
Durkopp Adler Sewing Machine / Durkopp Adler Nähmaschine

Bielefeld (Germany) in the mid-19th century, the Industrial Revolution turned the city into a major textile center. Imported sewing machines, mostly from the US, are used for the sewing process, however the problem is procurement and high cost. Then two mechanics Baer and Koch recognize the opportunity and start building a factory for the production of sewing machines in Bielefeld.
The success of the venture indicates the potential of new markets and in 1865 Baer decided to start his own business. Koch continues to trade under the name Koch & Co and employs two mechanics for Dürkopp sewing machines...
Bielefeld (Njemačka) sredinom 19-tog vijeka, industrijska revolucija je pretvorila grad u veliki tekstilni centar. Uvozne šivace mašine, uglavnom iz SAD-a, koriste se za proces šivenja,međutim problem je nabavka i visoka cijena. Tada dva mehaničara Baer i Koch prepoznaju priliku i počinju izgradnju tvornice za proizvodnju šivaćih mašina u Bielefeld-u. Uspjeh poduhvata ukazuje na potencijal novih tržišta a 1865. Baer odluči da počne svoje poslove. Koch nastavlja trgovanje pod imenom Koch& Co i zapošljava dva mehaničara za šivaće mašine Dürkopp

Pfaff 230 | Pfaff 260 | Pfaff 262 | Pfaff 332 | Pfaff 360 | Pfaff 362

Pfaff 230, 260, 262, 332, 360 and 362 sewing machines belong to the group of Pfaff sewing machines made on a similar or the same platform. Production dates back to the area from 1955-1965. These are machines made entirely of metal, today some call them "semi-industrial" sewing machines, and I have found comments on foreign sites where they are given the prefix "industrial". This small confusion, so to speak, was caused by their robust construction and slightly higher weight, otherwise they do not differ in size from an ordinary home sewing machine. Pfaff 230 and 260 are machines with ...

Sewing Machine Pfaff 335 / Pfaff 335 / Nähmaschine Pfaff 335

Pfaff class 335 is in use for a long time, the new model differs significantly in appearance from the old, the new model has a pronounced "square" appearance, most of the mechanism is inside the machine, while the older Pfaff 335 a good part of the mechanism is on the outside . According to its specifications, the Pfaff 335 has not changed much, taking into account the possibilities. Pfaff 335 is a cylinder machine, with triple feed.
Pfaff klase 335 je u upotrebi duži vremenski period,novi model se po vanjskom izgledu znatno razlikuje od starog, novi model ima izražen "kvadratni" izgled, većina mehanizma je unutar mašine,dok kod starije Pfaff 335 dobar dio mehanizma se nalazi sa vanjske strane kućišta. Po svojim specifikacijama Pfaff 335 se nije puno mijenjala, uzimajući u obzirmogućnosti. Pfaff 335 je mašina cilindrica sa trostrukim transportom.

Sewing Machine Bernina 1080 | Bernina 1070 | Bernina 1090 | Bernina 1230

In this post, the test model is Bernina 1080 calypso, this prefix "calypso" I'm not sure what it means, I guess some special serie, it's mostly about identical models except that "calypso" has a front control plate in some way decorated in several colors. The Bernina 1080 and Bernina 1090 sewing machines are very similar, the difference is minimal. Bernina 1090 has an accessory for lifting the foot (knee lifter) and from the stitches it has an accessory as an imitation of hand sewing. The rest is more or less the same. To return to the 1080 model, it is computer-controlled ...

Sewing Machine Husqvarna 230 | Husqvarna 225 | Husqvarna 235 | Husqvarna 320

It is a sewing machine from a well-known Swedish manufacturer, Husqvarna 230 is an electromechanical device with little electronics, this small electronic board enhances the penetrating power of the needle even at low motor speeds, hence the prefix "electronic". Husqvarna 230 has about 15 programs, which is quite enough for home use. The outer shell of the machine is made of plastic and the inner part is made of cast aluminum which is attached to a steel molding for better stability during operation (see picture). The machine has a motor power of about 80 W. The inner timing belt is ...Husqvarna Service Manual

Bernina Presser Foot Old Style New Style / Bernina Presser Feet

Bernina's sewing machines have a unique shape of the presser foot, it is patented and only Bernina can have it. Bernina started producing sewing machines with a patented foot a long time ago. 
The feature of the Bernina foot is the ease of installation and removal, in addition, the solution is of such high quality that the foot is very tight in a second. apart from the fact that Bernina has a large "palette" of presser foots, the basic division is into "old and new style", the basic difference is the shape of the part that is placed on the foot bracket (fot bar), the attached picture shows this difference.

