
It is a standard upper thread tensioner for industrial sewing machines (large tensioner, upper tensioner), although it is almost identical on home sewing machines, with the proviso that usually on home sewing machines the tension nut has a plastic accessory in the shape of a circle with numbers ( tensile strength).
U pitanju je standardni zateznik gornjeg konca kod industrijskih šivaćih mašina (veliki zateznik,gornji zateznik), mada je i na kućnim šivaćim mašinama gotovo identičan, s tim da, obično na kućnim šivaćim mašinama zatezna navrtka-matica ima na sebi plastični dodatak u obliku kruga sa brojevima (jačina zatezanja).Leather Sewing Machine / Mašine Za Šivenje Kože / Sewing Leather
The popularity of natural leather is not diminishing despite some new trends in the world, various items are made of genuine leather: handbags, bags, wallets, various holsters, belts, clothing, footwear, protective equipment at work, car seats, upholstered leather furniture, etc.
Genuine natural leather is one of the hardest if not the hardest sewing materials. We all used to try to sew a few cm of an object by hand and we know how it goes, not even upside down :), pliers are needed to get the needle through the skin at all, of course there are manual techniques that make it easier, but about them another time:
Prava prirodna koža je jedan od najtežih ako ne i najteži materijal za šivenje. Svi smo nekada pokušali ručno prošiti par cm nekog predmeta i dobro znamo kako to ide, ni' naopako :), potrebna su obavezno kliješta da bi se igla uopšte provukla kroz kožu ,naravno postoje ručne tehnike koje to olakšavaju ali o njima drugi put:
Singer 29k / Sewing Machine Singer 29K
Not only me, most sewing machine lovers are attracted to the old Singer models, most likely because of their specific look, black color and often beautiful decorative engravings, today I will touch the old class 29 model a bit. It is a fairly old model of the Singer foot-operated machine, a "cylinder" that was mainly used in repairing and sewing parts of footwear, as well as leather parts of clothes, bags and who knows what else. It has a very thin cylinder and the needle itself stitches almost at the top of the cylinder so that access with this machine can be performed on the most inaccessible parts of footwear.
Ne samo mene, većinu ljubitelja šivacih mašina privlače stari Singer modeli, najvjerovatnije zbog svog specifičnog izgleda, crne boje i često lijepih ukrasnih gravura (šara), danas ću se malo "dotaći" starog modela klase 29 (Singer 29k). Radi se o dosta starom modelu Singer mašine na nožni pogon, "cilindrice" koja se uglavnom koristila pri popravljanju i šivanju dijelova obuće, kao i u to doba kožnih dijelova odjeće, torbi i ko zna čega ne. Posjeduje veoma tanak cilindar a sama igla vrši ubod gotovo na vrhu cilindra tako da je pristup saovom mašinom moguće izvesti i na najnepristupačnijim dijelovima obuće.Roller Presser Foot / Kotrljajuća Stopica Za Šivaću Mašinu
First to try to translate this term "roller foot for sewing machine", English is not my strong point but to my knowledge this could be translated as "roller foot", we would say "roller foot" for a sewing machine. Many industrial sewing machines have a rolling foot in the shape of a small wheel, this foot is mostly used in machines for sewing heavier and stronger materials, materials that are in some way "sticky" (rubberized, etc.) and difficult to pass through the machine that have only so called. lower transport of materials, mostly used when working with...
Prvo da pokušam prevesti ovaj izraz "roller foot for sewing machine", engleski mi nije baš jača strana ali po mom znanju ovo bi se moglo prevesti kao "valjak stopalo", mi bi kazali "kotrljajuća-valjkasta stopica" za šivaću mašinu. Mnogi industrijski šivaći strojevi posjeduju kotrljajuću stopicu u obliku jednog manjeg točkića, ta stopica se najviše koristi kod mašina za šivenje težih i jacih materijala, materijala koji su na neki nacin "ljepljivi" (gumirani i sl.) pa teško prolaze kroz mašinu koje imaju samo tzv. donji transport materijala, najviše se koristi pri radu sa...Necchi Industrial Sewing Machine Electric Motor
NOTE ! The post is of an educational nature, works of this type can be performed EXCLUSIVELY by professionals (DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK !!!
