The "Feed Of The Arm" machine is named after its specific shape of the work surface, it looks like the elbow of the hand at 90 degrees, such a look of the work surface has led to a more complicated design of the lower part of the machine as well as the transmission. It should be said that these are industrial sewing machines, there is no "Feed Of The Arm" as a home portable machine. The "Feed Of The Arm" sewing machine must be of robust and strong construction, it is a machine that works in a high speed mode, with a large number of stitchs per minute.
Mašina "laktarica" nosi naziv po svom specifičnom obliku radne površine, izgleda poput lakta ruke pod 90 stepeni, takav izgled radne površine je i dovelo do komplikovanije izvedbe donjeg dijela mašine kao i prenosa. Treba reći da se radi o industrijskim šivaćim mašinama, laktarica kao kućna portabl mašina ne postoji. Šivaća mašina laktarica mora biti robusne i jake konstrukcije, radi se o mašinama koje rade u visokom režimu obrtaja, sa velikim brojem uboda u minuti.