Piping Cording Welt Presser Foot / Stopice Za Keder / Šivenje Kedera

It is difficult for me to translate this topic into English, but I will try ☺ :
Let's see what the term "welt cord piping" means.? “Welt cord” is a common term denoting the tubular hem-edge of an item we are sewing. Welt cord is mostly used when upholstering furniture and when upholstering car seats. The cord itself can be made of a special material, a thin diameter over which no additional material passes, this option is very common in car upholstery, welt cord is made of some kind of foam rubber, usually a thinner diameter of 2-4mm, the color is selected by desire.
Da vidimo šta znači izraz"keder".? Keder je ustaljeni izraz (riječ) koji označava cjevasti porub-rub nekog predmeta koji šijemo. Keder se najviše koristi pri tapaciranju namještaja i prilikom tapaciranja auto sjedišta. Sam keder može biti od posebnog materijala, tankog promjera preko kojega ne ide nikakav dodatni materijal, ta opcija je veoma česta u auto tapetariji, keder je napravljed on neke vrste pjenaste gume, obično je tanjeg promjera od 2-4mm, boja se odabira po želji.

Pozamanterija / Pribor Za Šivaće Mašine / Sewing Accessories

Uvidom u pretragu, primijetio sam često postavljanje pitanja, šta je to pozamanterije, kako i gdje kupiti pribor za šivenje, pozamanterija prodaja..itd
Pa da pokušamo definirati pojam "pozamanterija";
Pozamanterija je sav mogući i "nemogući" pribor vezan za šivenje i krojenje i sve što je vezano za tekstilnu industriju. Ja ću u nastavku nabrojati dio pozamanterije i pribora za šivanje da bi ste dobili bolji uvid:

Tkanina Štof Platno Materijal

(eng.fabric),vrste materijala za sivenje,materijali za šivenje;
Materijali, štofovi, tkanine, tekstilna metraža ....je ono što se obrađuje na šivaćim mašinama, radi se o dosta obimnoj "materiji" i trebalo bi puno vremena da se bar djelimično sve to obrazloži i pojasni. Mi će mo se zadržati na nekim "osnovnim" materijalima koji se najviše koriste.
Odmah na početku treba izvršiti podjelu materijala a "gruba" podjela bi bila na tkanine od prirodnih i vještačkih vlakana. Vlakno je osnov svake tkanine, svojim izgledom, osobinom, načinom tkanja niti vlakana daju tkanini konačni izgled kao i osobine

Home and Industrial Sewing Machines / Kućne i Industrijske Šivaće Mašine

Many can't separate the two terms "home and industrial sewing machine", it's a bit strange to me, but OK, we have to clarify that as well. What are domestic sewing machines and what is the difference between home and industrial sewing machines? Not a problem in the name, the problem is in the appearance of the machine. First of all, the basic appearance and robustness of the device, most industrial sewing machines have a work table, while with home machines this is not the case, especially not with newer models, moreover, home sewing machines with a work table are almost no longer produced, they are mostly portable machines.
Mnogi ne mogu da razdvoje dva termina "kućna i industrijska šivaća mašina", meni je to pomalo čudno, ali OK,moramo i to razjasniti. Šta su to kućne šivaće mašine i koja je razlika između kućnih i industrijskih šivaćih mašina.? Nije problem u nazivu problem je u izgledu mašine. Prije svega osnovni izgled i robusnost uređaja, većina industrijskih šivaćih mašina posjeduje radni stol, dok kod kućnih mašina to nije slučaj, naročito ne kod novijih modela, čak štaviše,kućne šivaće mašine sa radnim stolom se više gotovo i ne proizvode,sve su to uglavnom portabl prenosive mašine.