Due to many years of work, it is occasionally necessary to perform a detailed inspection, cleaning and possible replacement of one or all bearings on the electric motor of industrial sewing machines. This post is about the Necchi electric sewing machine electric motor. Motors of this type are in principle very similar, so the instruction is applicable to most electric motors for industrial machines.
Central Lubrication Of Sewing Machines / Centralno Podmazivanje Šivaćih Mašina
A few months ago I wrote something about lubrication in sewing machines, you can read that post HERE, this will be like a small sequel on that topic. So the topic is: central lubrication in sewing machines, central lubrication is usually performed by pouring oil into a smaller central tank from where with the help of plastic tubes and inserted into them a special absorbent rope distributes the oil to most sliding surfaces (sliding bearings)
Prije nekoliko mjeseci sam nešto pisao o podmazivanju kod šivaćih mašina, taj post možete procitati OVDJE, ovo ce biti kao jedan manji nastavak na tu temu. Dakle tema je:centralno podmazivanje kod šivaćih mašina, centralno podmazivanje je najčešće izvedeno tako da se ulje sipa u manji centralni rezervoar odakle se pomocu plastičnih cjevčica i u njima umetnuti specijalni upijajući kanap razvodi ulje do većine kliznih površina (klizni ležaji)
Singer Sewing Machine History / Šivaća Mašina Singer Singerica
There is almost no person in the world who has not heard of "Singer" and the people have held that short sentence "works like a singer", whether it is the fruit of real quality, judge for yourself. Below is something about the origin and development of this famous brand: Singer Corporation is the name of an American company known for the production of sewing machines. The company was founded in 1851 by Isaac Merrit Singer (1811-1875) and New York attorney Edward Clark (1811-1882) under the name I.M. Singer & Co. Today's company headquarters are La Vergne next to Nashville, Tennessee
Gotovo da nema osobe na svijetu koja nije čula za "Singer" a u narodu se održala ona kratka rečenica "radi k'o singerica", da li je ona plod stvarnog kvaliteta prosudite sami. U donjem tekstu je nešto o nastanku i razvitku tog poznatog brenda:Singer Corporation je ime americke kompanije poznate po proizvodnji šivacih mašina. Kompaniju su osnovali 1851. Isaac Merrit Singer (1811-1875) i newyorkški advokat Edward Clark (1811-1882)pod imenom I.M. Singer & Co.Današnje sjedište kompanije je La Vergne pored Nashvilla u Tennesse-uOverlock Serger Machine / Diferencijalni Transport / Serger Differential Feed
Many who work on overlock have heard of differential transport of materials, but do not know how it works and some do not know what the role of differential transport is. We must first return to the term "transport of materials on a sewing machine", transport of materials in classic sewing machines is performed by lower transport teeth (feed dog) or classic transport, in overlocks, which have differential transport, there are two coupled lower transports, their regulation is done most often with the regulator somewhere on the right side and the markings are approximately - 3, -2, -1, N, 1, 2, 3 where zero (N) is neutral, so when the differential conveyor is set to "N" (neutral) it behaves like any ordinary lower transport, both the front and rear transport teeth work at the same time (they pull material through the machine at the same time).
Mnogi koji rade na overlovki su čuli za diferencijalni transport materijala, ali neznaju kako radi-funkcioniše a neki i neznaju koja je uloga diferencijalnog transporta. Moramo se prvo vratiti na termin "transport materijala na šivaćoj mašini", transport materijala kod klasičnih šivaćih mašina vrše donji transportni zupci-donji transport ili klasični transport, kod overlovki, koje posjeduju diferencijalni transport, postoje dva spregnuta donja transporta, njihova regulacija se vrši najcešće regulatorom negdje sa desne strane a oznake su otprilike- 3, -2 ,-1, N, 1, 2, 3 gdje je nula (N) neutral, dakle kada je diferencijalni transporter postavljen na"N"(neutral) on se ponaša kao i svaki najobičniji donji transport, i prednji i zadnji transportni zubci rade potpuno istovremeno (istovremeno vuku materijal kroz mašinu).Sewing Machine With Double Needle / Twin Needle / Šivaća Mašina Dvoiglovka
Most sewing machines have a single needle, although some special machines have a larger number of needles, this time I will write something about a sewing machine with two needles, which is also called a "double needle". The form of material transport with a double needle is the same as with a single needle, they can only be with lower transport, then they can have double or needle transport and can also be double needles with triple transport, it all depends on what certain models of sewing machines are intended for.
