
Sewing Machine Bernina 930 Record | Bernina 931 | Bernina 932 | Bernina 933

The full name of the machine is: Bernina record 930 electronic. The prefix "electronic" itself says that this model of bernine also has a certain electronic component. It is a servo amplifier for an electric motor, something like a rich rose, only much more modern. The electronic circuit is connected to the automatic positioning of the needle, there is also a slow and fast mode of operation and several LEDs as indicators of the position of the programmer. The machine is of the sleeve type as usual, with an additional flat platform. 
Puni naziv mašine je: Bernina record 930 electronic. Sam prefix "electronic" kazuje da ovaj model bernine posjeduje i određenu elektroničku komplonentu. Radi se o servo pojačivaču za elektro motor, nešto kao kod bagatove ruže samo dosta savremenije. Uz elektronički sklop je vezano i automatsko pozicioniranje igle,još je tu spori i brzi mod rada i nekoliko led dioda kao indikatori pozicije programatora. Mašina je rukavnog tipa kao i obično, uz dodatnu ravnu platformu.

At first glance, it can be seen that this is a powerful machine, this time the lines of the construction are sharp and the upper surface is slightly below the slope. Most of the outer part of the case is made of aluminum alloy and two plastic covers, one on the side on the right and the other behind which covers the part with electronics and the electric motor. The aluminum alloy housing is the perfect choice, it is a solid and durable material. The interior of the machine is, as with most Bernines, of high quality. Let's see a little of this attached photo and give some comments on the positions marked with numbers, letters and arrows. The third picture shows positions 1-10 so let's see what it's for:

Odmah na prvi pogled se vidi da se radi o moćnoj mašini, ovoga puta linije konstrukcije su oštre a gornja ploha je blago pod kosinom. Većina vanjskog dijela kućišta je od legure aluminijuma i dva plastična poklopca, jedan bočno sa desne strane a drugi iza koji prekriva dio sa elektronikom i elektro motor. Kućište od aluminij legure je savršen izbor,to je čvrst i trajan materijal. Unutrašnjost mašine je kao i kod većine bernina kvalitetnom na visokom nivou. Da vidimo malo ove priložene fotografije i da dam po neki komentra na pozicije označene brojevima,slovima i strelicama. Treća slika prikazuje pozicije od 1-10 pa da vidimo čemu šta služi:

1- main machine switch, the switch itself has three switches, down is off, then faster mode and third slow mode. It should be noted that if the machine is set to faster mode, the electronics prevent a sudden start, the current pressure in fast mode on the control pedal will not start the machine, in fast mode the pedal is pressed slightly easier to the eventual "full throttle", in slow mode the pedal can be slightly faster squeeze, however, if you make a mistake and suddenly squeeze the pedal,
it is necessary to let it go and wait a few seconds and start again, otherwise the operation of the machine itself is quite quiet;
2- connection for the starting pedal, the pedal connection is separated from the main connection, there is a special cable that connects to 220 V and is located behind the machine, not visible in the picture;
3- switching on and off the lower conveyor as well as stretch or classic stitch. Bernina 930 also has the ability to make a stretch stitch; (partially stretchy stitch)
4- point length, forward / backward
1- glavni prekidač mašine, sam prekidač ima tri preklopa, prema dole je isključeno, zatim brži mod rada i treće spori mod. Treba naglasiti da ako je mašina postavljena na brži mod elektronika sprečava nagli start, trenutni pritisak u brzom modu na kontrolnu papučicu neće pokrenuti mašinu, na brzom modu se papučica pritišće nešto laganije do eventualnog "punog gasa", kod sporog moda papučica se može nešto brže stisnuti, ipak ukoliko se pogriješi pa se naglo stisne papučica,
potrebno ju je pustiti i sačekati par sekundi i ponoviti pokretanje, inače sam rad mašine je dosta tih ;
2- priključak za startnu papučicu, priključak papučice je odvojen od glavnog priključka, postoji poseban kabal kojim se vrši uključenje u 220 V a nalazi se iza mašine, nije vidljiv na slici; 3- uključenje i isključenje donjeg transportera kao i streč ili klasični štep. Bernina 930 ima i mogućnost za izradu stretch štep-a; (djelinično rastezljivi štep) 4- dužina boda, naprijed/nazad

