
Sewing Machine Husqvarna 230 | Husqvarna 225 | Husqvarna 235 | Husqvarna 320

It is a sewing machine from a well-known Swedish manufacturer, Husqvarna 230 is an electromechanical device with little electronics, this small electronic board enhances the penetrating power of the needle even at low motor speeds, hence the prefix "electronic". Husqvarna 230 has about 15 programs, which is quite enough for home use. The outer shell of the machine is made of plastic and the inner part is made of cast aluminum which is attached to a steel molding for better stability during operation (see picture). The machine has a motor power of about 80 W. The inner timing belt is ...Husqvarna Service Manual
wide and strong, which is seldom seen on home sewing machines, I can freely say that it is indestructible. The drive belt on the electric motor is serrated, which reduces the possibility of slipping. Another interesting thing is the presser foot lifter, it is a fairly wide and strong handle. The shuttle hook is rotating horizontally and the way of inserting the bobbin is shown in the picture. I marked some main positions on the machine so let's see what it's for: 1-main "button" of the programmer, 2- external "ring" is used to adjust the width of the zigzag stitch, 3- "button" which regulates the stitch length, on constant backward movement, positioning the length of the stitch when processing the buttonholes, switching on the stretch stitch (red cube) and forward / backward sewing is done by pressing only the "button",

4- programs, 5- cover shutle hook with a magnifying glass on it, so we always see the condition of the lower thread, 6- tension regulator for the upper thread, 7- foot pressure regulator on the material, 8- foot control, 9 -box for accessories that also serve as an extension of the work platform, removable as needed, 10 -cover to access the upper  thread and bobbin winder.
The placement of the thread is shown by the arrows and this should not be a problem, winding the thread is also very simple, we lift the cover, fold the spool down, place the bobbin and wind the thread. By folding the winder, the needle movement is automatically interrupted, after winding the thread, return the spool to the end position upwards.

The power of the machine is solid and can do a lot, the dosing speed is great and the pressure on the pedal is very light. It can be used by beginners as well as those who are already well trained to work on home sewing machines, look pictures with some of the work programs. 

Maintenance and dedusting of the shuttle hook is done by removing the cover from the shuttle hook, remove the needle, pull the needle plate towards you and then remove, if we want to build a stable part of the shuttle hook it is necessary to unscrew its block, clearly see the screw on the right below cover. Everything is cleaned of dust and oil for sewing machines is applied to the sliding surface and a few drops in the very center of the hook. For now so much, if there are questions, here we are ☺


  1. Anonymous20.4.17

    dobila sam na poklon ovakvu masinu, Husqvarna 230 elektronik, radila je dosta dobro, a i ja sam pocetnik pa se snalazimo uz pomoc vaseg sajta. Problem se javio kada je pocela da kida gornji konac. da li mozete pomoci da resim taj problem? hvala unapred,

    1. Problem pucanja gornjeg konca može nastajati iz mnogo razloga, recimo loša kvaliteta konca, jeftine i loše igle, prevelika napetost gornjeg konca...itd. Puno sličnih primjera imate na ovoj temi:


  2. Lijepi pozdrav. Imam problema sa jednom mašinom Husquarna Viking 320. Normalno šiva bodove koji su sa lijeve strane-bijela slova: ravno šivanje, cik-cak, 3cik-cak, slijepi bod itd. Kad se prebaci na ubode sa desne strane, narančasta boja: mrežasti ubod, flatlok i dr. mašina radi na mjestu. Ako ja vučem štof onda šiva normalno. Ja sumnjam na transportere jer mi se čini da nisu dovoljno oštri. Kada promatram bez štofa vidi se da se kreću i naprijed i natrag. Ne znam da li sam ja nešto krivo složio prilikom sklapanja poklopca. Još jedna stvar: na gornjem regulatoru za prebacivanje vrste uboda događa se da ako je recimo podešena širina cik-cak uboda na 3 i sa regulatorom prebacujem na neki drugi bod, regulator za širinu uboda se automatski okrene na maksimalnu širinu-5,5. Hvala Vam za video jer bez njega ne bih znao kako otvoriti mašinu, a bila je stvarno puna prašine i suha. Hvala i pzdrav.