Most often, industrial double needle stitches are used for the so-called outer double stitch, the places where the double outer stitch is used are various, from parts of clothing to upholstery of car seats and furniture. On clothing items, these are, for example, pockets, parts of sleeves, collars, parts of clothing with a higher load ... etc. sewing machines with two needles are used for various reinforcements, decorative stitching along the edge ...
Different Stitches Sewing Machine / Mašinski Bod i Vrste Štepova / Oblik Bodova
Different types of stitches are used when working on sewing machines, those who are a little more serious about tailoring and sewing should definitely use different types of stitches. In the following text, several types of stitches are listed, some machines can perform all the types listed below and some only a few of them, it all depends on the model and age of the machine.
I use the term "stitch", mostly everyone should use the term that suits him, I will use more of them (not to explain why), also the names of individual stitches are not "sacred letter", it is important to know approximately what a particular stitch is used for and its appearance and the name are not so important (basic, stretchy-elastic, decorative, small...). Of course, the width and length of the stitches can be changed as desired.
Durkopp 239-125 / Durkopp Adler
I did a slightly major overhaul on this model of machine, he showed some of that work in the given pictures, and I will write some characteristics of this sewing machine:
Durkopp 239-125 is an industrial sewing machine with triple transport. It is mainly intended for sewing heavier materials: genuine leather, faux leather, eco leather, thicker fabric, furniture fabric, materials for bags, tendes, upholstery ...etc.
Needle Plate Sewing Machine / Needle / Feed Dog / Ubodna Pločica Igla Transportni Zubci
There are several problems when working with a sewing machine in the area of the needle and the needle plate. This whole visible assembly consists of several parts, all shown in the first figure: needle bar (oscillating needle holder), foot bar, thread eye, needle clamp, foot clamp, needle, presser foot, transport teeth (feed dog), bobbin, movable plate...
Nekoliko se problema javlja pri radu sa šivacom mašinom u predjelu igle i ubodne plocice. Taj cijeli vidljivi sklop se sastoji iz više dijelova, sve je to prikazano na prvoj slici: iglenjača (oscilirajuci nosač igle), nosač stopice, ušica za konac, pritezni vijak za iglu, pritezni vijak za stopicu, igla, stopica, transportni zubci (donji transporter), ubodna pločica, bobina-spulna, pokretna pločica...Work Desk And Other Accessories For Sewing / Radni Stol i Pribor Za Šivenje
All those who think of tailoring and sewing more seriously should make themselves a nice and pleasant work space, certainly within their home, about professional workshops and plants, perhaps on another occasion. The combinations are innumerable and the tastes are different, yet there are some rules to follow, for example a desk should be placed somewhere near a natural light source, best near a window, not under direct sunlight, a natural light source is best needed and additional light in the form of a lamp to be used as needed, neon lamps give the best light source, closest to natural light ...
Svi oni koji se misle iole ozbiljnije baviti krojenjem i šivenjem trebaju sebi napravitineki lijep i prijatan radni prostor, svakako u okviru svog doma, o profesionalnim radionicama i pogonima možda drugom prilikom. Kombinacije su bezbrojne a ukusi različiti, ipak ima nekih pravila kojih bi se trebalo držati, recimo radni stol bi trebao biti postavljen negdje blizu izvora prirodne svjetlosti, najbolje u blizini prozora, NE pod direktin sunčevim svjetlom, prirodni izvor svjetlosti je najbolji, svakako da je potrebana i dodatna svjetlost u obliku neke lampe koja će se koristiti po potrebi, neonske lampe daju najbolji izvor svjetlosti, najpribližnije prirodnom svjetlu.....
