The basic tools for tailoring are scissors, they can be of various sizes, qualities and shapes. Scissors are mainly used for a small amount of tailoring, for home tailoring and in smaller workshops. In this post we will see how electrical tailoring devices can help us.
For a quality cut, a flat surface is necessary first, cutting tables can be of various shapes and sizes, as well as folding ones that are used in cramped spaces and small apartments.
It is essential for all tailoring tables to be completely flat, with a smooth surface and smooth and rounded edges, this is necessary to prevent any sticking of canvas, fabric or anything that is the subject of tailoring. The tailor's desk should not be too wide, some optimum is the standard width of the fabric, which is, say, in an upholsterer about 140 cm. It is desirable that the desk has access from all sides, if possible, additional shelves under the work surface are also useful on static desks where already cut or preparation materials can be stored. I cut the fabrics, who knows how long, those are kilometers, mostly stronger fabric and all that with hand scissors. Those who do this know very well how difficult it can be, which is why there are also electrical tailoring devices. The basic device is electric scissors, they can work on 220 V or even be with a battery, and these scissors are for smaller jobs.
Electric scissors have two blades on their cutting part, as with ordinary scissors, but they are much smaller. They can be used for various cuts, they are easy to use, the risk of possible injury is minimal
Za sve krojačke stolove osnovno je da budu potpuno ravni,glatke površine i glatkih i zaobljenih rubova, to je potrebno da bi se spriječilo bilo kakvo zapinjanje štofa, tkanine ili bilo čega što je predmet krojenja. Krojački radni stol ne bi trebao biti preširok, neki optimum je standardna širina štofa, što je recimo u tapetara oko 140 cm. Poželjno je da radni stol ima pristup sa svih strana, ako je to moguće, takođe su na statičnim stolovima korisne dodatne police ispod radne površine gdje se može odlagati već skrojeni ili materijali za pripremu. Ja sam isjekao štofa, ko zna kolike dužine, to su kilometri, uglavnom jači štof i sve to ručnim makazama. Oni koji to rade znaju dobro kako to zna biti teško, zbog toga postoje i električni uređaji za krojenje. Osnovni uređaj su električne makaze, mogu raditi na struju od 220 V ili čak biti sa baterijom, te"aku"makaze su za manje poslove. Električne makaze na svom reznom dijelu imaju dva sječiva, kao kod običnih makaza, stim da su ona znatno manja .Mogu se koristiti za različita krojenja, jednostavna su za korištenje, opasnost od eventualne povrede je minimalna.Scissors can also be with a rotating knife, smaller in diameter, a rotating knife usually has protection on top and can cut up to several layers of material. Of course, we cut the material, fabric, faux leather, etc. along the drawn lines. Drawing on the material is done in various ways, and most often it is chalk for textiles, it is thin and comes in several colors. The lines are made according to the material using already prepared templates or a special and unique drawing. The stencils themselves are usually made of quality thinner plywood or plastic, the processing of the edges of the stencil must be top quality. So, in addition to the classic electric scissors, there are also devices with the so-called with a base that slides under the material, the base has beveled edges and is quite thin, it is made of metal and on the underside of larger machines there are rolling bodies for easier starting. These are vertical electric knives, they can be with a rotating and straight cutting body.
Također makaze mogu biti i sa rotirajućim nožem, manjeg prečnika, rotirajući nož obično ima zaštitu na vrhu a može rezati i do nekoliko slojeva materijala.Naravno,materijal,tkaninu, eko kožu i sl. krojimo po zacrtanim linijama. Iscrtavanje po materijalu se vrši na razne načine a najčešće je to kreda za tekstil, tanka je i ima ih u nekoliko boja. (kreda za signiranje tekstila). Linije se po materijalu rade pomoću već pripremljenih šablona, šnitova ili posebnog i unikatnog crteža.
Sami šabloni se izrađuju najčešće od kvalitetne tanje šperloče ili plastike, obrada rubova šablona mora biti vrhunska. Dakle, osim klasičnih električnih makaza postoje i uređaji sa tzv. bazom koja klizi ispod materijala, baza je oborenih rubova i prilično tanka, izrađena je od metala a sa donje strane na većim mašinama postoje i kotrljajuća tijela radi lakšeg pokretanja.To su vertikalni električni noževi, mogu biti sa rotirajućim i ravnim reznim tijelom.The vertical cutting knife with a rotating disc is intended for multi-layer cutting, mostly straight or with slight curves. If the knife gets too hot, the number of layers of material should be reduced, and they usually have a small attachment on them for sharpening and cleaning the blade. The vertical cutting blade with a flat blade is intended for multi-layer cutting of materials. The shape of the blade is usually flat, although it can be partially serrated or wavy. The thickness of the layers of material depends on several factors, these are: the speed of the knife, the thickness of the layered material and its composition. For example, pure cotton can withstand quite high temperatures, while this is not the case with synthetic materials. Due to the high speed of the vertical knife and the increase in temperature, the cut can melt and deform, which is not good at all.
Vertikalni nož za krojenje sa rotirajućom šajbom je namijenjen za višeslojna krojenja, uglavnom pravolinijska ili sa blagim zakrivljenjima. Ako se nož suviše zagrijava treba smanjiti broj slojeva materijala, obično na sebi imaju i mali dodatak za oštrenje i čišćenje sječiva. Vertikalni nož za krojenje sa ravnim sječivom je namijenjen za višeslojna krojenja materijala. Oblik sječiva je najčešće ravan mada može biti i djelimično nazubljen ili "talasast". Debljina slojeva materijala zavisi od nekoliko faktora, to su:brzina noža, debljina naredanog materijala i njegovog sastava. Recimo, čisti pamuk može podnije dosta visoku temperaturu dok kod sintetičkih materijala to nije slučaj. Zbog velike brzine kretanja vertikalnog noža i povećanja temperature može doći do topljenja i deformacije reza što ni u kom slučaju nje dobro.The vertical cutting knife (textile knife) must have the lubrication of the knife guide as well as the blade sharpener, usually with a power of 500-800W, some have two speeds, which is quite useful. Let me briefly explain how to use a vertical tailoring knife.? We have already prepared templates for a certain series of products, we place the material flat on the work table in a certain number of layers, which is usually 5-10 cm. Then we place paper on the arranged material on which the shapes for tailoring will be drawn, we draw stencils in order to make the best use of the material, so that there is as little waste as possible, after that it is fixed in several places, there are various methods of large needles etc.
When everything is ready, tailoring can begin. The vertical tailoring knife also has protection against possible injury, at its end there is a sliding foot that prevents the material from rising, it descends to the surface, in normal conditions, where safety regulations are observed, a master tailor and a worker on a vertical knife have a steel protective glove on your free hand (see picture). A vertical tailoring knife can cut various shapes, I advise beginners to be careful when working on a machine like this.
Then we have a stable cutting knife, it is similar to a vertical knife except that the blade is static. This method of tailoring is used in mass production and in larger workshops ...
Interesuje me gde mogu da kupim makaze i elektricni noz za krojenje? Molila bih ako biste mogli da me uputite gde bih to mogla da kupim.
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