A stand alone bobbin winder is most commonly used in some more serious workshops that require a larger amount of wound lower thread. With most industrial sewing machines, disconnecting the needle is not possible when winding the lower thread, if we do not already have a few coiled spools, take it off, windings ... etc., We all know who we worked on sewing machines that this "phenomenon" occasionally frustrates.
Samostalna motalica se najčešće koristi u nekim ozbiljnijim radionicama koje zahtijevaju veću količinu namotanog donjeg konca. Kod većine industrijskih šivaćih mašina isključenje igle nije moguće prilikom namotavanja donjeg konca, ako već nemamo nekoliko namotanih spulnica,daj skidaj,namotaji...itd,svi znamo koji smo radili na šivaćim mašinama da ta pojava povremeno frustrira.Every serious tailoring shop, leather goods workshop ... any workshop should have an independent lower thread winder. There are them on the Internet to buy, they are not so cheap, and all the goods that come from the east are, to say the least, of dubious quality.
Anyone who has the desire and need for an independent lower thread winder can do it. Here in today's topic is just an example of a reel I did the other day, it's not a special job, good will, a few tools and of course the parts needed for it. In the first picture I marked which parts these are:
1-start pedal, 2-electric motor, 3-switch with plug (original from motor and pedal), 4-winder from industrial sewing machine, 5-thread stand (I have a drain bathroom grate :)), 6-thread guide (thicker steel wire) and 7-wood board. There are no special rules when making this reel, I am not...
Svaka iole ozbiljnija krojačka radnja, radionica za izradu kožne galanterije....bilo koja radionica trebala bi da ima samostalnu motalicu donjeg konca. Ima ih na internetu za kupiti nisu tako ni jeftine a sva roba koja dolazi sa istoka je, u najmanju ruku sumnjivog kvaliteta.Svako ko ima želju i potrebu za samostalnom motalicom donjeg konca može je napraviti. Evo u današnjoj temi je upravo primjer motalice koju sam JA uradio prije neki dan, nije to neki poseban posao, dobra volja, malo alata i naravno dijelovi koji su potrebni za to.Na prvoj slici sam obilježio koji su to dijelovi:
1-startna papučica, 2-elektro motor, 3-prekidač sa štekerom (original od motora i papučice), 4-motalica sa industrijske šivaće mašine, 5-postolje za konac (kod mene odvodna kupaonička rešetkica :)), 6-vodilica konca(deblja čelična žica) i 7-drvena ploča (oplemenjena iverica).
Pri izradi ove motalice nema tu nekog posebnog pravila, ja nisam nikakve
measurement wrote, it is important that each part is nicely attached to a wooden base, that the large spool wheel is in the axis opposite the small drive on the motor, since this motor is quite fast output shaft diameter is about 8 mm with the fact that and glued a thin piece of rubber for better grip.
When the winder is switched on, the pressure of the large wheel on the central output shaft of the motor should not be unnecessarily high, just enough for the winder to operate quite normally. Before assembling, it would not be bad to open and clean the engine and lubricate its plain bearings thinly with grease. Finally, if you are not expert enough about electricity, be sure to leave it to an expert.
I didn't take photos, but I placed thin self-adhesive felt pads (3mm) on the bottom, and otherwise, if necessary, two holes can be drilled on the wooden base, so the whole assembly is placed somewhere on the table. You can also get the so-called bobbin box and arrange a larger amount of wound coils in colors that suit you ...How to properly wind the lower thread of the sewing machine, read HERE