Sewing Stitch Selector / Programator Na Kućnim Šivaćim Mašinama
Sewing machines that have a basic action, only the simplest joining of material with a flat stitch, have no programmer except the standard mechanism, all other machines that have the most basic "zigzag" stitch must have an additional mechanism that will perform this action, that additional mechanism is called " programmer "machine. (in pictures "Pr")
Šivaće mašine koje imaju osnovnu radnju, samo najobičnije spajanje materijla ravnim štepom-bodom, nemaju nikakav programator osim standardnod mehanizma, sve ostale mašine koje imaju i najosnovniji "cik-cak"bod ("višnja" bagat) moraju imati dodatni mehanizam koji će izvršiti tu radnju, taj dodatni mehanizam se zove "programator"mašine. (na slikama "Pr")Necchi 559 / Nähmaschine Necchi 559 / Macchina Da Cucire Necchi 559
A few days ago, she came to me to repair the Necchi 559 (faulty machine does not pull the material, sews in place).? This model will be presented in more detail in this topic: It is a single, rather "solid" model of a sewing machine. The machine has one larger button that changes programs, I don't know the exact number of programs, but I know that it has a lot of beautiful decorative stitches, classic flat stitch, "zigzag" and making button holes, handling the programmer is extremely simple, the programmer is classic mechanical. ..
Prije par dana, došla mi je na popravak Necchi 559 (kvar-mašina ne vuče materijal, šije u mjestu).? U ovoj temi će biti predstavljen nešto detaljnije ovaj model:Radi se o jednom,prilično "solidnom" modelu sivaće mašine. Mašina ima jedano veće dugme kojima se mijenjaju programi, tačan broj programa ne znam ali znam da ima dosta lijepe dekorativne štepove, klasični ravni štep, "cik-cak" i izradu rupica za dugmad, rukovanje programatorom je krajnje jednostavno, programator je klasični mehanički...
Sewing Buttonholes / Šivenje Rupica Za Dugmad / Otvaranje Rupica
Sewing or hemming buttonholes can be performed in several ways, it is usually performed on machines that already have this operation programmatically provided, it can also be performed on machines that have only a "zigzag" stitch, but it is a bit more complicated ....
Šivenje ili opšivanje rupica za dugmad se može izvoditi na nekoliko načina, obicno se izvodi na mašinama koji imaju vec programski predvidjenu tu operaciju, može se izvoditi i na mašinama koje imaju samo "cik-cak" štep ali je nešto malo komplikovanije....How a Sewing Machine Works / Kako Radi Šivaća Mašina / Princip Rada Šivaće Mašine
How does a sewing machine work ....... ??
Here comes this topic, for many the principle of the sewing machine is a big puzzle, it's nothing special, I will TRY to explain it, I emphasized this "try" because it is impossible to explain it to some, they just have no idea about sewing machines, they who work constantly or occasionally on sewing machines is much clearer, the explanation is related only to the needle-gripper-chunk assembly in the most basic model of sewing machine ... Note: there are no feet and lower transport teeth in the pictures, the pictures are maximally simplified for better understanding, I will mention the lower conveyor a little and the upper foot is not necessary, you just need to know that it is lowered to the material during the operation of the machine. This topic may have been "on the line" sooner but it's never too late :)
Pfaff Tipmatic 1035 / Pfaff Tipmatic / Pfaff Nähmaschine
It is a model: Pfaff tipmatic 1035, so to say something about it and its characteristics: it is a model with a combination of sleeve and standard platform, if you want a sleeve platform it is enough to take one part off the machine and have a sleeve platform, that part that it is also a small box for storing small things that are needed when working with our machine (threads, needles, spools,
dust brushes, feet ..etc).
U pitanju je model: Pfaff tipmatic 1035, pa da kažem nešto o njoj i njenim karakteristikama:radi se o modelu sa kombinacijom rukavne i standardne platforme, ako želite rukavnu platformu dovoljno je da jedan dio skinete sa masine i imate rukavnu platformu, taj dio koji se skida je ujedno mala kutija za odlaganje sitnica koje su potrebne pri radu nam mašini (konci, igle, cunak, bobina, cetkica za cišcenje prašine, stopice ..itd).Purchase of Used Sewing Machines / Kupovina Polovne Šivaće Mašine / Prodaja Šivaćih Mašina
Buying a used car from a beginner can be quite problematic and it is difficult to give some smart advice to these people, but still to try: The choice of sewing machine is quite individual, it all depends on what the person wants, whether sewing is a hobby or more serious. to deal with this business, we will take for a start that a person wants to have a machine for household needs, the offer of new and used (used) machines is large ...
Kupovina polovne-rabljene mašine kod početnika zna biti dosta problematićna a neki pametan savjet tim osobama je teško dati, pa ipak da pokušam :Izbor šivaće mašine je dosta individualan, sve zavisi šta dotićna osoba želi,da li joj je šivenje hobi ili se misli ozbiljnije baviti tim poslom, uzet će mo za početak da osoba želi da ima masinu za kućne potrebe, ponuda novih i polovnih (rabljenih) mašina je velika.....
