
Bernina Presser Foot Old Style New Style / Bernina Presser Feet

Bernina's sewing machines have a unique shape of the presser foot, it is patented and only Bernina can have it. Bernina started producing sewing machines with a patented foot a long time ago. 
The feature of the Bernina foot is the ease of installation and removal, in addition, the solution is of such high quality that the foot is very tight in a second. apart from the fact that Bernina has a large "palette" of presser foots, the basic division is into "old and new style", the basic difference is the shape of the part that is placed on the foot bracket (fot bar), the attached picture shows this difference.

The clamping part in the presser foot "old style" is rounded while the "new style" is more square, in addition, the "new style" has an additional small groove on the back. (see picture). If you have a Bernina who uses an “old style” presser foot, you won’t be able to put a “new style” on her or vice versa.
Small deviations are possible, especially on the "old style" feet, for example the "old style" foot of the Bernina 830 is difficult to set on the Bernina 1130, why and how to solve it. It often happens that certain presser foot have never been used, especially from older production models, when...

the technology was not the most precise, so a deviation of 0.1-0.2 mm can be found on the front groove, which can make it impossible to place the presser foot on the foot bar. The attached pictures marked 1, 2 and 3 show how to solve this simple problem.
It is necessary to align the inner part of the front clamping part with a miniature metal file, if you do not have a small file, try a piece of sandpaper or a better quality nail file. Sanding a little left and right side and try, after the first or second attempt your new foot will be in place. With Bernina's "new style" foot, such an intervention is not necessary. Below is a list of Bernina sewing machines that use the new and old style of feet:

Bernina presser foot feet old style:
BERNINA 530, 530-2, 531, 532, 532-2, 534, 540, 540-2, 542-2, 600, 610, 614, 640-2, 642-2, 644, 700 , 707, 708, 709, 717, 718, 719, 730, 731, 732, 741, 742, 744, 800, 801, 801s, 802, 802s, 803, 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005 , 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1020, 1030, 1031, 1080, 1090, 1120, 1130, 1230, 1260, 1530 i 1630  
803s, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 811s , 817, 818, 819, 830, 830e, 830H, 831, 832, 840, 841, 842, 850, 900, 900E, 910, 910N, 930, 931, 932, 940, 950,

Bernina presser foot feet new style:
BERNINA 215, 330, 350, 380, 530, 550, 560, 580, 710, 720, 740, 750, 770, 780, 790, 820, 830, 880
Artista 165, 170, 180, 185, 200, 630, 635, 640, 730
Virtuosa 150, 153, 155, 160, 163
Activa 125, 130, 131, 135, 140, 145, 210, 220, 230, 240 Aurora 430, 435, 440, 450...etc


  1. Mašinski kutak je fantastičan! Sve pohvale tvorcu! Stalno mu se vraćam. Sve što me je interesovalo našla sam ovde. Sve što nisam znala našla sam ovde. Amater sam u svetu šivenja ali mi šivenje pričinjava radost. Moja prabaka i baka su imale salon za šivenje i ja sam uživala gledajući ih kako rade a i obučavaju svoje šegrte. Kada sam završila fakultet i zaposlila se od prve plate sam kupila Bagat Ružu. Od mame sam nasledili i Berninu record 830 sa kojom sam prezadovoljna. Videla sam da Bernina ima mogućnost dodavanja adaptera shank i adaptera snap on i za mašine stari stil. Kako imam i Bagat Ružu sa dosta snap on stopica takav neki dodatak za Berninu bi mi odgovarao. Koji od takvih adaptera odgovara Bernini record 830?

  2. Hvala i Vama na komentaru,pohvalama i dobrom pitanju :)
    Ja sam u postu stavio sliku dvije vrste adaptera,vama bi mogao odgovarati adapter pod brojem 2 ali 1-ca je sigurnija.Shank adapter"1" je odgovarajuće visine,što je veoma bitno,dok kod modela"2"je teško uskladiti sve komponente da bi na kraju stopica stajala na odgovarajućoj poziciji.Adapter"1"koriste i neki noviji modeli Bernine,tipa "activa 220",na taj adapter stopica od bagatove"ruže"neće odgovarati.Raspon na stopici označen crnim strelicama je na "ruži"6 mm a za berninu je potrebno da bude 4 mm.LP

    1. Razrešili ste mi dilemu! Kupujem shank adapter 1. Još me zanima koje snap on stopice odgovaraju mojoj Bernini? Samo njene stopice ili i nekog drugog proizvođača. Videla sam u ponudama da postoje i neki kompleti ali nisam u prilici da merim razmak na koji ste mi skrenuli pažnju.

    2. NE,nemojte kupovati adapter 1,danas sam provjerio da je taj adapter namijenjen za neke novije modele Bernine,ne odgovara uopšte.
      Najsigurnija opcija je kupovina originalne stopice ili adapter 2,ali samo onaj"produžetak",ja ga nemam tako da neki konkretan odgovor ne mogu dati.Dakle adapter 1,ovaj koji ja imam od "activa-e"nije za stare modele Bernina-e.Sory zbog malog nesporazuma :)

  3. Anonymous9.2.16

    Adapter za bernina stopice može biti stari i novi tip,ali i samom adapteru se mora prilagoditi i stopica,kupovina originalne stopice je prvi izbor.
