Sewing machines are an inexhaustible topic, I didn't even know myself until I started editing this page, it's even more interesting that so far I haven't written anything about Victoria sewing machines, except in a few places in response to questions. The "victoria" brand itself is quite represented on the home sewing machine market, there are a lot of them, names, series, classes and more. These newer ones, more or less have similar characteristics, but, victoria is quite unknown when it comes to its origin.?
Šivaće mašine su neiscrpna tema, nisam ni sam znao dok nisam počeo uređivati ovu stranicu, još zanimljivije je kako do sada nisam, osim na par mjesta u odgovoru na pitanja, ništa pisao o šivaćim mašinama Victoria. Sam brend "victoria"je dosta zastupljen na tržištu kućnih šivaćih mašina, puno ih ima, naziva, serija, klasa i još koječega.Ove novije, manje više su sličnih karakteristika, ali,victoria je dosta i nepoznata kada je u pitanju njeno porijeklo.?Foot Speed Control Sewing Machine Singer CR303 | Commande Au Pied Singer CR303
Singer as a company had and still has its plants in several countries around the world. Some parts were made separately in different places and the final product was assembled, for example in Italy (singer made in italy). Today's theme is the singer starter slipper made in France (Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) and the machine model is Singer 252. This type of pedal control can certainly be found on many Singer models. The case of the foot control is made of bakelite...
Singer kao kompanija je imala a i danas ima svoje pogone u nekoliko država svijeta. Pojedini dijelovi su se posebno radili na različitim mjestima a završni proizvod je sklapan, recimo u Italiji (singer made in italy). Današnja tema je singer startna papuča proizvedena u Francuskoj (eng.Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) a model mašine je Singer 252. Ovaj tip papučice se sigurno može sresti na mnogim Singer modelima. Kućište papuče je izrađeno od bakelita...