Pfaff 204 | Pfaff 207 | Pfaff 208 | Pfaff 209 | Pfaff 210 | Pfaff 211
eng.sewing machine Pfaff 209;
It is a slightly older model of Pfaff sewing machines for home use with a sleeve platform.
We will touch a little on this term "sleeve machine", the picture shows a part of the machine that is free on all sides and you can easily put a sleeve, sock, cuff or any part of the garment that is difficult to access on a machine with a regular flat platform, if someone has a small sewing area, there is an additional platform that is easy to install.
Bagat Višnja Elektromotor | Višnja Motor Održavanje Popravak
Tema je:
Bagat Višnja 706, elektro motor 220V (sa četkicama), izgradnja, čišćenje, održavanje i popravak:
post je edukativnog karaktera, radove ovog tipa mogu izvoditi ISKLJUČIVO STRUČNE osobe!!
Bagat Višnja 706, elektro motor 220V (sa četkicama), izgradnja, čišćenje, održavanje i popravak:
post je edukativnog karaktera, radove ovog tipa mogu izvoditi ISKLJUČIVO STRUČNE osobe!!
Electric Motor For Industrial Sewing Machine / Elektromotor Za Industrijsku Šivaću Mašinu
This topic has already been partially "processed", so in a way this will be a continuation, see the previous post HERE. This time I will "focus" on the principle of operation of a standard asynchronous electric motor with a clutch for an industrial sewing machine, right at the beginning an apology, for a not so good drawing, the machine will understand it very easily and for others I do not know, I will try to explain .The figure shows the standard shape of the electric motor for an industrial sewing machine (cross section of the electric motor of an industrial sewing machine),
Upustvo Za Šivenje i Krojenje / Krojenje i Šivenje
šivenje i krojenje pdf;
Knjiga O krojenju i šivenju (krojenje i šivanje), za sve ljubitelje konaca, igala, krpica, pribadača......
i šivaćih mašina, naš jezik, PDF format
Šivaća Mašina Bagat Višnja Remen | Višnja Zamjena Remena
Šivaća Mašina Overlovka | Endlarica | Overlok | Overlock Serger Sewing Machine
eng.overlock,overlocker serger sewing machine;overlock machine threading
Serger, overlock, processing machine... all these are basically names for one and the same machine. Overlock is mostly used in making and sewing garments, the processed material does not lose its elasticity, overlock can be with one or two needles or with 3, 4 or more threads (types of overlock stitch-points see in the picture below-overlock stitch) on "overlock stitch" affects; whether it is done with one or two needles or with 2, 3, 4 or 5 threads.
Overlovk, overlok, overlok, overloh, endlerica, overlovka, mašina za obradu...sve su to u suštini nazivi za jednu te istu mašinu. Overlok se najviše primjenjuje u izradi i šivenju odjevnih predmeta, obrađeni materijal ne gubi na svojoj elastičnosti, overlovka može biti sa jednu ili dvije igle ili sa 3,4 ili više konaca (vrste overlock štepa-bodova pogledaj na slici dole-overlock stitch) na "overlock stitch" utiče; da li se radi sa jednom ili dvije igle ili sa 2, 3, 4 ili 5 konaca.
Višnja Grajfer | Petljač Šivaće Mašine | Bagat Višnja
Ovdje će dakle biti riječi o grajferu-petljaču na prilično zastupljenom modelu kućne šivaće mašine Bagat"višnja 706", već sam u jednom od postova nešto napisao o gornjem-velikom zatezniku konca, ovog istog modela a o tome procitajte OVDE. Ovoga puta će mo se pozabaviti detaljnijem čišćenju i podmazivanju grajfera na bagat "višnja" masini, zašto je to potrebno? Pa godinama dolazi do nagomilavanja razne prljavštine, komadića konca, mješavine ulja i fine prašine i ko zna čega, što može znatno ometati pravilan rad mašine.
