Singer as a company had and still has its plants in several countries around the world. Some parts were made separately in different places and the final product was assembled, for example in Italy (singer made in italy). Today's theme is the singer starter slipper made in France (Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) and the machine model is Singer 252. This type of pedal control can certainly be found on many Singer models. The case of the foot control is made of bakelite...
Singer kao kompanija je imala a i danas ima svoje pogone u nekoliko država svijeta. Pojedini dijelovi su se posebno radili na različitim mjestima a završni proizvod je sklapan, recimo u Italiji (singer made in italy). Današnja tema je singer startna papuča proizvedena u Francuskoj (eng.Singer sewing motor controller-made in france cr303) a model mašine je Singer 252. Ovaj tip papučice se sigurno može sresti na mnogim Singer modelima. Kućište papuče je izrađeno od bakelita..., which at that time (1970s) was very common in the manufacture of a large number of various electrical components. Bakelite is an excellent insulator, it tolerates temperature well, it is stable, etc. (Fig. 1) .
As with other pedal controls, this one is subject to dusting, soiling, burning of the contact plates ... and with that there are problems with the operation of the sewing machine motor. As every time,
Please note, disconnect the machine completely from the power supply and do not do this if you are unsure of your knowledge of electricity. ! Opening on...
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as follows: Fig. 2, turn the pedal counter side and unscrew the screw marked with an arrow, this screw regulates the "sensitivity" and the proximity of the start. By releasing it, the starting foot has more free travel until the engine starts. Take a good screwdriver and unscrew it, then remove one small round cover Fig.3 with a thin screwdriver. By removing that cover we have access to one larger “screw”, this “screw” is in quotes because this part only looks like a screw from the outside and essentially it is not, there is no thread. The magnification shows that it is a cut and serrated tube at the bottom.
sledeći način:Sl 2, okrenemo papučicuna kontra stranu i odvijemo vijak označen strelicom, tim vijkom se reguliše "osjetljivost" i blizina starta.Njegovim popuštanjem startna papuča ima više slobodnog hoda do pokretanja motora. Uzeti dobar izvijač i odvrnuti ga, zatim skidamo jedan manji okrugli poklopac sl.3 pomoću tankog izvijača. Skidanjem tog poklopca imamo pristup jednom većem "vijku", ovo "vijku" je pod navodnicima zato što ovaj dio samo s vana izgleda kao vijak a u suštini nije, nema navoja. Na uvećanju se vidi da je to pri dnu rasječena i nazubljena cjevčica.
That "screw " pull like a tooth :), good pliers and move left to right and pull towards you, the possibility of cracking a piece of pedal housing is not excluded.! When we remove that screw we open the pedal. In Figure 5 we see the current state, full of dust, we also see the effect of "high voltage" on a living organism :-) The main parts inside the pedal are the contact sheets and one ceramic part that has a graphite stick inside, remove it all and set it aside.
Glavni dijelovi unutar papučice su kontaktni limovi i jedan keramički dio koji unutar sebe ima grafitni štapić, to se poskidati i odložiti na stranu.
Dust the inside well with compressed air or vacuum the dust with a powerful vacuum cleaner with the help of a handy brush, the contact sheets on which the graphite stick rests should be cleaned with the help of fine sandpaper. How it all looks later we see in Figure 6. also clean the main contact sheets with fine sandpaper.
Unutrašnjost dobro odprašiti vazduhom pod pritiskom ili usisati prašinu jaćim usisivačem uz pomoć priručne četkice, kontaktni limovi na koje naliježe grafitni štapić trebaju biti očišćeni uz pomoć sitnog brusnog papira. Kako to sve izgleda poslije vidimo na slici 6. isto tako glavne kontaktne limove očistiti sitnim vodobrusnim papirom.To note, in many posts I wrote about using "sandpaper water", it does not mean that you have to use water when sanding, NO, use sandpaper "dry". We see in Figure 7 a piece of sandpaper between two sheets, the upper sheet a little we press down and move the paper as in the picture.
Da napomenem, u dosta postova sam pisao o korištenju "vodobrusnog papira", to ne znači da morate koristiti vodu pri brušenju, NE, vodobrusni papir koristite "na suho".Vidimo na slici 7 komadić vodobrusnog papira između dva lima, gornji limić malo pritisnemo prema dole a papir pomičemo kao na slici.After that, the contacts must be clean and free of traces of soot and compressed dust. Return the ceramic part with the graphite rod to its position and squeeze the access electrical points a little with pliers for better contact (Fig. 8). We return everything in reverse order and then see the result in Figure 9.
Poslije toga kontakti moraju biti čisti i bez tragova gareži i spresane prašine. Vratimo keramički dio sa grafitnim štapom na njegovu poziciju a pristupne elektro klemice malo stisnemo kliještima zbog boljeg kontakta (sl.8). Sve vratimo obrnutim redoslijedom i onda vidimo rezultat na slici 9.Fold the start pedal, making sure that the baffle springs fit nicely in their places, and then connect the two parts of the pedal with the corresponding screws.
The larger "screw" will be hammered in with a light hammer or pressed with a stronger screwdriver and the adjusting screw will be adjusted as desired. This completes this useful work.
Onaj veći "vijak" će mo zakucati laganim čekićem ili utisnuti jačim šavcigerom a regulacioni vijak donegnuti po želji. Time je ovaj korisni posao završen .
This need me, I own Singer sewing machine, has identical controller, thank you Master
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