NOTE ! The post is of an educational nature, works of this type can be performed EXCLUSIVELY by professionals (DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK !!!
Due to many years of work, it is occasionally necessary to perform a detailed inspection, cleaning and possible replacement of one or all bearings on the electric motor of industrial sewing machines. This post is about the Necchi electric sewing machine electric motor. Motors of this type are in principle very similar, so the instruction is applicable to most electric motors for industrial machines.
First, it is necessary to build the motor, disconnect the machine completely from the power supply, pull the plug "out of the wall", remove the drive belt. The electric motor is held by three screws for the worktop, the washers on the screws are with rubber bushings to reduce the transmission of vibrations. Remove the cover from the power supply (CAUTION !! turn off the power), unscrew the small nuts-nuts that hold the power lines and put them back on the motor so that they do not get lost, then remove the motor completely from the table, a little more caution is needed as the electric motor is not very light weight, place the motor on the desk along the entire length of the electric motor, mark the arrangement of the elements with one line so that we can easily reassemble it later, then place the motor vertically with the pulley upwards, unscrew the screw from the pulley and set it aside, unscrew the three screws ...
Prvo je potrebno izgraditi motor, iskljuciti mašinu potrpuno iz struje, izvuci utikač "iz zida", skinuti pogonski remen. Elektromotor drže tri vijka za radnu ploču,podloške na vijcima su sa gumenim čaurama radi smanjenja prenosa vibracija. Skinuti poklopac sa dovoda struje (PAŽNJA !! isključiti struju), odviti male matice-navrtke koje drže priključne elektro vodove i vratiti ih ponovo na motor da se ne zagube, zatim skinuti potpuno motor sa stola, potrebno je još malo opreza pošto elektro motor nije baš male težine, postaviti motor na radni stol cijelom dužinom elektro-motora obilježiti jednom linijom raspored elemenata da bi smo kasnije lakše vršili ponovno sklapanje zatim motor postaviti vertikalno sa remenicom prema gore, odviti vijak sa remenice i ostaviti ga sa strane, odviti tri vijka...with square washers to release the clutch from the engine body (see pictures, screws marked with yellow arrows), after removing the coupling unscrew the nut holding the lamella, turn the engine to the other side and unscrew the three slightly longer screws holding the cover where the cooling air is sucked engine and at the same time connect the engine body remove the cover, if it is difficult to hit several times on the edge of the cover with a hammer handle, not a hammer :), inside the cover where the body "sits" is a large washer and screw for longitudinal adjustment (note this), long part the same who disassemble, light stubs with a hammer handle and inserting a thin screwdriver between the connected parts of the housing then remove the plastic part which is in some way the air intake and put it on the table, thus we have access to the rotor and stator of the electric motor,
sa kvadratnim podloškama da bi smo oslobodili kvačilo (spojku) sa tijela motora (vidi slike, vijci obilježeni žutim strelicama), po skidanju kuplunga odvijamo navrtku koja drži lamelu, motor okrenemo na drugu stranu i izvijamo tri nešto duža vijka koji drže poklopac gdje se usisava zrak za hladenje motora a ujedno spajaju tijelo motora skinuti poklopac, ako ide teško udariti nekoliko puta po rubu poklopca drškom čekica, ne čekićem :), unutar poklopca gdje "sjeda" lešaj je velika podloška i vijak za uzdužno podešavanje (obratiti pažnju na to), dugi dio isto tko rastaviti, lagani ugarci drškom čekića i uvlacenje tankog izvijača izmedu spojenih dijelova kućišta zatim skidamo plastični dio koji je na neki način usmjerivac usisanog vazduha i odložimo ga na stol, time imamo pristup rotoru i statoru elektro motora,we turn the motor to the other side again and unscrew the safety nut that holds the flywheel "Z", due to long standing it can be difficult, try to drive a wooden object between the flywheel and the motor body, after removing the nut it is necessary to remove the flywheel from the rotor hand on the underside and lift it slightly off the table and on the upper side hit the rotor shaft hard with the hammer handle, this should separate the flywheel from the rotor of the electric motor, a small wedge will remain on the rotor shaft,
