Button stitching can be done manually and by machine. How to sew buttons by hand I think there is no need to explain much, the first picture shows the forms of sewing buttons, if the button has two holes then it is only one dash "-" and with buttons with four holes three ways are used: "=, X and V "shape.
When sewing by hand, tighten the thread as much as necessary, if you want a slightly looser sewing, you can place the most common toothpick or needle above the button, and finally fasten the end of the thread on the underside.
How to sew a button on a home sewing machine? Sewing buttons on the machine requires a suitable Presser Foot, there are different types, depending on the type and age of the sewing machine. It is essential to "note" the sewing places on a given object, say a shirt, the marking is usually done with chalk, which disappears from the fabric after a while.To sew buttons, the machine must have the most basic zigzag stitch, better digital machines have a special program for sewing buttons
Kako se šije dugme na kućnoj šivaćoj mašini?
Za šivenje dugmadi na mašini potrebna je odgovarajuća stopica, ima i raznih vrsta, ovisno o tipu i starosti šivaće mašine. Osnovno je zabilježiti mjesta prišivanja na datom predmetu, recimo košulja, označavanje se vrši najćešće kredom koja poslije izvjesnog vremena nestane sa tkanine.
Za šivenje dugmadi mašina mora imati najosnovniji cik/cak bod, bolje digitalne mašine imaju poseban program za šivenje dugmadi.
Za šivenje dugmadi na mašini potrebna je odgovarajuća stopica, ima i raznih vrsta, ovisno o tipu i starosti šivaće mašine. Osnovno je zabilježiti mjesta prišivanja na datom predmetu, recimo košulja, označavanje se vrši najćešće kredom koja poslije izvjesnog vremena nestane sa tkanine.
Za šivenje dugmadi mašina mora imati najosnovniji cik/cak bod, bolje digitalne mašine imaju poseban program za šivenje dugmadi.
First we measure the distance between the center of the holes, it is quite standardized and is usually about 4 mm, if the machine only has a zigzag in the beginning to make adjustments without thread, use a thin needle, at first this job usually looks a bit awkward but when you "get into scheme "there are no special problems. It goes without saying that it is easier to sew buttons with two holes on a home machine.
I mentioned when sewing buttons by hand that an ordinary toothpick can be inserted under the button, this is done with thicker fabrics or if we want the button not to be too tight. The same is done when sewing on the machine, with a needle of a certain thickness being inserted under the button, but there is a Presser Foot that has this type of adjustment on it, so the help of a needle is not needed, we can see on the special foot in "Husqvarna viking" (pictures ).
Reading some foreign sites and similar topics, I noticed that ladies who do tutorials for sewing buttons on computerized machines suggest the inclusion of zigzag stitches as an option ?? This is a mistake, such machines usually have a special program for sewing buttons and when using this program the needle not only goes left and right, but the machine combines programmatically and finally makes a couple of stitches in the same hole for fastening, in the basic mechanical zigzag program. must be done manually. Let me also say that on all home sewing machines, the lower transport teeth (feed dog) must be turned off before sewing the buttons.
Čitajući tako neke strane sajtove i slične teme primijetio sam da gospođe koje rade tutorijale za šivenje dugmadi na kompijuterizovanim mašinama predlažu uključenje cik/cak boda kao opciju?? To je greška, takve mašine obično imaju poseban program za šivenje dugmadi i pri korištenju tog programa igla ne ide samo lijevo-desno, već mašina kombinuje programski a na kraju vrši par uboda u istu rupicu radi učvršćenja, to kod osnovnog mehaničkog cik/cak programa se mora ručno uraditi. Još da kažem da se na svim kućnim šivaćim mašinama prije prišivanja dugmadi moraju isključiti donji transportni zupci.Finally, we must mention the industrial Button Sewing Machine.
The industrial button sewing machine has been around for a long time, it has been perfected over the years and the latest models are fully automated. Industrial button sewing machine is necessary in all smaller or larger workshop where a larger number of buttons are sewn every day, it is easy to use, the newer the better, lifting the button holder is pneumatic, the speed goes up to 1500 stitch per minute, only sewing the button is very quickly, thread cuting is usually automatic.
With some industrial Button Sewing Machine, each button is placed on a special bracket before sewing, and this needs to be adjusted when choosing buttons. After adjusting and marking the positions, we simply take one button from the bowl, place it on the holder and activate the sewing, it is interesting that with industrial Button Sewing Machine the needle sticks only straight and the holder with the button moves from left to right, these are short movements and more like vibration. The most modern machine have automatic placement of buttons on the holder, so the work is significantly accelerated...
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