How does a sewing machine work ....... ??
Here comes this topic, for many the principle of the sewing machine is a big puzzle, it's nothing special, I will TRY to explain it, I emphasized this "try" because it is impossible to explain it to some, they just have no idea about sewing machines, they who work constantly or occasionally on sewing machines is much clearer, the explanation is related only to the needle-gripper-chunk assembly in the most basic model of sewing machine ... Note: there are no feet and lower transport teeth in the pictures, the pictures are maximally simplified for better understanding, I will mention the lower conveyor a little and the upper foot is not necessary, you just need to know that it is lowered to the material during the operation of the machine. This topic may have been "on the line" sooner but it's never too late :)
So let's start, let's just say that this is the principle of operation of the "rotating catcher", there is a so-called "oscillating" but this is somewhat easier to show and most modern sewing machines just have a rotating upper thread catcher and basically the work is almost the same, the difference is very small. Pa da krenemo, odmah da kažem da je u pitanju princip rada kod "rotirajućeg grajfera", postoji i tzv."oscilirajući" ali je ovaj donekle jednostavnije prikazati a vecina savremenih sivacih masina upravo imaju rotirajuci hvatač gornjeg konca a u suštini rad je gotovo isti, razlika je veoma mala.
Fig.1 shows the operation of the machine at some "initial" moment, the black arrow shows that the needle is moving DOWN, what else is important to note here :? when the needle reaches the very surface of the material, the transport teeth do not act on the material at that moment, it means that what is sewn at that moment is at rest (IN THIS EXAMPLE, in some models the opposite is true ...)
Sl.1 prikazuje rad mašine u nekom "početnom" momentu, crna strelica pokazuje da se igla krece prema DOLE, šta je ovdje još važno napomenuti:? kada igla dodje do same površine materijala transportni zubci u tom momentu ne djeluju na materijal, znaci ono što se šije u tom momentu miruje (U OVOM PRIMJERU, kod nekih modela je upravo suprotno...)Fig.2 the needle is already in the material, the red arrow shows the direction of movement (rotation) of the thread catcher
Fig.3 the needle has completely passed through the material and its tip comes close to the grapple
Fig.4 now we come to a very important moment, the needle and the tip-hook of the grapple are very close, only the moment that the tip of the grapple will reach the needle at that moment the needle starts moving up, when the tip of the grapple and the needle are at the same point due to needle movement upwards the thread is released, the thread is loosened in just one moment and a "loop" of the thread is formed (red arrow) which is hooked by the grapple (tip, hook of the grapple), the black arrow shows the direction of the needle, the groove also helps. which exists on almost all needles,
Sl.4 sada dolazimo do veoma bitnog momenta, igla i vrh-kuka grajfera su veoma blizu, samo trenutak što će vrh grajfera doći do igle u tom momentu igla se počinje kretati gore, kada su vrh grajfera i igla u istoj tačci zbog kretanja igle prema gore dolazi do oslobađanja zategnutosti konca, konac na tom mjestu samo jedan tren bude opušten i nastane jedna "ušica" od konca (crvena strelica) koju zakaca grajfer (vrh, kuka grajfera), crna strelica pokazuje smijer kretanja igle, tu pripomaže i žlijeb koji postoji gotovo na svim iglama,Fig.5 already shows that the catcher has hooked the thread and is starting to wrap it around "itself"
Sl.5 vec prikazuje da je grajfer zakacio konac i da ga počinje motati oko "sebe"Fig.6 and Fig.7 the grapple pulls the thread further and the needle moves upwards (black arrow)
Fig.8 describes the following condition, the needle has almost completely stopped moving up BUT further pulling the upper thread up (red arrow), performs the so-called. "grasshopper" (not shown)
Fig.9 the thread is still tightened upwards (red arrow) and is no longer tied to the grapple (detached from the grapple hook) and the lower transport teeth are already starting to move the fabric
Fig.10 the upper thread continues to go upwards, the lower transport teeth (feed dog) move the material for the next stitch and the needle is already slowly moving towards the material and so the process is repeated.
Sl.10 gornji konac i dalje ide prema gore, donji transportni zubi pomijeraju materijal za sledeći bod a igla već polako krece prema materijalu i tako se proces ponavlja.The coordination of the needle-grapple-upper tensioner-lower transporter conveyor must be completely harmonized, if this is not the case the machine will not sew or the stitch will be bad or even useless. PS. The principle of work explained above applies only to the simplest sewing mechanism.
Koordinacija igla-grajfer-gornji zateznik-donji transporter mora biti potpuno uskladjena, ako to nije slučaj masina nece šiti ili će štep biti loš ili cak beskoristan. PS.gore objašnjeni princip rada važi samo za najprostiji šivaći mehanizam.
Odlično objašnjen princip rada mašine,sada mi je dosta toga jasnije,pozdrav uredniku.
ReplyDeleteMolim pomoć imam staru mašinu i neznam ništa o njoj ako neko zna nek pomogne. Mašina se zove Ideal super-nutzstich automatik model 865 quelle international
ReplyDeleteNadajmo se,da će se neko javiti ko posjeduje taj model,radi se o staroj mašini a nekih podataka nema ni na internetu,nadam se da je ispravna i da vas dobro služi.
ReplyDeletemoja je ova stara ideal ,joj neznam nikako da postavim pitanje al evo vako ćemo ona konac od igle petlja oko onog djela gdje bude čun molim vas pomažite idali nju mogu odnijet u bagatov il singerov servis hvala unaprijed!
njeno upustvo onda nemam gdje ni nabavit jel tako???
OK,trudili ste se :))
ReplyDeletedakle,da preformulišem pitanje:
Stara"Ideal"šivaća mašina,gornji-igleni konac se namotava,petlja oko dijela gdje je čunak (možda oko grajfera)??
Taj problem može nastajati iz dosta razloga,nepodešen grajfer,suviše labav igleni-gornji konac,komadići konca u grajferu,nestručan remont mašine,suviše duga igla ....itd
Prijedlog:pogledajte post"Nedostaci tokom rada na šivaćoj mašini".
U vezi uputstva,napišite i broj mašine pa ću vam probati nabaviti ali nema sigurno na našem jeziku.
Recite mi nešto o mašini Pfaff 1212, molim vas koliko je dobra za kožu, spoštovanjem
ReplyDeleteVaše pitanje nema nikakve veze sa datom temom.
Ja se izvinjavam ekipi, posto sam skoro kupio staru masinu singer, dugo je stojala ja sam je osposobio, ali imam jedan problem, nece da povuce donji konac pa vas ljubazno molim ako neko zna da mi objasni sta nije u redu mnogo vam hvala na informaciji
ReplyDeleteNiste naveli koji model singer mašine.!
DeleteMeni se čini da ste vi pokušali da osposobite mašinu, ako mašina ne podiže donji konac to je ozbiljan problem, pošto ne znam koji je model u pitanju, predpostavljam da ste nešto skidali i demontirali što niste smjeli i zato imate tu situaciju. Mašina ne zahvata gornji konac, problem je negdje oko grajfera.?