Coverstitch sewing machines are changed by many with overlock, there are great similarities, but the main difference is that coverstitch does not cut excess material. Unlike overlock, Coverstitch sewing machines carry up to three needles. Needles are removed and added as needed, Coverstitch can work with one, two or three needles. To try to explain what an coverstitch machine is: coverstitch sewing machines are mostly used for processing the edge of a garment, it is mainly used in...
Iberdek (iberdeck) šivaće mašine mnogi mijenjaju sa overlovkom, ima tu velike sličnosti ali osnovna razlika je što iberdek ne siječe višak materijala. Iberdek šivaće mašine za razliku od overlovke nose i do tri igle. Igle se po potrebi uklanjaju i dodaju, iberdek može raditi sa jednom, dvije ili tri igle.Da pokušam objasniti šta je to iberdek mašina: iberdek šivaće mašine služe najviše za obradu ruba odjevnog predmeta, uglavnom se koristi pri...