It is difficult for me to translate this topic into English, but I will try ☺ :
Let's see what the term "welt cord piping" means.? “Welt cord” is a common term denoting the tubular hem-edge of an item we are sewing. Welt cord is mostly used when upholstering furniture and when upholstering car seats. The cord itself can be made of a special material, a thin diameter over which no additional material passes, this option is very common in car upholstery, welt cord is made of some kind of foam rubber, usually a thinner diameter of 2-4mm, the color is selected by desire.
Placing a "welt cord" in car upholstery is optional, the trend is to replace the cord with a double outer stitch. When sewing welt cord on upholstered furniture, the situation is somewhat different, depending on the material, a rope of different diameters is used, it can be from ordinary felt, polyamide rope ... to some type of rubber (something between rubber and plastic). In any case, it is desirable that the welt cord is elastic and flexible.
Postavljanje kedera u auto tapetariji je po želji, trend je zamjena kedera duplim vanjskim štepom. Kod šivenja kedera na tapaciranom namještaju je situacija nešto drugačija, ovisno o materijalu, koristi se keder kanap različitih promjera, može biti od običnog filca, poliamid š do neke vrste gume (nešto između gume i plastike). U svakom slučaju poželjno je da je keder špaga elastična i savitljiva.
Only sewing Welt Cord can be done in several ways, most often in two and sometimes in three strokes (see pictures). Sewing Welt Cord on car seats that are not covered with material is done in one or two strokes. If we use a rope that we have to cover in some material, then sewing is done in two or three strokes. In the picture we see one piece of upholstered furniture, specifically the lower surface on which it sits, a rope is sewn along the edge, how to do it well. Of course, it is necessary to have an adequate presser foot that fits your sewing machine, as far as the fabric is concerned, as in the example, then you can use a simple welt cord foot with one "channel" underneath and if we work with artificial leather, genuine leather or any other stronger material then we will use a machine with triple transport with adequate inner and outer foot. Why is this necessary and is a foot for the cord necessary?
Samo šivenje kedera se može vršiti na nekoliko načina, najčešće se radi u dva a ponekada i u tri poteza (vidi slike). Šivenje kedera na auto sjedištima koji se ne presvlači materijalom se vrši u jedan ili dva poteza. Ako koristimo keder špagu koju moramo obložiti u neki materijal onda se šivenje radi u dva ili tri poteza. Na slici vidimo jedan komad tapaciranog namještaja, konkretno donja površina (jastuk) na kojoj se sjedi, po rubu je ušiven keder, kako to kvalitetno uraditi. Naravno, potrebno je imati adekvatnu stopicu koja odgovara vašoj šivaćoj mašini, u koliko je u pitanju štof, kao na primjeru, onda se može koristiti obična stopica za keder sa jednim "kanalom" ispod a ako radimo sa eko kožom, pravom kožom ili bilo kojim drugim jačim materijalom onda će mo koristiti mašinu sa trostrukim transportom uz adekvatnu unutrašnju i vanjsku stopicu. Zbog čega je to potrebno i da li je neophodna stopica za keder?From my good experience I can say that a machine with triple transport does not have to have a suitable foot for the Welt Cord, but the master in that case must have significantly more skills when sewing, he must be more careful..etc. Using the foot for Welt Cord sewing goes "smooth" and the stitch itself is along the edge of the cord, which is very important. When sewing Cord I advise the following, if you are doing a seat, first determine the length of the Welt Cord required, then cut a strip of material to line the cord, then formally, the maximum length of stitches on the machine place the material on the Welt Cord, not along the edge, when you done then coated Cord sew to a larger area and then add the upholster tape along the very edge of the Cord. This job requires exercises, it creates a big problem for beginners. It is sometimes thought, that the problem itself lies in the lack of a foot for the Welt Cord, which does not necessarily mean paying attention to the order of sewing, the order of tailoring, the stretch of the material ;
Iz mog dobrog iskustva mogu reći da mašina sa trostrukim transportom ne mora imati odgovarajuću stopicu za keder ali majstor u tom slučaju mora imati znatno više vještine prilikom šivenja, mora više paziti..itd. Korištenjem stopice za kedere šivenje ide "glatko" a sam štep je uz rub kedera, što je itekako važno. Prilkom šivenja kedera savjetujem sledeće, ako radite sjedište, prvo odredite dužinu keder špage koja je potrebna,potom režete traku materijala kojom će te obložiti keder, zatim formalno maximalnom dužinom koraka na mašini nabacite materijal na keder,ne uz sami rub, kada ste to uradili onda presvučeni keder šijete na veću površinu a potom dodajete okolnu traku uz sami rub kedera. Ovaj posao traži vježbe, početnicima stvara veliki problem. Ponekad se misli, da sam problem leži u nedostatku stopice za keder, što ne mora da znači, obratiti pažnju na redoslijed šivenja, redoslijed krojenja, ratezljivost materijala;Welt cord feet can be for home and industrial sewing machines, they can be so-called. left or right or both at the same time. If you do not have a machine with triple transport, then buy a Teflon Cord sopica, artificial materials, especially artificial leather, rustic and the like, glide over Teflon better. When working with genuine leather, triple transport with the Cord sewing foot is mandatory, the foot must be adjusted to the thickness of the cord or at least an approximate measure (diameter of the foot channel). Sewing the Welt Cord significantly increases the surface area of the material in contact with the foot and therefore the transport is much more difficult, it is practically a full circle in cross section.
Let me add, if you don't have a foot for the Welt Cord for some reason, try using a foot for sewing zippers, it can serve well, especially on both sides....
Još da dodam, ukoliko nemate stopicu za keder iz nekog razloga, pokušajte koristiti sopicu za šivenje rajfeslusa, može dobro poslužiti, naročito obostrana. Od mene toliko,znam da neće biti komentara od onih koji to već rade ali zato pitajte, ja ono što znam dodatno ću objasniti, "majstori" kriju znanje ali MasinkiKutak NE. Srodne i povezane teme: Stopice za šivaće mašine
Pozdrav,zanima me prodajete li Vi stopicu za keder za industrijsku mašinu Pfaff 1245 i znate li nekoga tko prodaje? Hvala
ReplyDeleteDa li imate za prodaju stopicu za keder, sa nižim vratom.
ReplyDeleteKoliko kosta stopica za keder