Zateznik Gornjeg Konca Bagat Višnja | Veliki Zateznik Konca
Ovo ce biti kao neki dodatak na taj text, zbog toga što su pojedini posjetioci stranice tražili pojmove tipa "čišćenje gornjeg zateznika Bagat", sad, zašto su to tražili mogu samo predpostavljati, vjerovatno mašina ne šije dobro pa misle da je to problem, OK, da ne duljim malo će mo i o tome danas. Mašina je Bagat-"višnja" a većina uputstva se može primijeniti i na druge Bagat i slične mašine (bagat super slavica..)
Tapetarske Šivaće Mašine / Upholstery Sewing Machines
Upholstery machines and furniture making machines are quite diverse by type. I will dwell on the ones that are used the most and I will only briefly mention the others. For changing, upholstering and making furniture, first of all, an industrial machine with at least double transport is desirable, I recommend a sewing machine with triple transport, why.? read about triple transport HERE
Well, because when making furniture, thicker and stronger material (material and sponge together) is very often stitched and sewn, such as eco leather, faux leather and natural leather, sewing such materials is very difficult on ordinary stitches, the fabric somehow goes and eco-leather, faux leather and real leather is, so I can freely say, impossible to work with. A good machine with triple transport is the best for the job and with a longer working time, it doesn't have to be but it is desirable. It is certainly great for car upholstery or upholstery of car seats and other upholstered car components. The given pictures show the machines I worked on and which proved to be extraordinary in that job.
UPUTSTVA ZA BAGAT | Bagat Uputstvo | Upustva za Bagat Mašine
Zamijenite stara preuzeta Bagat uputstva novim
i najboljim na internetu.!
Preuzimanje je apsolutno sigurno.!!
Ovdje možete skinuti uputstva za Bagat šivaće mašine:
Uputsto, uputstva, naputak, upustva Bagat šivaće mašine upute ..pdf:
bagat ruža selectronic uputstvo..Bagat jadranka (nada), bagat danica, bagat vesna, bagat slavica, bagat ruža step, bagat ruža B nova, bagat višnja, bagat zora,
bagat 777, bagat maja, bagat (sonja, bagat 515),
bagat super slavica, bagat višnja 706, bagat jasna, bagat 555....Preuzimanje je jednostavno:
kliknite na naziv mašine i preuzmite uputstvo:
kliknite na naziv mašine i preuzmite uputstvo:
Stopice Za Šivaće Mašine / Presser Foot Sewing Machine / Presser Feet Sew Machine
Sewing machine presser foots is a seemingly simple topic, it is simple in terms of explanation, but in terms of the number of types and differences, there would be a lot to write about. Sewing machine presser foot are actually an accessory for sewing machines. There are a large number of various foot, there are as many as you want, I don't even know what they are for, but in this post I will focus on some basic and most used ones in everyday work on sewing machines.
Stopice za šivaće mašine je naizgled jednostavna tema, ona jeste jednostavna po pitanju objašnjenja ali po brojnosti vrsta i različitosti stopicam imalo bi se itekako šta pisati. Stopice za šivaće mašine su ustvari dodatni pribor za šivaće masine. Veliki je broj raznoraznih stopica, ima ih koliko hoćeš da ni sam ne znam čemu služe, ali ja ću se u ovom postu zadržati na nekim osnovnim i najviše korištenim pri svakodnevnom radu na sivaćim mašinama.Papučica Za Šivaću Mašinu | Papučica Za Bagat | Papučica Za Pfaff | Papučica Za Singer
Foot-speed control sewing machine ;jegon model hkt7 ;
Sewing Machine Timing Belt / Time Belt Sewing Machine / Zupčasti Remen Za Šivaće Mašinu
Here is one, perhaps for many interesting and completely unknown topics. Within some models of sewing machines, most often industrial, the transmission of torque from the upper shaft to the lower part of the machine is done by a toothed belt (R), in some models of household machines the toothed belt is placed along the machine in the lower part and is used to start grabs motor on the main shaft (overclocking), some models have more toothed belts ... Basically, the toothed belt is quite common in all types of sewing machines. Each timing belt is made of rubber with special reinforcements ...
Threading Sewing Machine / Postavljanje Udijevanje Konca u Šivaću Mašinu
It is interesting that pulling the thread into the sewing machines can often create a problem for the participants and for more experienced seamstresses when they meet a machine unknown to them, although "the principle is the same, everything else is nuances". So let's try to clarify that a bit: The first thing we need is to wind the "lower thread" on the spool and you can read about it HERE, the next thing would be to place the upper thread, that is, to pulling it into the machine.
