Bielefeld (Germany) in the mid-19th century, the Industrial Revolution turned the city into a major textile center. Imported sewing machines, mostly from the US, are used for the sewing process, however the problem is procurement and high cost. Then two mechanics Baer and Koch recognize the opportunity and start building a factory for the production of sewing machines in Bielefeld.
The success of the venture indicates the potential of new markets and in 1865 Baer decided to start his own business. Koch continues to trade under the name Koch & Co and employs two mechanics for Dürkopp sewing machines...
and Schmidt. Dürkopp designed his first sewing machine as early as 1861 and in 1867, together with Schmidt, he founded his own company known as Dürkopp & Schmidt.
In those 20 years, Bielefeld developed and became one of the most important centers of the sewing machine industry and production. In 1880 Bielefeld had 19 companies operating in this sector and the products enjoyed international recognition and were sold throughout Europe. This sector is going through a crisis in the 1880s as a result of growing...
i Schmidt-a. Dürkopp je već 1861 dizajnirao svoj prvi šivaći stroj a 1867-e godine zajedno sa Schmidt je osnovao svoju kompanija poznatu kao Dürkopp& Schmidt. U tih 20 godina Bielefeld se razvija i postaje jedan od najznačajnijih centara industrije i proizvodnje šivaćih mašina. Godine 1880 Bielefeld ima 19 kompanija koje posluju u ovom sektoru i proizvodi uživaju medunarodno priznanje i prodaju se širom Evrope. Ovaj sektor prolazi kroz krizu 1880-ih godina kao rezultat rastuće...
Dürkopp je stalno zauzet pokušavajuci da pronađe nove oblasti poslovanja za svoje firme, Koch & Co, koncentrira se na industrijske šivaće mašine. Njegovo novo ime Adler postaje sinonim za posebne šivace mašine velike medunarodne potražnje. Kao novonastala komapnija mijenja naziv u "Kochs Adler Nähmaschinenwerke, proizvodnja bicikala prestaje 1920-e godine. Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata "Kochs Adler Nähmaschinenwerke" pokušava napraviti proboj na nova područja poslovanja s proizvodnjom....
pisaćih mašina i opreme za pakiranje. Od početka šezdesetih godina pa nadalje "Dürkoppwerke AG" se ograničava na proizvodnju industrijskih šivaćih mašina i transportnih sistema. Godine 1962. većina dionica u Dürkoppwerke AG je kupio "FAG Kugelfischer". Kada je Kugelfischer grupa preuzela vecinu dionica u "Kochs Adler AG". Od 1990-e se radi u novom proizvodnom kompleksu u Bielefeld-Oldentrup pod imenom "Dürkopp Adler AG". Od 1.juna 2005-e godine, kineski "SGSB Group Co., Ltd., Šangaj (SGSB Group)" preuzela večinsko vlasništvo u Dürkopp Adler AG iz FAG Kugelfischer GmbH, Schweinfurt.
U "Zoje Europe GmbH", podružnica kineske "Zoje Sewing Machine Co"., preuzeo 29% udjela u Dürkopp Adler AG sa učinkom od 28.10.2012-e. Danas (2015-e), Dürkopp Adler AG nudi najsavremenija rješenja u području tehnologije šivenja. Korporacija posluje širom svijeta sa distributivnom mrežom od 11 podružnica, sa 2 Zajednička ulaganja i više od 80 ovlaštenih distributera. Cilj kompanije je da usavršiti automatizaciju proizvodnih postupaka. Kompletne konsultacije i pouzdanu uslugu zaokružuju proizvod paleta koji zauzima visoku poziciju u glavnim segmentima na svjetskom tržištu. Pionirski duh i kreativnost od Osnivača je sastavni dio poslovne filozofije i danas. Napomena:Izvor informacija Durkopp-Adler uz slobodan prijevod.
national and international competition. After Schmidt's departure, the new company is called Dürkopp & Co and thus the first ventures that will start looking for new markets for the production of bicycles. The new product sells very well and the company continues its successful path, like other companies, Koch & Co follows the example of Dürkopp and the production of bicycles soon becomes an important factor in the economy. Inspired by his success, Dürkopp began producing cars, trucks and other forms of motor vehicles by the end of the 19th century.