    1. Možda su ta pomijeranja donjeg transportera nedovoljna,? povećajte pritisak stopice i vidite što će se dogoditi, ukoliko mašina i dalje šije u mjestu potrebno je izvršiti dodatno podešavanje na programatoru, isto tako provjeriti koliko transportni zupci izlaze iznad nivoa ubodne pločice. Opisani problem ne može nastati skidanjem "oklopa" mašine. Sigurno je da i zatupljeni transportni zubci donekle mogu uticati na tu pojavu ali ako mogu materijal da vuku naprijed zašto ne bi mogli i nazad.?
      Pojedini programi zahtijevaju i već određenu širinu cik cak boda, na nekim programima je dodatna regulacija širine moguća a na nekima ne.

    2. Anonymous3.5.20

      Hvala za odgovor. Uspio sam riješiti ovo šivanje na mjestu, a ovo okretanje regulatora je valjda tako riješeno jer ima oprugu koja ga povlači u taj položaj. Inače bio sam dosta dugo mehaničar u jednoj tvornici tekstila, laka konfekcija i mogu Vam možda ponekad pomoći kakvim savjetom sa industrijskim strojevima. Sada radim nešto drugo i ponekad se bavim malo kućanskim šivaćim mašinama za dušu, ali malo mi treba ponekad da se naviknem na neke druge specifičnosti koje te mašine imaju. Hvala za sve što radite i lijepi pozdrav

  3. Anonymous28.7.20

    I was given a model 230. The presser foot lifter will not stay up. I was told it needed a new lifter, which I have. I followed the video on how to disassemble the back of the machine, but I do not see how to get this lever out. Also, I do not see what holds the lever in the "up" position. There is no difference in appearance between the old lever and the new lever, that I can see. Can you help?

    1. I don't remember how to take out the lever either, in any case it is necessary to take off the "armor" of the sewing machine and look in detail.

  4. Anonymous31.7.20

    Thank you. I will try to remove the front "armor" and see if there is access from that side. I will let you know if that works. I truly appreciate your help and your videos are so clear and informative. Thank you very much.

  5. Здравствуй мастер! Я имею тоже проблему с машинкой Husquarna Viking 320. Машинке более 20 лет и она потеряла настройки.
    1. Транспортировочные зубья низко опущены и плохо двигают ткань.
    2. Игла сдвинута несколько влево и на широких строчках задевает край отверстия.
    Я понимаю что эти настройки нужно производить при снятой "броне". Но где эти регулировки на ваших видео не понятно...
    Буду благодарен за ответ.

    1. И тебе привет
      К сожалению, этого видео у меня нет, все записать не получается, как ни стараюсь, ролики про швейные машинки в мире не интересны. Так что у меня нет этого видео, попробуйте использовать свою логику, это несложно.

    2. Думаю что не стоит измерять видео количеством лайков. Твое видео про Husquarna очень интересно и понятно без слов. Спасибо за работу.
      P.S. Попробую напрячь логику (хоть я и пенсионер)...

  6. Anonymous29.6.23

    Hello. I am happy to have found your webpage! I live in Chile, South America, and have a Husqvarna Viking 250 Electronic like the one you are showing. I have been sewing with it for household use for the past 30 years. I bought the machine new and it still sews incredibly. It has never had any maintenance because no one knows these machines in my country. I want to mention that on page 32 of the instructions manual it says that this machine doesn't need lubrication, but I noticed in your video that you added a bit of oil. I am afraid to open it just to clean it or oil it because maybe after I put it together again it will not sew as well. What do you think?

    1. I understand, there were similar questions on some other models, the user manual says that "lubrication is not necessary", but it is not forbidden for service technicians to do it, I don't know what to tell you, if you are satisfied with the operation of your sewing machine and it does not bother you a little more noise it makes, it is better not to do anything, something could go wrong. Still, the decision is up to you, greetings to Chile from distant Bosnia.