ponovo okrećemo motor na drugu stranu i odvijamo sigurnosnu maticu koja drži zamajac (zamašnjak) "Z", zbog dugogodišnjeg stajanja zna ići teško, pokušajte uglaviti neki drveni predmet između zamajca i tijela-kućišta motora, po skidanju navrtke potrebno je skinuti zamajac sa rotora, uzeti zamajac lijevom rukom sa donje strane i malo ga podici od stola a sa gornje strane drškom čekića udariti snažno po osovini rotora, time bi se trebao odvojiti zamašnjak od rotora elektro-motora, na osovini rotora će ostati mali klin,
and now we have a roughly disassembled engine on the table, what's next ?? We will take the already built part with the coupling (see picture) and remove the spring and then the safety fuse marked with a yellow arrow, break the pin on the opposite side, remove the lever and then pull the complete housing with sliding sleeve "KL" out of the housing, possible bearing replacement inside sliding housing "Kl" requires special pliers for removing safety locks (zeger) or improvised with thin screwdrivers and ordinary pliers (heavier and slightly dangerous due to the possibility of self-injury)
i sad imamo grubo rastavljen motor na stolu,šta dalje?? Uzet će mo već izgrađeni dio sa spojnicom (vidi sliku) i skinuti oprugu a zatim sigurnosni osigurač označen žutom strelicom, izbijemo osovinicu na kontra stranu, skinemo polugu a zatim kompletno kućište sa kliznom čahurom "KL" izvučemo iz pripadajućeg kućišta, eventualna zamjena ležaja unutar kliznog kucišta "Kl" zahtijeva specijalna kliješta za skidanje sigurnosnih osiguraca (zeger) ili improvizovano sa tankim izvijačima običnim kliještima (teže i pomalo opasno zbog mogućnosti samopovređivanja)Clean the sliding sleeve thoroughly, as well as its bearing and lubricate everything thinly with clean workshop grease (do not overdo it unnecessarily). The part on which the lamella of the coupling rests is NOT LUBRICATED, clean and leave it completely dry. Then we take the rotor, on one of the bearings there are several steel flat and corrugated washers, pay attention to them and return them when assembling, if the bearings are in poor condition they need to be removed and replaced.
Kliznu čauru detaljno očistiti, isto tako njeno ležište i sve tanko namazati čistom toatnom mašću (ne pretjerivati bez potrebe). Dio na koji naliježe lamela spojnice-kuplunga se NE PODMAZUJE, očistiti i ostaviti potpuno suho. Zatim uzimamo rotor,na jednom od ležajeva postoji nekoliko čeličnih ravnih i valovitih podloški, obratiti pažnju na njih i vratiti ih pri sklapanju, ako su ležajevi u lošem stanju potrebno ih je skinuti i zamijeniti.Usually removing these bearings is difficult, it is best to remove them using the so-called. extractor. Even the return of new bearings sometimes does not go smoothly, clean the bearings thoroughly and lightly as needed, nail the INNER RING over a piece of hardwood until the bearing completely "sits" in place. Clean all other disassembled parts in detail from dirt and accumulated dust, pieces of thread, etc., use a light degreaser, cotton cloth and compressed air for this purpose. Assemble in reverse order.
Read some more details about the electric motor of industrial sewing machines HERE
ReplyDeleteimam stepericu necchi bagat koju sam dobila.
Molim vas budite ljubazni da mi odgovorite gdje se sipa ulje ,ne znam gdje se nalazi spremnik.Ispod masine je samo plasticni poklopac koji je dosta otvoren i vise sluzi kao zastita.Hvala Vam najljepsa.
Da,pa taj plastični"poklopac"je samo zaštita da vam ne bi kapalo ulje koje se eventualno cijedi po nogama i kao zaštita od donjih pokretnih dijelova mašine,ne mora značiti da se igdje sipa,možda nema uopšte neki centralni rezervoar za ulje.
ReplyDeleteMorate navesti uz naziv"necchi bagat"i njenu klasu,pripadajući broj,da znam o kojem se modelu radi,ima ih više vrsta.