V Belt Sewing Machine / Klinasti Remen Za Šivaće Mašine
V-belt is generally a mandatory part of sewing machines (there are models without any belt). To first clarify why this belt is called "wedge", the figure on the left shows the cross section of the belt marked with "P" and it shows that the cross section is wedge-shaped, hence the name "wedge", the difference between a V-belt on home and industrial sewing machines is evident.
Klinasti remen (kaiš) je uglavnom obavezan dio šivaćih mašina (postoje modeli bez ikakvog remena). Da prvo razjasnimo zašto se taj remen zove "klinasti", na slici lijevo je prikazan presjek remena koji je oznacen sa "P" i na njemu se vidi da je poprečni presjek u obliku klina, otuda naziv "klinasti",razlika izmedu klinastog remena na kućnim i industrijskim šivacim mašinama je evidentna.
Sewing Machine Thread / Konac Za Šivaće Mašine
One of the essential items for sewing machines is thread. The machine thread differs in its thickness and the material from which it is made. The correct adjustment of the thread on the machine has been dealt with in one of the past topics, and you can read about it HERE. Machine thread is made of natural and artificial materials. Roughly, it can be concluded in layman's terms that cotton thread is mostly used for sewing garments and mostly those that are in direct contact with the skin. Where necessary, more resistant materials are used, such as polyamide and polyester, which stand out with their high resistance to moisture and stress (threads for shoe machines - footwear industry.
Domestic Sewing Machine Motor / Elektromotori Za Kućne Šivaće Mašine
One of the earlier topics was "Electric motor with clutch" (click on LINK which mainly refers to industrial sewing machines and it is most often about motor-machines (popularly speaking without brushes). In this post we will talk about motors that are most often They are built into so-called household sewing machines and are brush motors.Home sewing machines, in principle, do not have a classic clutch as industrial, but have a pedal where the foot speed determines the speed of the sewing machine motor. , ie increasing the voltage going to the motor and thus regulating the speed of the motor or sewing machine. Failures on this circuit are relatively common (depending on quality) and the causes can be varied, from the most common wire break in the main line or pedal to engine burnout. In brush motors, the rotor is most often damaged, the stator less often.
odnosi na industrijske šivaće mašine a riječ je najčešće o motorima-mašinama (narodski kazano bez četkica). U ovom postu će biti riječi o motorima koji se najčešće ugrađuju u tzv. kućne šivaće masine a riječ je o motorima sa četkicama. Kućne šivaće mašine, u principu, nemaju klasičnu spojku-kuplung kao industrijske, već posjeduju pedalu-papučicu gdje se pritiskom noge određuje brzina vrtnje motorića šivaće mašine. Pedalom se vrši smanjenje, odnosno povećavanje napona koji ide u motor a samim tim se i reguliše brzina vrtnje motora odnosno šivaće mašine.
Kvarovi na ovom sklopu su relativno česti (zavisno od kvalitete) a uzroci mogu biti raznovrsni, od najobičnijeg prekida žice u glavnom vodu ili papučici pa do pregorijevanja motora. Kod motora sa četkicama najčešće strada rotor, stator rjeđe.
Sewing Machine Needle Feed / Šivaća Mašina Dvostruki Igleni Transport
What could be written about this machine, double and or needle transport is also quite common and in principle is intended for various materials, it all depends on the construction of the machine,
it can be the most common fast stitch for light materials, to shoe factories where stronger materials, thicker fabrics, eco leather and natural leather are sewn. Double transport has an advantage over the transport of material only by lower teeth because the needle also participates in the transport of material, which in some way "grabs" the material in conjunction with the lower conveyor, hence the name "double, needle or double transport machine". There are models of sewing machines in which the needle "rests", but the upper foot follows the work of the lower conveyor, and that is double transport, it is most often seen with machines for sewing heavier materials.
Walking Foot Sewing Machine / Trostruki Transport Šivaće Mašine
Some of the site visitors asked me to write something about the machine with triple transport. It is interesting that this shape and type of machine is my favorite and I like working with and on these machines the most, so we will see what "triple transport machine" means. , parts and working principle. What is triple transport ?? ...
