
Threading Needle Tool / Umetanje Konca Udijevanje Konca u Iglu

An already well-known and visited topic is "how to threading sewing machine correctly", read about it HERE, in this short topic we will talk about the very end of thread sewing, but through the eye of the needle. On any sewing machine, if we work with a thin thread and a thin needle in low light, even if our eyesight is a little weak, inserting the thread into the eye of the needle can sometimes turn into a good challenge :)
Već dobro poznata i posjećena tema je "kako pravilno udjenuti konac u šivaću mašinu" o tome pročitaj  OVDJE, u ovoj kratkoj temi ce biti riječi o samom završetku udijevanja konca ali kroz ušicu igle. Na bilo kojoj šivaćoj mašini,ako radimo sa tankim koncem i tankom iglom pod slabim osvjetljenjem, još ako nam je i vid malo oslabio, umetanje konca u ušicu igle zna se ponekad pretvoriti u dobar izazov  :)

We all know that there is that old tool made of thin wire that we use when the thread does not go into the needle, in the pictures we see a very efficient and simple mechanism that will make the job easier, it is the so-called semi-automatic threading into the needle. This mechanism is possessed mainly by newer home sewing machines, but also by some older ones, a concrete example is Pfaff 1222, an excellent older model of the machine, for the time when it was made, it was the "top" of quality and innovation. Using this mechanism is very simple, the needle is placed slightly lower, the mechanism itself is in conjunction with the needle so that regardless of the position of the needle, the "hook" of the mechanism must pass through the eye.

In the first picture we see the movement of this part downwards and already in the second you can see how the thread is placed, so we place the thread as in Figure 2 and release the lever of the mechanism, the "hook" that hooked the thread will partially pull it to the other side, about 1 , 5-2 cm (third picture) which will be quite enough to take with your fingers. Many have this accessory on the machine without either knowing how to use it or it is defective or they don't know why at all. (In the pictures my needle is crooked, I noticed late ☺) Mostly the situation happens...
Svi znamo da postoji ono staro pomagalo od tanke žice koje koristimo kada konac neće u iglu, na postavljenim slikama vidimo jedan dosta efikasan a jednostavan mehanizam koji će taj posao dobro olakšati, radi se o tzv, poluautomatskom udijevanju konca u iglu. Taj mehanizam posjeduju uglavnom novije kućne šivaće mašine ali i neke straije, konkretan primjer je Pfaff 1222, odličan stariji model mašine, za ono doba kada je izrađivana to je bio "vrh" kvalitete i inovacije.
Korištenje ovog mehanizma je veoma jednostavno, igla se postavi nešto niže, sam mehanizam je u sprezi sa iglom tako da bez obzira na položaj igle "kukica" mehanizma mora proći kroz ušicu. Na prvoj slici vidimo kretanje tog dijela prema dole a već na drugoj se vidi, kako se postavlja konac, dakle postavimo konac kao na slici  2 i pustimo polugicu mehanizma, "kukica" koja je zakačila konac će ga djelimično provući na drugu stranu, oko 1,5-2 cm (treća slika) što će biti sasvim dovoljno za preuzimanje prstima. Mnogi imaju taj dodatak na mašini a da ga ili neznaju koristiti ili je neispravan ili uopšte ne znaju čemu .(na slikama mi je kriva igla,kasno sam primijetio :)) Uglavno dogadja se situacija

That small hook is made of very thin steel sheet and is subject to deformation, for example inserting a thread into a curved needle so that the hook does not pass through the eye of the needle, but there is nothing next to and from the thread, what is needed ;? Since this is a very small part, it is needed
magnifier and some tweezers and under the magnifying glass lightly return the "hook" to its original position, try it "empty", if the "hook" passes through the eye straight and without resistance, then it is good. In the second picture, enlarged, we see two small tin guides that encircle the eye of the needle and give direction to the "hook" to pass through the eye. 

In the fourth picture there is an equally practical accessory for threading a needle on a sewing machine, the use is extremely simple, a thread is placed between two "notches", that part is placed above the eye of the needle, slightly pushed towards the needle and pulled down the needle. when the bracelet reaches the pinhole of the needle, at that moment a thin steel sheet passes the thread through the needle, then the hook-shaped attachment catches the thread and can be grasped with two fingers before removing the bracelet. The other side is used to place the needle on the needle bar.
Ta mala kuka je od veoma tankog čeličnog lima i podložna je deformaciji, recimo umetanje konca u zakrivljenu iglu da ta kuka ne prolazi kroz ušicu igle već pored i od udijevanja konca nema ništa, šta je potrebno;? Pošto se radi o veoma malom dijelu, potrebna je lupa (povećalo) i neka pinceta i pod povećalom tu "kukicu" lagano vratiti u prvobitni položaj,isprobati onako "na prazno", ako "kukica" prolazi kroz ušicu pravo i bez otpora to je onda dobro.služi.?Na drugoj slici, uvećano, vidimo dva mala limena usmjerivača koji obuhvate ušicu igle i daju pravac "kukici" da prođe kroz ušicu. Na četvrtoj slici je jedan isto tako praktičan dodatak za udijevanje konca u iglu na šivaćoj mašini, upotreba je krajnje jednostavna, postavi se konac između dva "ureza" taj dio se postavi iznad ušice igle, blago potisne prema igli a ujedno se vuče niz iglu, kada aparatić dođe do učice igle u tom momentu jedan tanki čelični listić provuče konac kroz iglu, tada se dodatkom u obliku kukice preuhvati konac a može se i prije skidanja aparatića prihatiti sa dva prsta. Druga strana služi za postavljanje igle na iglenjaču.