5- making holes for buttons, it should be emphasized that making holes is extremely simple and that no additional adjustments are required, as soon as the button is placed at the beginning, the necessary parameters such as length and width of stitches are automatically set, very precise and quality solution, a special foot is used to make the holes, which has specific "channels" on the underside;
6- width zigzag and needle positioner;
7- this is a button with which we can significantly thin the stitch, it is probably used in some formal sewing, seamstresses know what I mean;
8- is the upper thread tension regulator, below it is the tension indicator behind the plus-zero-minus marks, where 0 is approximately the middle and adequate tension;
9- schematic representation of the program;
10- cover of the winder for the lower thread, by lifting the cover the needle is automatically switched off
5- izrada rupica za dugmad, ovdje treba naglasiti da je izrada rupica krajnje jednostavna i da nikakva dodatna podešavanja nisu potrebna, čim se dugme postavi na početak automatski se zadaju i potrebni parametri kao što su dužina i širina boda, veoma precizno i kvalitetno rješenje, za izradu rupica se koristi i posebna stopica, koja ima specifične "kanale" sa donje strane; 6- širina cik/cak i pozicioner za iglu; 7- ovo je dugmić kojim možemo značajno prorijediti štep, vjerovatno se koristi kod nekih formalnih prišivanja, krojačice znaju na što mislim; 8- je regulator napetosti gornjeg konca, ispod njega je i indikator napetosti za oznakama plus-nula-minus, gdje je 0 otprilike sredina i adekvatna napetost; 9- šematski prikaz programa; 10- poklopac motalice za donji konac,podizanjem poklopca igla se automatski isključuje

In the next picture we see that schematic and the lever with which we change the programs, the blue arrow shows how it is done, the small red arrows show two LEDs that show what is turned on on the machine, whether it is a stretch or a "normal" point (P).
M- is a lower thread winder with a schematic representation of the drawing and a cutting part. The spool is applied to the pin and lightly pressed down and the winding can begin, the shutdown is also automatic.
Now a little about the maintenance of Bernina 930. When cleaning and lubricating the inside of the sleeve and shuttle hook, it is necessary to remove the needle and foot, by pressing lever "A" we remove the upper surface of the mocker and lever "B" is for dismantling part of the shuttle hook. see lubrication positions.
Na sledećoj slici vidimo taj šematski prikaz i pulugicu kojom mijenjamo programe,plava strelica pokazuje kako se to radi, male crvene strelice pokazuju dvije led diode koje pokazuju šta je uključeno na mašini da li streč ili "obični" bod (P). M- je motalica donjeg konca sa šematskim prikazom provlačenja i dijelom za odsijecanje. Spulnica se nanese na osovinicu i lagano pritisne prema dole i namotavanje može da počne, isključenje je takođe automatsko.
Sad nešto malo o održavanju Bernine 930. Prilikom čišćenja i podmazivanja unutrašnjosti na rukavniku i grajfera potrebno je skinuti iglu i stopicu, pritiskom na polugicu "A" skidamo gornju plohu rugavca a polugica "B" je za demontažu dijela grajfera, već na sledećoj fotki se vide pozicije za podmazivanje.

It is interesting that Bernina has an oscillating shuttle hook, and its start is also interesting and unique, there is a small gear on the very axis of the hook and it leans on it.
one small toothed “slat” that moves it by moving it forward / backward. Starting that "lath" is done using an eccentric from the lower part of the machine, something like a crankshaft on single-cylinder engines, OK enough about that to move to a "simpler" dictionary :).
The top cover is removed with two screws, they are not bent as usual, but they are partially pressed down with a screwdriver and then rotated by 90 degrees. Gear is occasionally applied to the gears and sewing machine oil to other parts. In general, the maintenance of all berns, even the 930s, is simple. This is a great model and can be used by both professionals and amateurs. As for accessories, feet, etc., it depends on the purchase, Bernina as a brand has many types of feet, they are often ordered separately, but a set of 5-10 pieces is quite enough. Bernina uses classic needles for home sewing machines, she can also use a double needle. Lifting the foot is done either by hand or foot as on an industrial machine. The accessory, bernina foot lifter, is very easy to remove and install when raising the foot...

