
Singer Shuttle Hook Service and Lubrication / Horizontalno Rotirajući Grajfer Singer

(eng.rotating Shuttle Hook sewing machine singer)

It is a rotating, horizontally placed upper thread hook in a larger group of Singer's sewing machine models. These are mostly machines from 1965-80. The shuttle hook is the same no matter what the shape of the work platform (flat or with a sleeve). We have already said many times that good maintenance of a sewing machine requires good maintenance. This example is just the opposite, it is a well "neglected" machine and the owner did not understand how his machine does not work well, it is difficult to start, the engine heats up a bit more..etc.
U pitanju je rotirajući, horizontalno postavljeni hvatač gornjeg konca (grajfer)u jedne veće skupine Singer-ovih modela šivaćih mašina. Uglavnom su to mašine od 1965-80 tih godina. Grajfer je isti nebitno koji je oblik radne platforme (ravna ili sa rukavnikom). Mnogo puta smo već rekli da je za kvalitetan rad šivaće mašine potrebno i dobro održavanje. Ovaj primjer je upravo suprotan, radi se o dobro "zapuštanoj" mašini a vlasniku nije bilo jasno kako to njegova mašina ne radi dobro, teško se pokreće, motor se nešto više grije..itd.

among other things, one of the problems is the shuttle hook, so let me start commenting on the attached pictures: These are singer sewing machines mainly made in Italy, with this type of hook (Fig. 1) only the bobbin is manipulated, the cone is inside theshuttle hook , so let's see how to disassemble it: If the machine is a sleeve type it is necessary first remove the lower protective cover, open the sliding plate, remove the foot, remove the spool, it is desirable and remove the needle, act on the pin pin upwards (Fig. 2) upwards to release the needle plate, then return the sliding plate back to the end and partially lift the front end upwards, push it in the given direction and remove it from the machine...
..između ostalog jedan od problema je i grajfer, pa da krenem prokomentarisati priložene slike: Radi se o singer šivaćim mašinama uglavnom proizvedenim u Italiji (made in Italy), kod ove vrste grajfera (sl.1) samo se bobinom manipuliše, čunak se nalazi unutar grajfera, pa da vidimo kako to rasklopiti: Ako je mašina rukavnog tipa potrebno je prvo skinuti donji zaštitini poklopac, otvorili kliznu pločicu, skinuti stopicu izbaciti spulu, poželjno je i iglu ukloniti, djelovati na opruku sa štiftom (sl.2) prema gore da bi se oslobodila ubodna pločica, zatim kliznu pločicu vraćamo natrag do kraja a prednji kraj joj djelimično podižemo prema gore, potisnemo je u datom smjeru i skinemo sa mašine.....

After removing the needle plate and sliding plate we already have good access, next it is necessary to turn the "lock" shuttle in the direction of the arrow (Fig.4), then take a quality and slightly longer screwdriver and unscrew the two screws holding the lower toothed conveyor (feed dog), Fig .5 ....
Poslije skidanja ubodne i klizne pločice već imamo dobar pristup, sledeće je potrebno zakrenuti "bravicu" čunka u smjeru strelice (sl.4), potom uzimamo kvalitetan i nešto duži izvijač (šrafciger) i izvijemo dva šarafa koji drže donji nazubljeni transporter (sl.5).....

NOTE: without adequate tools this unscrewing is sometimes very difficult, the screwdriver must be exactly the size of the groove in the screw and must be completely flat.
The next step is to remove the shuttle with tweezers (Fig. 6) and unscrew all the access screws, pay attention to the order so that you know how to put everything back, and finally remove the steel sheet spring of the sliding plate (Fig. 7). We can already see (Fig.8) what it all looks like now, there is a lot of wound thread under the shuttle hook which makes it much more difficult to start it, which additionally burdens the drive gears, which, if not lubricated often, often crack, which is a sore point for these Singer models. ".
NAPOMENA: bez adekvatnog alata ovo odvijanje ponekad ide veoma teško, izvijač mora biti tačno veličine utora u vijku i mora biti potpuno ravan.
Sledeće je vađenje čunka pomoću pincete (sl.6) i odvijanje svih pristupnih vijaka, obratiti pažnju na redoslijed da bi ste znali vratiti sve natrag, na kraju skidamu čeličnu limenu oprugu klizne pločice (sl.7). Već (sl.8) vidimo kako to sad sve izgleda, ispod grajfera je dosta namotanog konca koji znatno otežava njegovo pokretanje što dodatno opterećuje pogonske zupčanike, koji, ako se još ne podmazuju često stradaju, što je kod ovih modela singerica "bolna tačka".

All this should be sprayed with some solvent and cleaning agent, the parts that were built should be placed in a small container and also sprayed and left for ten minutes for the agent to work. Remove all the coiled thread under the shuttle hook, this requires good tweezers and more or less some patience, depending on the given situation. For more advanced craftsmen, it is better to build the hook completely, so it is easier to remove the accumulated thread, and the shuttle hook shaft can be lubricated with quality grease.
Sve to treba našpricati nekim otapalom i sredstvom za čišćenje ("odvijač"), dijelove koji su izgrađeni postaviti u neku malu posudicu i isto tako našpricati i ostaviti desetak minuta da sredstvo djeluje. Ispod grajfera sav namotani konac ukloniti, za to je potrebna dobra pinceta i više_manje nešto strpljenja, ovisi o datoj situaciji. Za naprednije majstore nabolje je potpuno izgraditi grajfer, time je skidanje nagomilanog konca kud i kamo jednostavnije a osovinica grajfera se može podmazati kvalitetnom mašću.

After removing the thread, wipe and clean everything else thoroughly, there are no rules, work and clean as much as you have free time, there are those who enjoy this work :)
(Fig.9) is the final result of cleaning, take advantage of the situation and possibly correct the tension of the lower thread when the shuttle is built, lubricate what is needed and put everything back in reverse order (Fig.10)
Poslije uklanjanja konca sve ostalo temeljito obrisati i očistiti, nema tu nekog pravila, radite i čistite koliko imate slobodnog vremena, ima ih koji uživaju u tom poslu :). (sl.9) je konačni rezultat čišćenja, iskoristiti situaciju i eventualno korigovati napetost donjeg konca kada je čunak izgrađen, podmazati što je potrebno i sve vratiti nazad obrnutim redoslijedom (sl.10)

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