nacionalne i međunarodne konkurencije. Nakon odlaska Schmidt-a nova kompanija se zove Dürkopp& Co a time i prvi poduhvati koji ce početi u potrazi za novim tržištima za proizvodnju bicikala. Novi proizvod se prodaje jako dobro a kompanija nastavlja svoj uspješan put, kao i druge kompanije, Koch & Co slijedi Dürkopp-ov primjer i proizvodnja bicikla ubrzo postaje važan faktor u ekonomiji.Inspirisan njegovim uspjehom Dürkopp počinje sa proizvodnjom automobila, kamiona i drugih oblika motornih vozila do kraja 19-og vijeka.Dürkopp is constantly busy trying to find new business areas for its companies, Koch & Co, concentrating on industrial sewing machines. Its new name Adler becomes synonymous with special sewing machines of high international demand. As the newly formed company changed its name to "Kochs Adler Nähmaschinenwerke", bicycle production ceased in the 1920s.
After the Second World War, "Kochs Adler Nähmaschinenwerke" tried to make a breakthrough in new areas of production business...
typewriters and packaging equipment. From the beginning of the 1960s onwards, "Dürkoppwerke AG" limited itself to the production of industrial sewing machines and transport systems.
In 1962, most of the shares in Dürkoppwerke AG were bought by FAG Kugelfischer. When the Kugelfischer Group acquired a majority stake in Kochs Adler AG. Since 1990, it has been working in a new production complex in Bielefeld-Oldentrup under the name "Dürkopp Adler AG". As of June 1, 2005, the Chinese "SGSB Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai (SGSB Group)" acquired majority ownership in Dürkopp Adler AG from FAG Kugelfischer GmbH, Schweinfurt.
In "Zoje Europe GmbH", a subsidiary of the Chinese "Zoje Sewing Machine Co.", acquired a 29% stake in Dürkopp Adler AG with effect from 28.10.2012.
Today (2015), Dürkopp Adler AG offers state-of-the-art solutions in the field of sewing technology. The Corporation operates worldwide with a distribution network of 11 subsidiaries, with 2 Joint Ventures and more than 80 authorized distributors. The company's goal is to improve the automation of production processes.
Complete consultations and reliable service complete the pallet product, which occupies a high position in the main segments of the world market. The pioneering spirit and creativity of the Founder is an integral part of the business philosophy even today...
Note: Source of information "Durkopp-Adler"
U "Zoje Europe GmbH", podružnica kineske "Zoje Sewing Machine Co"., preuzeo 29% udjela u Dürkopp Adler AG sa učinkom od 28.10.2012-e. Danas (2015-e), Dürkopp Adler AG nudi najsavremenija rješenja u području tehnologije šivenja. Korporacija posluje širom svijeta sa distributivnom mrežom od 11 podružnica, sa 2 Zajednička ulaganja i više od 80 ovlaštenih distributera. Cilj kompanije je da usavršiti automatizaciju proizvodnih postupaka. Kompletne konsultacije i pouzdanu uslugu zaokružuju proizvod paleta koji zauzima visoku poziciju u glavnim segmentima na svjetskom tržištu. Pionirski duh i kreativnost od Osnivača je sastavni dio poslovne filozofije i danas. Napomena:Izvor informacija Durkopp-Adler uz slobodan prijevod.
Bielefeld in the middle of the 19 th century:the industrial revolution has turned the city into a major textiles location.Imported sewing machines,mainly from the USA,are used to further process the materials. They are expensive to buy and hard to service.The two mechanics,Baer and Koch, recognise the opportunity and start the first sewing machine factory in Bielefeld.........
ReplyDeleteGuten Tag, wieviel kostet die Maschine ?
ReplyDeleteZanima me kako se podešava širina stepa na durkop adler 525i cik cak, kao i kako povećati brzinu, zaključano je na 1800?
ReplyDeleteI mene zanima od koga ste kupili tu šivaću mašinu.?
DeletePozdrav! Namjeravam u budućnosti nabaviti masinu Durkopp adler 467-373 ili Durkopp Adler 767-373. Namjena je sivanje pokrivala u nautici, tendi, skaja itd. Kolege ih jako hvale. Moze i od vas nekoliko strucnih komentara navedenih sivacih masina. Hvala puno.