eng.speed sewing machines;
Speed reduction (number of revolutions), ie the speed of the sewing machine can be regulated in several ways, in case of modifications and alterations, changing the engine from one machine to another, sometimes the machine speed is too high, which is difficult to control and for beginners creates large problems, of course, I’m “talking” about industrial sewing machines.
Redukcija obrtaja (broj okretaja), odnosno, brzina šivaće mašine se može regulisati na nekoliko načina,u slučaju modifikacija i prepravki, mijenjanja motora sa jedne mašine na drugu, ponekad dolazi do suviše velike brzine mašine, koja se teško kontroliše a kod početnika stvara velike probleme, naravno, "govorim" o industrijskim šivaćim mašinama.
Too large a drive pulley on the motor will significantly increase the final speed of the needle on the sewing machine, with classic stitches, which sew light materials, it is somewhat acceptable and tolerant. When working with heavy and thick materials, the speed of the needle should be reduced.
Newer models of industrial sewing machines on their motors (servo motors) have a simple potentiometer, which is extremely easy to regulate the speed of the machine and with servo motors work is necessary, when we squeeze the clutch coil then the motor starts, it can also be applied via double reduction in high-load machines, in these situations the motors do not require any special power and thus the energy savings are significant. Processing of real leather, thicker eco leather, densely woven and thick fabric, tarpaulins ... etc. It is desirable to have a slightly lower number of revolutions, ie a smaller number of needle stitches per second. The thicker and heavier the material the needle prick should be the smaller.
The transition from home to industrial sewing machines is also a big change and too much speed is a problem for students and easy starting of the machine is almost impossible (they have no "feeling" on the clutch), in these situations the condition significantly improves the reduction of the pulley diameter.
When we need to work with natural leather, we have a robust machine with triple transport but its needle speed is too high, double reduction gives solid results (see pictures), so the torque from the engine is transferred to one central intermediate transmission with double pulley and from it to "machine head".
Making that "between transmissions" is not something complicated and can be improvised in different ways, it is important that the directions of the belts are good and that the pulleys do not have unnecessary oscillations and all this is placed on quality bearings. Sewing machines with double and triple transport, which are used. Of course, there are machines with a lower engine speed and a smaller drive pulley that are slower in themselves and do not require any intervention, unless you want the opposite, to increase speed ...
Kada trebamo raditi izrazito debelu prirodnu kožu, posjedujemo robusnu mašinu sa trostrukim transportom ali joj je brzina igle suviševelika, dvostruka redukcija daje solidne rezultate (vidi slike), dakle obrtni moment sa motora se prenosi na jedan središnji međuprenos sa duplom remenicom a sa njega na "glavu mašine".
Izrada tog "među prenosa" nije nešto komplikovana a može se improvizirati na različite načine, bitno je da su pravci remenja dobri i da remenice nemaju nepotrebnih oscilacija i sve to postavljeno na kvalitetnim ležajevima. Šivaće mašine sa dvostrukim i trostrukim transportom, kojima se vrši. Svakako da postoje mašine sa nižim brojem okretaja motora i sa manjom pogonskom remenicom koje su same po sebi sporije i na njima nije potrebna nikakva intervencija,osim ako ne želite suprotno,povećati brzinu...
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