Upholstery Steering Wheel / Presvlačenje i Tapeciranje Volana / Kako Se Presvlači Volan

"How Upholstery the steering wheel" ??
Upholstery and upholstery of the steering wheel belongs to hand sewing, most often leather or artificial leather. As far as I know, the final upholstery must be done manually, there is no machine that can do that. Of course, when sewing the steering wheel, if necessary, use a sewing machine. OK let's try to bring that process a little closer. In general, upholstery requires from the master a sense of aesthetics, decoration and in general the appearance of an object.
"Kako se presvlači volan" ??
Presvlačenje i tapaciranje volana spada u ručno šivenje, najčešće kože ili eko kože. Koliko je meni poznato, završno tapaciranje se mora izvršiti ručno, nema te mašine koja to može uraditi. Svakako, da se prilikom presvlačenja volana (upravljača) po potrebi koristi i šivaća mašina.OK da pokušamo malo približiti taj proces. Općenito,tapetarija zahtijeva od majstora smisao za estetiku, dekoraciju i uopšteno izgled nekog predmeta.

Correctly Place Spool On Sewing Machine / Spool Thread Stand

How to properly place the spool of thread on the sewing machine, ie placing the upper thread, this topic is closely related to the insertion of the thread into the sewing machine, read about this topic HERE. Searching the internet, reading various ads, but also through various questions, I concluded that many do not know how to put a thread on a machine, so I am a spool of thread (cone). It is very important to unwind the upper thread correctly, but if the spool itself is not placed correctly,
Kako pravilno postaviti kalem konca na šivaću mašinu, tj.postavljanje gornjeg konca, ova tema je usko vezana sa uvlačenjem (udijevanjem,umetanjem) konca u šivaću mašinu, o toj temi pročitaj OVDJE. Pretražujući internet, čitajući razne oglase ali i kroz razna pitanja sam zaključio da mnogi ne znaju postaviti konac na mašinu, dakle sam kalem konca (konus). Veoma je bitno pravilno izmotavanje gornjeg konca,ali ako sam kalem nije pravilno postavljen,

Home and Industrial Steam Irons / Electric Iron / Pegla Na Paru / Električna Pegla

Her "majesty" irons, a not so favorite subject for many ladies :), there is also prejudice and truth.? This may date back to older times when irons were heavy, awkward, and inconvenient to handle. We will go back a little bit in history when it comes to ironing. The assumption is that the ancient Chinese, who knows when, first started using some kind of iron, they noticed that the heat corrects and irons the woven material. The museum specimen of the Chinese Iron is made of bronze and it was filled with embers. Much later, that iron will come to Europe, we all know that old iron that has a cover on the upper side and in which charcoal embers are placed. The big disadvantage of these irons was the smoke, the possibility of "spilling" fire and weight, today they are just a decorative and decorative object in all sorts of places. It is assumed that the first European irons were used in Italy, because in the Middle Ages part of today's Italy had a well-developed textile production.
Njeno "veličanstvo" pegla (glačalo), mnogim damama ne tako omiljen predmet :) ,ima tu i predrasuda i istine.? To možda potječe iz starijih vremena kada su pegle bile teške, nezgrapne i nezgodne za rukovanje. Malo će mo se vratiti u historiju kada je u pitanju pegla i peglanje. Predpostavka je da su stari Kinezi, još ko zna kada, prvi počeli koristiti neku vrstu pegle, oni su uočili da toplota ispravlja i glača tkani materijal. Muzejski primjerak kineske pegle je od bronze i ona je se punila žarom. Mnogo kasnije će ta pegla doći u Evropu, svi poznajemo onu starinsku gusanu pegu koja sa gornje strane ima pokopac i u koju se stavlja žar drvenog uglja. Veliki nedotatak tih pegli je bio dim, mogućnost "prosipanja" vatre i težina, danas su one samo ukarsni i dekorativni predmet na svakojakim mjestima. Pretpostavka je da su prve evropske pegle korištene u Italiji, jer je u srednjem vijeku dio današnje Italije imao dobro razvijenu proizvodnju tekstila.

