
Piping Cording Welt Presser Foot / Stopice Za Keder / Šivenje Kedera

It is difficult for me to translate this topic into English, but I will try ☺ :
Let's see what the term "welt cord piping" means.? “Welt cord” is a common term denoting the tubular hem-edge of an item we are sewing. Welt cord is mostly used when upholstering furniture and when upholstering car seats. The cord itself can be made of a special material, a thin diameter over which no additional material passes, this option is very common in car upholstery, welt cord is made of some kind of foam rubber, usually a thinner diameter of 2-4mm, the color is selected by desire.
Da vidimo šta znači izraz"keder".? Keder je ustaljeni izraz (riječ) koji označava cjevasti porub-rub nekog predmeta koji šijemo. Keder se najviše koristi pri tapaciranju namještaja i prilikom tapaciranja auto sjedišta. Sam keder može biti od posebnog materijala, tankog promjera preko kojega ne ide nikakav dodatni materijal, ta opcija je veoma česta u auto tapetariji, keder je napravljed on neke vrste pjenaste gume, obično je tanjeg promjera od 2-4mm, boja se odabira po želji.