In principle, machines with the so-called "triple transport" are intended for sewing heavier materials. What is meant by "heavier materials", so these are all those materials that are impossible or very difficult to sew on "ordinary" machines (household machines, machine with lower transport..etc)
U principu, mašine sa tzv"trostrukim transportom"su namijenjene za šivanje težih materijala. Šta se podrazumijeva pod "teži materijali", pa to su svi oni materijali koje je nemoguce ili veoma teško šiti-šivati na"običnim" masinama (kućne mašine, šteperice sa donjim transportom..itd)
Šivaće Mašine Za Početnike | Šivanje Za Polaznike | Šivenje Za Početnike
Ova tema će biti svojevrsna mala škola šivenja(šivanja) za početnike,odnosno kako naučiti raditi na šivaćoj mašini;znači kod onih koji tek imaju samo volju da nauče šivati na šivaćim masinama,za početak volja je veoma bitna,onaj ko je nema neka se i ne upušta u taj posao jer bi moglo ubrzo slijediti razočarenje.Pa da krenemo nekim redom.Prvo,na datoj slici su neki osnovni dijelovi šivaće mašine:
Sewing Machine Thread Tension Adjustment / Podešavanje Zategnutosti Konca
One of the very important items when working on the machine, when sewing, is the correctly adjusted tension of the upper and lower thread, respectively. Proper tension is extremely important for the quality of the stitch-stitch, of course considering that everything else is on the machine office.
Tightening the tension is a very "tangible" job and often beginners give up the adjustment very quickly, certainly the routine is gained with time and experience, in any case be persistent. In this topic, I will try to explain how to do it the easiest way.
Jedna od veoma bitnih stavki pri radu na mašini, pri šivanju je i pravilno podešena zategnutost gornjeg, odnosno donjeg konca.
Pravilna zategnutost je od izvanrednog značaja za kvalitet štepa-boda, naravno smatrajući da je sve ostalo na mašini uredu. Podešavanje zategnutosti je veoma "opipljiv" posao i često početnici vrlo brzo odustanu od podešavanja, svakako rutina se stiče vremenom i iskustvom, u svakom slučaju budite uporni. U ovoj temi ću pokušati objasniti kako to najlakše uraditi.
Winding The Thread On Sewing Machine Bobbin | Kako Namotati Donji Konac
how to thread spool on sewing machine
How to wind the lower thread on a bobbin / sewing machine? When working with the machine, it is necessary to occasionally wind the so-called lower thread. Thread winding varies from machine to machine and there are many variants. The attached pictures show several ways of winding .... Proper starting of winding, which is a problem for many beginners, try to wind a few circles by hand before winding and then switch to the machine, you will have less problems, or thread the end through the hole on the coil ( if there is) 5-6 cm, hold that end until the winding starts, after winding cut off that end at the bobbin.
Kako namotati donji konac konac na spulnu / šivaću mašinu ? Pri radu sa mašinom potrebno je povremeno namotavati tzv.donji konac. Namotavanje konca se razlikuje od mašine do mašine i varijanti je dosta. Na priloženim slikama je prikazano nekoliko načina namotavanja....Pravilno započinjanje namotavanja, koje mnogim početnicima stvara problem, pokušajte prije namotavanja ručno nekoliko krugova namotati pa onda pređjite na mašinu, imat ce te manje problema, ili kraj konca provucite kroz rupicu na bobini (ako je ima) 5-6 cm, taj kraj pridržite dok ne počne namotavanje, poslije namotavanja taj kraj odsijecite pri špulni.Shuttle Hook Sewing Machine / Grajfer Šivaće Mašine / Sewing Machine Hook
The theme, then, is the shuttle hook (German: greifer nähmaschinen), the upper thread hook, or the loop; an inexhaustible topic when it comes to sewing machines, the term "grapple / hook " is most often used. Mostly in this post, we will talk about the grapple on industrial machines, on home machines the grapple is something different and in principle a simpler construction, read something about it HERE.
Tema je dakle, grajfer (njemački: greifer nähmaschinen), hvatač gornjeg konca ili petljač; neiscrpna tema kada su u pitanju šivace masine, najčešce se koristi termin "grajfer". Uglavno u ovom postu će biti riječi o grajferu na industrijskim mašinama, na kućnim masinama grajfer je nešto drugačije i u principu jednostavnije konstrukcije, nešto o tome pročitaj OVDE.