For many, this title means nothing, it is a name for a patent owned by the "Pfaff" company (protected name and patent). Nowadays, it is difficult to protect anything, there is mass competition and copying of everything and everything is happening on all sides.
One of the ancient themes was "Double or needle transport of materials". The Pfaff IDT feed system is something "similar", that is, it is a classic double transport that can be easily switched on and off if necessary.
These photos are from the Pfaff 1214 model, the same type of double transport is found on the Pfaff 1222 machine, about these models maybe on another occasion, I know that they are quite good machines that have one catastrophic flaw and that is a pair of gears in the lower part of the machine, the gears are vital for work and the toothed parts are made of plastic, Because these gears are inside the lower part of the machine, they are rarely lubricated and therefore they are damaged and the price of only one gear is around 50 € and they are very difficult to get and the replacement is special story.
Okay, this was a little review of Pfaff 1214 / Pfaff 1222. In the given pictures you can see how it all looks, turning it on and off is extremely simple, there are even owners who own this machine without ever turning on this system☺, nor do they know how to turn it on or what it is for.?
Na datim slikama se lijepo vidi kako to sve izgleda, uključivanje i isključivanje je krajnje jednostavno, čak ima vlasnika koji posjeduju ovu mašinu a da nikada nisu ni uključili ovaj sistem :) ,niti ga znaju uključiti niti znaju čemu služi .?:)
The pictures show the on / off arrows.
The inclusion is done when sewing heavier materials, eco leather, parts of clothing with thicker transitions, etc. The IDT system is coupled to the foot, when switched on by raising the foot the complete assembly is raised. Adding a foot with rolling bodies, the working condition is fantastic, you can sewing everything, even thinner natural leather with an adequate strong thread. Working on machines with this type of transport is quite good, there is no "obstacle" that will not be overcome. The animation shows the principle of how it all works.
IDT system je spregnut sa stopicom, kada je uključen podizanjem stopice se podiže kompletan sklop. Dodavanje stopice sa kotrljajućim tijelima stanje pri radu je fantastično, možete šiti sve, pa i tanju prirodnu kožu uz adekvatan jak konac. Rad na mašinama sa ovom vrstom transporta je dosta dobar, nema te "prepreke" koja neće biti savladana. Na datoj animaciji se vidi princip kako to sve funkcioniše.
Dupli transport ili na engleskom "walking foot" može se poslednjih nekoliko godina nači kod posebne klase mašina(ako mogu tako da kažem),koja je na prostoru Europe malo poznata(nije mi jasno zašto).Daleko poznatija je u SAD-eju,Kanadi i nekim djelovima Azije.Zove se "portable walking foot sewing machine".Sasvim je klasične konstrukcije,izrađena u potpunosti od metala,vrlo jaka,u veličini kučne mašine.Najpoznatiji brendovi su "Sailrite","Reliable Barracuda","Consew".Ima jih veliki broj,uključujuči i kineske klonove.Tipično za njih je i da se prodaje i dodatni,veči zamajac koji možemo sami promeniti.Ima oko 3 kg,zovu ga "monster wheel".Sve koriste igle tip 135-17,na njima može da se šije i one najteže materiale.U Europi se ne prodaju,možda nema potražnje ili zbog najbolje koštaju u SAD-ju oko hiljadu dolara.ako dodamo carinu,transport i možda još neki trošak to je za naše prilike puno preskupo.Lično bi je kupio da se proizvodi negde u blizini po pametnoj ceni.Samo toliko i puno pozdrava!
ReplyDeleteDa, znam o čemu govorite, negdje na stranici je neko još davno pomenuo "Sailrite" šivaću mašinu. To su portabl prenosive male mašine, male ali dosta jake. Nema toga kod nas, njih u Americi najviše koriste majstori koji rade "na terenu", recimo popravka jedra na nekom većem čamcu..uglavnom za šivenje na licu mjesta ali svakako i kod kuće. Jeste, imaju veliki zamajac, brzina je dosta redukovana ali je probojna moć igle veoma velika. Pozdrav i Vama i hvala na zanimljivom komentaru.