Zanimljivo je da Bernina ima oscilirajući grajfer, uz to njegovo je pokretanje isto tako zanimljivo i jedinstveno, na samoj osovinici grajfera se nalazi mali zupčanik a na njega se naslanja jedna mala zupčasta "letvica" koja ga pokreće svojim pomijeranjem naprijed/nazad. Pokretanje te "letvice" se vrši pomoću excentra iz donjeg dijela mašine, nešto kao radilica na jednocilindričnim motorima, OK o tome dosta da pređem na "jednostavniji" riječnik :)  . Gornji poklopac se skida pomoću dva vijka oni se ne izvijaju kao obično već se izvijačem djelimično pritisnu prema dole i onda zakrenu za 90 stepeni. Na zupčanike se povremeno nanosi mast a na ostale dijelove ulje za šivaće mašine. Uglavnom održavanje svih bernina pa i 930-ke je jednostavno. Ovo je odličan model i mogu ga koristiti i profesionalci i amateri. Što se tiče dodatne opreme, stopica i sl, to ovisi o nabavci, Bernina kao brend ima mnogo vrsta stopica, one se često posebno poručuju ali neki set od 5-10 komada je sasvim dovoljan. Bernina koristi klasične igle za kućne šivaće mašine, može koristiti i dupu iglu. Podizanje stopice se vrši ili rukom ili nogom kao na indistrijskoj mašini. Dodatak (koljenar,eng. foot lifter) za podizanje stopice se po potrebi veoma jednostavno skida i postavlja...


  1. Anonymous17.1.15

    hi there
    i have a bernina 933, very similar with this 930
    also saw you made a plastic table
    can you give me the dimensions, or help me, where did you got it, or did you made it custom?

  2. You should have to ask the question directly to the page, may also English, OK I'll rewrite it.
    Yes, you noticed, I'm the made from Plexiglass thickness 10 mm dimension and unfortunately I have not written :)
    Best regards

  3. Anonymous18.7.15

    Imam mašinu Berninu 930 electronik. Već nepune dvije godine šijem torbe od eko kože....
    Trenutno mi je se javio problem sa donjim štepom. Prilikom šivanja štep nije u redu i mašina dok radi škripi.... Mislim da ste razumjeli pitanje, ako može neki savjet..
    Čitala sam vaše predhodne članke vezane za vrstu igala koji bi se trebale koristiti... Kakve mi vi igle možete preporučiti?

  4. Bernina 930 record je kvalitetna mašina,dobre snage ali baš konstantno šivati torbe od eko kože na njoj je možda malo previše.Škripa koju primjećujete nije dobar znak,? Koliko redovno održavate šivaću mašinu?? U gornjem postu imate uputstvo o podmazivanju,postoji mogućnost da je potrebno zamijeniti pokretač grajfera i sa pripadajućom polugicom,moguće je da je došlo do određenog lufta usled većeg opterećenja što ima uticaja na štep,.Bernina 930 ima oscilirajući grajfer koji je pokretan preko jednog plastičnog zupčanika.
    Što se tiče igala,neće vam to nešto značajno pomoći ali debljina 100-ka bi bila adekvatna,poželjno sa vrhom za šivenje kože. Pozz

  5. Anonymous24.12.16

    Koja je razlika između Bernina 930 record i Bernina 910 matic?

    1. Kod oba modela elektronika je ista,isti su i motori,grajfer isti...Bernina 930 rekord ima veći broj operacija i nešto je malo gabaritom veća.

  6. Anonymous23.4.23

    HI, Please tell me where you are located. I have a Bernina 930 Record and can’t get it to work. I also need a foot pedal. My friend came over to see about it. She used her foot pedal. We turned it on and it started smoking. My mom created magnificent pieces throughout her 94 years. She left this to me. I would like to use it. Please advise. We are in Delray Beach, Florida, but going up North in a few weeks. Sincerely

    1. Hi
      I am in Bosnia, do you know where it is 😅
      It is a good machine, the appearance of smoke is not a good sign,
      the machine must be opened and the electronic board and motor inspected.!
      Using inadequate foot control can be harmful,

  7. Anonymous1.7.23

    I have a Bernina 930 record and need to replace the motor. Typ 910/220v do you know where I can buy one

    1. You can only buy it used, the new motors for the Bernina 930 Record are no longer produced, look for them on specialized websites for sale.
      And how did you determine that your engine is defective?

      Bernina Sewing Machine Motor