Pfaff 1222 | Pfaff 1221 | Pfaff 1212 | Pfaff 1214 | Pfaff 1199 | Pfaff 1197 | Pfaff 1229

The Pfaff 1222 sewing machine is a model whose production dates back to around the 1970s. The following models were made on an almost identical platform: Pfaff 1196, 1197, 1199, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1221, 1222, 1222E, 1229. Which means that there are a lot of similarities with all these pfaffs, many parts are identical. Pfaff 1222 is a sleeve sewing machine with an additional platform, there are also flat ones, but they are quite rare.
The complete housing of the machine is made of aluminum alloy. The internal parts are also quite high quality, it is interesting that this machine according to the instructions is not intended for lubrication at all, except for the grapple, the then Pfaff did not provide any other maintenance. Oil filler holes do not exist on any sliding or hinge elements.
Šivaća mašina Pfaff 1222 je model čiji početak proizvodnje datira oko 1970-tih godina. Na gotovo identičnoj platformi su izrađeni i sledeći modeli: Pfaff 1196, 1197, 1199, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1221, 1222, 1222E, 1229. Što će reći da sve ove pfaff-ovke ima dosta sličnosti, mnogi dijelovi su identični. Pfaff 1222 je rukavna šivaća mašina sa dodatnom platformom, ima ih i ravnih ali su dosta rijetke. Kompletno kućište mašine je od legure aluminija. Unutrašnji dijelovi su isto tako prilično kvalitetni, zanimljivo je što ova mašina po uputstvu uopšte nije predviđena za podmazivanje, izuzev grajfera, tadašnji Pfaff nije predvidio nikakvo drugo održavanje. Rupice za nalivanje ulja ne postoje niti na jednom kliznom ili zglobnom elementu.

Sewing Applique Patterns / Sewing Applique Patch Pattern / Šivenje Aplikacija

This is a topic that for those who like to be creative and maybe in someone after this text "awakens" creativity and becomes interested and curious when it comes to applications. :) Actually, what are sew applications and how are they made? Sewn applications can be, for example, various embroidered emblems and thumbnails that are added to various objects, there are no "borders" and rules, they are placed in all possible and impossible places.
Ovo je tema koji za one koji vole biti kreativni a možda se u nekome poslije ovog teksta "probudi" kreativnost i postane zainteresiran i radoznao kada su u pitanju aplikacije. :) Ustvari, šta su to aplikacije i kako se izrađuju.? Šivene aplikacije mogu biti recimo razni vezeni amblemi i sličice koje se dodaju na raznorazne predmete, "granice" i pravila nema, postavljaju se na sva moguća i nemoguća mjesta.

Industrial Sewing Machine Class / Industrijska Šivaća Mašina Klase

The word "class" itself is somehow interesting, where does that prefix with "industrial sewing machine" come from ?? Many change the serial number with the class of the machine, it has nothing to do with each other, although the serial number of some models can determine which class of machine it is, for example, older Singer sewing machines.
Class is a foreign word, but it has become a standard in our country, it could be "roughly" translated as a "category" of sewing machines. It originates from the German word "Klasse nähmaschinen" or the English "class sewing machines".
Sama riječ "klasa" nekako je zanimljiva, od kud taj prefiks uz "industrijska šivaća mašina"??
Mnogi mijenjaju serijski broj sa klasom mašine, to nema veze jedno s drugim, mada se po serijskom broju kod nekih modela može odrediti o kojoj je klasi mašine riječ, recimo kod starijih Singer šivaćih mašina. Klasa je strana riječ ali je se kod nas ustalila kao neki standard, ona bi se mogla "grubo"prevesti kao "kategorija" šivaće mašine. Porijeklo vodi od njemačke riječi "Klasse nähmaschinen" ili engleski "class sewing machines".

Bernina 540 Favorit / Vintage Bernina / Bernina Favorit 540

This Bernine model is specific in many ways, first of all it is most likely a small series of Bernine, a rare model or the owners are reluctant to sell it, it is certain that they have a reason.
Namely, this model is designed for medium-heavy working conditions, some call such machines "semi-industrial", the construction is as massive as all parts, the drive pulley (flywheel) is larger in diameter and weight, it is made of cast iron with plastic coating. The first interesting thing is the drive of the machine, it is not done classically using ...